Friday, June 20, 2008

Interesting events around Erepublik

- Tomorrow local elections will take place for the 7th time in Erepublik. An interesting battle will be in Cluj-Napoca between Korobase Piratul and FlorinGrozea (Florin is a famous pop singer in real life in Romania). Good luck to all competitors.

- Changes: When a Citizen becomes a soldier, from now on he will start with 0 (zero) strength. To enter a battle his strength will need to be at least level 1.

- The next version of Erepublik is really starting to take shapes. We will need the help of some users to test it before launching. We will keep you updated with more news and infos about v1, in the next period of time. You will have even some pictures on our blog with our team brainstorming and developing the new Erepublik. Screen-shots and later features will be revealed once the launching date is approaching

- King Waseem had a great idea and interviewed Platonic in one of the longest interviews in Erepublik and here are the links to it: part 1, part 2 and part 3.
Also, Dishmcds the President of USA, wrote an interesting analysis for early June from an eRepublikan point of view.

- In the last week-end we had two interesting community meetings in real life, in Madrid and Bucharest. Read more about the events on our latest blog post

- Today we gave 3 more invites to Citizens who had no invitations left.

Our regards to all of you,
The Erepublik Team

Also see our sponsor!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

eRepublik Analysis for Early June

War and Peace, Volume 3

For any player that is not familiar with me (and we seem to have many new players here over the last few weeks), I have been in Erepublik for roughly 7 months now (mid-December). Anyone can tell you that I enjoy writing, as it’s one the true pure ways to express yourself here. With more than 190 articles in four different countries and two primary newspapers (the original CS&L Newsletter is now the Mongoose Corporate Newsletter, which I believe I wrote all but 3 or 4 for that one), it’s my outlet to express myself.

This article will be no different in length than any other editorial I have written, so make sure you brought your lunch with you.

StereoTypical Players

A few months ago, I wrote an article (before the release of the war module, but I cant seem to find the link) about the 4 different stereotypes of players we have in Erepublik. Over time, we have gathered citizens from many different types of online communities and circles of friends, which has changed our demographic dramatically. Erepublik only really peaks the interest of certain types of people, so many different citizens from many countries sign up and bore from the lack of technical requirement necessary to do our daily chores.

The fact is that Erepublik, being in BETA stage and under development, really only applies to intellectual individuals who take things upon themselves. We are all doers in our own way, whether that be selling high quality mercenary services (Alucard) to creating tables of economic statistics for every country (or at least the top 20) in Erepublik (Kaleb, Reformer’s Chronicle). Both are highly time consuming, since no one can perfect a craft they do not apply themselves to. Both take quite the amount of effort and intelligence, just in different areas.

The good thing about where we stand in Erepublik is that we have gathered a strong base of intellectual individuals from all kinds of backgrounds (from Legal, Platonic, to Economic, to military, etc) and from all over the world. At almost any time of day in any time zone you’ll find something to do somewhere. Now, all we lack is the open channel of bringing in other players that do not want to spend the time necessary to accomplish things such as gaining Presidency, running companies, growing countries, etc. To be honest, one of the most time consuming things I have ever done is to lead a political party, between setting election candidates, communicating issues, and setting party ranks.

Bring in the RAID man

One of the larger complaints we have all had from time to time is the existance of bugs. Even I have become extremely frustrated from time to time at some of them, which have hindered my ability to control things that I must be able to. I have had a good relationship with the admin and dev team for some time, which has helped me to get to know the things they go through as well.

See, we forget sometimes that this is still a new concept, and that there’s roughly 20 people in a small office complex trying to fix problems from all over the world. I am unfamiliar with code, but I do know that it is time consuming to not only fix but find where bugs exist. George, Alexis, and Company have done fairly well up to this point, outside of my obvious criticisms of lack of manpower in their team. That, I have been told, may change in the future as I am sure they’ll hire others to help out once it releases, but for now we must remember that even if all 20 members were community relations (rather than programmers) they’d be looking at dealing with 1000 citizens per person.

Big Picture Thinking

Now, on to the real issue I think we all face each day. We are all inter-dependant which I have said before. Even a company owner relies on his workers to come to work, and his customers to purchase goods. Workers rely on companies to have money to pay salary and be competitive in the marketplace, but other consumers in order to keep their jobs. Both rely on the Government to regulate tax, protect domestic industry, and ensure ready supply in all areas.

Where we run into issues is trying to apply one train of thought to a problem.

For instance, I carry a large and expansive government staff that all have their own departments and responsibilities. I check on the once per week, and we have a cabinet meeting to discuss pertinent issues facing us. Each department has the option to expand to more members should they choose, and I have given the option to pay each department so long as they complete the required work that I have asked for (which is the balance I implemented to keep from paying for nothing). The benefits to this are that more members are involved therefore we get more opinions on each subject, and it cuts the amount of communication each department has to make to that which only applies to that department.

The other side to that spectrum is small government. The benefits are little control over the population (which can also be viewed as a problem for some), and a smaller gap between what people would call the Elite and the “Regular Joe”. Downside to this is that with less control means less insight.

The bigger picture requires a combination of both, and only those applicable to Erepublik. Not only do I, as President, have a responsiblity to protect my own citizens from paying too much for product, but I have a responsibility to those same businesses to ensure that that are given equal opportunity to be profitable. Then I have to turn around and analyze markets overseas and our own to see what supplies we need, and where we have a surplus to export for profit.

Combine that with ensuring that every citizen’s wellness is being cared for (National Gifting Program, which is still more successful than any other in the US), unemployment goes and stays down (down from 20 pages to 15 in the last two days) through the US Unemployment Agency, to ensuring growth of the country at a steady rate. While growth is always good, spikes and sudden influx of new citizens without direction or knowledge simply creates chaos in both our economy, media, and military. Then, most of those quit because they get frustrated.

So the challenges we face as a Nation arent all that easy from a President’s Standpoint, but the poosibilities are still there. Any citizen can do anything they want. Thats the American way, dream, and ambition. To be the best. While we all look forward to changes in various aspects of Erepublik come V1, to me we have just as much of an opportunity to change now. We, as players can implement just as much in the form of ideas and actions. All it takes are citizens willing to take the time do so.

TRC: Attack of the Clones

The recent invasion of South Africa by Indonesia has already broken a number of Erepublik records, most fights, most countries involved, largest battle, but there is another record that has been broken that most people won’t be aware of…


The other day, whilst watching the fight on the third day (where South Africa and her allies were actually on the attack) I noticed a guy called Gustav_Sigurd killing off a load of South African and Allied attackers.

Gustav? That doesn’t sound very Indonesian.

Let’s click on his profile. Oh, he’s Swedish? I thought they were on our side? And it turns out he only moved to Indonesia today after being in South Africa killing off Indonesian attackers. Right, so he’s moving around to get the defender bonus and build up his kill ratio, ‘interesting’ tactic.

And it seems to be working, over 80 kills and only about a dozen deaths. He’s obviously also not afraid of spending his own gold to recuperate, he dies and pops back again later to fight on!

Let’s watch him in action…

Oh that’s lucky - many of the people attacking him, whilst he is defending on his own, are guys who have just been born and don’t even have a weapon. Str 1, wellness 50, and -50 for being unarmed aren’t going to do much damage to a seasoned veteran.

Hmm, ‘lucky’. These are obviously clones and he seems to be killing an awful lot of them! Thinks I’ll send a report to the admins with the urls of a few of these clones so they can investigate, I also tell them my theory that Gustav is the one behind the clones.

I then send Gustav a message asking him if he is enjoying killing of a load of clones (no doubt using the Gold from inviting them, he had lots of ‘money market offers’ posted to transfer the Gold without detection, or so he thought).

I got this reply: “and also yesterday i fight for africa.also today i secured a lot of places.I am trying to get rank.i am always near who is defending.they pay me and i am going near defending team.
if south africa defends i will go to south africa side.
i have nothing to do against fakes.ıf someone puts them against me i have to kill.i am joining the war and figthing with anyone who comes to attack.”

Sure you are…

Anyway - next day I get a reply back from admins - “Thanks you helped us a lot with this.

Thanks to you we have banned 230 multis created for fighting.”

230 multis

Holy Guacamole!

And sure enough, Gustav was one of the ‘original’ citizens behind the cloning:

Bye-bye cloner!!

I don’t know if there were other people behind the clones but they are hopefully also banned.

So the moral of the story - keep an eye out for clones! The tactic seems to be mainly used for getting the defender some cheap kills in order to boost their kill ratio.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Message from the admin: Let’s write the history of Erepublik

“Dear Citizens,

Each one of you has his part in the history of The New World and now after 206 days it is time to keep a record of it in order to help the children of Erepublik understand our past actions and maybe learn from them (or not).

We have managed to write the first lines of the Erepublik history on the official wiki We know that there are many important events that should be added in this page and we invite all Citizens to help us get it right.
Imagine what our history books in school would have looked like if, they had been written by people who actually lived it.

Also another interesting idea is to have the history of each country in Erepublik on its specific wiki page. This would later be linked with the country presentation page, giving everyone a chance to really understand the dynamics of each country and of its major citizens.

Each month, for the top wiki contributors we will have special prizes (T-shirts, stickers and Erepublik Gold). Cristesco will make the announcement on the forum and will give more details about this in the following days. For more details about the wiki please visit this forum topic or the wiki help page.

Other stuff:

- 10 days must pass until you can vote, if you have changed your location and moved to another country.
- We have the first General in Erepublik: Alucard Bloodlust and he has won 210 battles.
- South Africa has moved the battlefields on Indonesian soil and Czech Republic vs Hungary is now the longest active war (14 days).

Thank you for your support,
The Erepublik Team.”

A new country in Erepublik

Today Slovenia became the newest country in Erepublik. We have received many suggestions regarding this subject and we have decided that this is the right moment to add Slovenia

The new country will be divided in six regions (Upper Carniola, Styria and Carinthia, Prekmurje, Inner Carniola, Lower Carniola, Slovenian Littoral ) with the capital city in Ljubljana.

In order to help Slovenia reach a reasonable level of development, no wars will be able to start against it for the next 30 days (until 10th of July). If one of the neighboring countries decides to declare war to Slovenia the proposal will be canceled. Also, the Slovenian first President (which will be elected on the 1st of July) will not be able to propose war to other countries until the 10th of July.

Other countries will be added constantly in Erepublik considering the traffic sources. From all the countries that are not in Erepublik, Slovenia had the most visits.
We welcome all Slovenians and we send them our best regards.

New funding for Erepublik

To keep the rivers of energizers flowing, the Erepublik project received a first round of funding from business angels.
These investors have tremendous Internet experience and will help us deliver to you a great new version of Erepublik this year. Here you can see how Alexis and George express their feelings about it (they really need those energizers :P).

Thank you for your support, and don’t forget to vote for the party elections.
0 Responses to “A new country in Ere

How to: “Guide to Hospitals”

Just so everyone knows how to use them and the tricks some people play.

Hospital Use

In order to use a hospital, you must have fought that day (according to the rules).

1. Enter Battle.
2. If you win the battle, you have the option to leave the battle or stay and fight again, depending on whether or not other soldiers are waiting in queue on the other side. If there is, then it will automatically put you into the next battle.
3. Once you lose there are two ways to use the hospital. You can either A) Leave the battle area and return, which it will give you the option to “recover lost wellness”. Once you click this link, it will take you to the “Buy Wellness” screen, where you can click “Go to Hospital”. The other option is B) Go immediately to your profile, and click the wellness link on the top right. It will automatically take you to the same page. Click “Go to Hospital” (as with other quick links, you might have to click it twice. I know gifts do the same thing. The first click doesnt do anything, the second click works).

This will regain your wellness ten times the quality of the hospital in that city. For Austin, it will restore 40 wellness, bringing you back to 50. You must be at least 31 wellness to fight. It will not let you enter battle below that.

The Games People Play

As we have seen during the Sausage and Czech Wars, you can actually use gifts as weapons. By retaining Q1 gifts in your inventory, if you gift soldiers that havent used the hospital AFTER they fight, they cannot use the hospital. Personally, I feel this is a simple glitch in the hospital system, but it hasnt been fixed in two weeks so we’ll see if they ever do. My recommendations is to copy this link BEFORE you fight, and simply paste it into your URL browser after the fight has completed so they cannot use this tactic.

I hope this clears up any issues that anyone has with our hospital systems. They work just fine so long as you reside in the city that has one (which close to ten regions in the US have at least a Q1 hospital). We have worked VERY hard on attaining these in both my and Nave’s administration, and you would have to work very hard to find another country with as many hospitals as we have available to us. As many have pointed out, the fact that we have 51 regions means we have more ground to cover, but thats why we try to base our Army out of just a couple of cities.

Erepublik meeting in Spain

“Alexis Bonte is organizing a meeting for Spanish Citizens next Friday, 13 June (C / Almagro 28, 6th Floor, Madrid) from 18h30 to 20h00. The event will take place in the Erepublik office and it is limited to 40 people. If you want to attend, please send a private message to Alexis Bonte with your real name so you can be included on the list.
There will be a surprise for the first 20 citizens who show up. Drinks and snacks for all others as well as stickers.

On another matter, today all Citizens without invitations have received three more. So invite your friends in Erepublik and win more gold.


The Erepublik Team”


Laurentiu L and Sarthillaurwen married today, day 202 of the new world, in front of their godfathers, their relatives and their friends.

The ceremony started at the “Register of Marriage” where the couple was officially married. In front of the President of the Register and in front of their nuns, Brainiacgirl and Raul97ro, Laurentiu L and Sarnthilllaurwen sworen true and forever love one to each other and signed that they agree with marriage rules:
-When one of them has wellness under 100%, the other partner must offer him a gift, minimum one per day, if they both have wellness under 100% they will give gifts to each other.
-When one of them don’t have money to buy food, the other partner must give him money for food.
-Both partners must write in the “About me” section, with who and since is married.
-If one condition above is not respected, they can divorce with an article in this newspaper.
All ended with a lot of champaign and a long kiss of the new married couple.

After the official ceremony, they all went to the church of the city, where God blessed their union.

The “Register of Marriage” pronounce them husband and wife, and wish them a long marriage full of love, compassion, understanding, joy and a lot of kids.

If you want to get married too, the only thing you must do is to send a private message to the user named Register Of Marriages. Good luck in finding your soulmate!

Alexis Bonte: We have raised funds for Erepublik

“We will be anouncing this fully tomorrow but if interested you can find early details on my vblog: including a late night video from George and I.

The funds and angels investors experience will greatly help our efforts in develloping and launching V1 as well as give us the means to make your experience of Erepublik better and better.

By the way we are now 18 for the Friday 13 of June get together in Madrid, let me know if you want to join (its from 18h30 to 20h00), full details in my previous article.

Thank you for your support”

Special Report on the Global Economy

Global Economy - Special Report. Data collected May 31st

Ever wondered which economy pays the best wages? Or which countries are actually the most effective at producing and selling goods? Or which countries have invested the most Gold in their economy in the last 30 days? Now you can find out!

In order to give a greater insight into the global Erepublik economy I’ve augmented my usual analysis with some additional information which I hope people will find useful. I hope to do a report like this once a month.

1 Norway 19.90%
2 Hungary 24.72%
3 UK 24.78%
4 Venezuela 26.17%
5 Austria 26.19%
6 Portugal 29.25%
7 Sweden 30.38%
8 Turkey 30.74%
9 Spain 31.08%
10 Indonesia 31.98%
11 Italy 33.04%
12 Brazil 33.43%
13 Romania 36.45%
14 Canada 37.86%
15 France 39.06%
16 Netherlands 41.03%
17 Argentina 41.09%
18 Pakistan 43.61%
19 USA 44.76%
20 Iran 46.36%

This information is viewable in the top countries data but I thought I’d put in here for a top 20 comparison. My unemployment figure is also slightly different to what you get on the Economy pages.

Unemployment Change
1 UK -31.2%
2 Hungary -29.6%
3 Spain -17.4%
4 Sweden -13.8%
5 Canada -11.1%
6 Portugal -10.2%
7 USA -8.8%
8 Indonesia -6.0%
9 Austria -5.9%
10 Brazil -3.3%
11 Norway -0.9%
12 Netherlands 2.2%
13 France 4.5%
14 Turkey 7.9%
15 Iran 8.3%
16 Romania 8.9%
17 Italy 10.8%
18 Venezuela 12.5%
19 Argentina 15.8%
20 Pakistan 51.9%

Something you won’t get anywhere else! Strangely enough, despite having a planned economy, Pakistan has one of the highest unemployment rates now having seen unemployment rise 50% in May. Many companies have a surplus stock to sell and perhaps don’t feel the need to go out and hire more staff, perhaps that could be a reason. On the other hand, the UK has seen Unemployment drop the fastest.

Gold Investments (Gold invested in company formation, Export Licenses and Upgrades)
1 Spain 4820
2 Indonesia 3920
3 Romania 3580
4 Italy 2695
5 Iran 2510
6 Sweden 2465
7 Turkey 2085
8 Austria 1265
9 Hungary 1170
10 USA 1050
11 Norway 1045
12 UK 790
13 Argentina 790
14 France 750
15 Venezuela 605
16 Pakistan 545
17 Canada 515
18 Brazil 425
19 Netherlands 230
20 Portugal 225

Here is certainly something you can’t get anywhere else! This table shows how much Gold has been invested in each Erepublik economy over the past 30 days. Spain has had a whopping 4800 Gold invested in it’s economy in May. That’s gold invested in company formation, export licenses and upgrades. This is very much at the heart of the reason why Spain now sits on top of the GDP standings. This is also mainly a by-product of people inviting other people and using the Gold to create companies. Iran has also had a lot of gold investment which is why their GDP/C and GDP/W looks so high. It’s not mainly down to sales.

GDS - Gross Domestic Sales, the total value of all goods produced and sold by companies from that country
1 Sweden 6618.99
2 Spain 6576.88
3 Italy 3936.47
4 Norway 3115.29
5 Indonesia 3074.38
6 Pakistan 2792.62
7 Romania 2779.03
8 UK 1980.6
9 Austria 1524.8
10 Portugal 1333.75
11 Turkey 1234.17
12 USA 1145.52
13 Hungary 839.28
14 Brazil 837.73
15 Venezuela 818.09
16 France 752.71
17 Iran 736.93
18 Canada 682.68
19 Netherlands 474.06
20 Argentina 318.07

This is basically the GDP figure minus the Gold investments, so we can see what the economy is making through selling it’s produce. This is quite an eye opener and actually shows that Sweden still has the biggest economy in terms of what it makes and sells. Indonesia’s economic strength also doesn’t look as impressive and it comes out at 5th after Norway when calculated this way. Pakistan also comes much higher in the ranking with this system.

1 Pakistan 5.81
2 Norway 4.78
3 Sweden 4.45
4 Spain 4.22
5 UK 3.93
6 Canada 3.92
7 France 3.86
8 Brazil 3.79
9 Italy 3.74
10 Portugal 3.6
11 Netherlands 3.44
12 Austria 3.16
13 Turkey 3.01
14 Venezuela 2.87
15 Romania 2.56
16 Hungary 2.46
17 USA 2.44
18 Indonesia 1.99
19 Iran 1.92
20 Argentina 1.13

Very big differences between the top and the bottom! I wanted to show here which economies produce and sell the most goods at the highest prices per worker in their economy. Pakistan shows it’s planned economy is quite effective in this regard and Iran and Indonesia actually come out at the bottom. Romania and Turkey also look weak here despite Turkey actually having the highest GDP/Worker figure. Another surprise is Canada coming out at number 6th. 2 months on from the USA-Canada war Canada continues to outperform the US in most economic indicators. Perhaps the US has suffered from being a war base in many recent conflicts…?

AER - The average amount of local currency needed to buy one Gold.
1 Iran 9.5
2 Indonesia 18.0
3 Sweden 21.0
4 UK 22.0
5 Turkey 22.5
6 Romania 36.2
7 Norway 36.2
8 Hungary 36.6
9 Italy 37.7
10 Spain 39.7
11 Austria 40.7
12 Brazil 41.7
13 USA 51.0
14 Pakistan 53.4
15 Canada 53.5
16 Netherlands 56.7
17 Venezuela 59.0
18 France 62.5
19 Argentina 76.5
20 Portugal 264.0

Unfortunately there is still no ingame mechanism for calculating this so I have used my own formula. Iran’s currency is worth the most in terms of Gold and Portugal’s is the weakest. By my calculation 1 IRR is worth 27.7 PTE - quite a big differential.

Average Wage in terms of local currency
1 Portugal 26.87
2 Norway 8.16
3 Austria 7.99
4 Pakistan 7.68
5 Spain 7.68
6 Sweden 7.54
7 Venezuela 6.76
8 USA 6.68
9 Turkey 6.51
10 France 6.28
11 Canada 6.25
12 Argentina 6.24
13 Hungary 6.03
14 UK 5.82
15 Indonesia 5.47
16 Italy 5.12
17 Romania 4.92
18 Netherlands 4.32
19 Iran 3.71
20 Brazil 2.91

Here are the average wages in Erepublik’s T20 in terms of local currency. Portugal seems to pay the highest wage here, right?

Average Wage in terms of AER (ie the value of the wage in Gold)
1 Iran 0.39
2 Sweden 0.36
3 Indonesia 0.3
4 Turkey 0.29
5 UK 0.26
6 Norway 0.23
7 Austria 0.2
8 Spain 0.19
9 Hungary 0.16
10 Pakistan 0.14
11 Romania 0.14
12 Italy 0.14
13 USA 0.13
14 Canada 0.12
15 Venezuela 0.11
16 Portugal 0.1
17 France 0.1
18 Argentina 0.08
19 Netherlands 0.08
20 Brazil 0.07

If you calculate the average wage in terms of how much Gold you can get with that wage, this is how the Average Wage T20 look. If you want to earn money to get a hold of Gold then Iran, Sweden and Indonesia are the best places to be.

Average Wage in terms of RER (ie the value of the wage in local goods)
1 Sweden 0.21
2 Norway 0.21
3 Portugal 0.2
4 UK 0.18
5 Brazil 0.18
6 Spain 0.18
7 Netherlands 0.17
8 Pakistan 0.16
9 Venezuela 0.15
10 Turkey 0.14
11 Iran 0.14
12 Italy 0.14
13 Indonesia 0.13
14 Austria 0.13
15 Canada 0.12
16 USA 0.12
17 Romania 0.11
18 France 0.11
19 Hungary 0.1
20 Argentina 0.07

This is the Average Wage in terms of what you can buy in the local economy with your wage. Sweden, Norway and Portugal are the place to be if you want to be able to buy goods at your local market with your wage.

Average Wage in terms of AER and RER average
1 Sweden 0.29
2 Iran 0.26
3 UK 0.22
4 Norway 0.22
5 Indonesia 0.22
6 Turkey 0.21
7 Spain 0.19
8 Austria 0.16
9 Pakistan 0.15
10 Portugal 0.15
11 Italy 0.14
12 Hungary 0.13
13 Venezuela 0.13
14 USA 0.13
15 Brazil 0.12
16 Romania 0.12
17 Netherlands 0.12
18 Canada 0.12
19 France 0.1
20 Argentina 0.07

But which country’s citizens are actually earning the most? The figure above takes an average of the above two rates so it factors into account both what you can buy with your wage and how much Gold you can get with it. According to this stat Sweden, Iran and the UK are the best places to be.

Overall, when you factor in unemployment rates I would have to say, in pure Economic terms, that the best place to start life in Erepublik as a normal working citizen are Norway and then the UK.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

New eRepublik Europe updated map June 07(day 200)

The new Europe Political Map

As you already know, in Europe took place two wars these days. Germany against Poland and Hungary against Czech Republic. The first one was over with the victory of Germany. The second one is not over yet (at least is still active) but Hungary managed to won the Slovakian territories from Czech Republic.
So, in this moment, you can enjoy the new look of the Europe in the day 200 of the New World.

Don’t hesitate to come back to from time to time to get in touch with the latest news and latest erepublik maps.

Friday, June 6, 2008

eRepublik statistics

Population - 538
Companies - 36
Unemployment Rate - 29.70%
Emloyment Coefficient - 50.31

Population - 2235
Companies - 160
Unemployment Rate - 29.74%
Emloyment Coefficient - 46.97

Population - 590
Companies - 51
Unemployment Rate - 29.08%
Emloyment Coefficient - 39.78

Population - 1449
Companies - 109
Unemployment Rate - 34.51%
Emloyment Coefficient - 38.52

Population - 204
Companies - 20
Unemployment Rate - 26.89%
Emloyment Coefficient - 37.93

Population - 1927
Companies - 184
Unemployment Rate - 30.98%
Emloyment Coefficient - 33.80

Population - 2167
Companies - 194
Unemployment Rate - 33.18%
Emloyment Coefficient - 33.66

Population - 736
Companies - 57
Unemployment Rate - 38.64%
Emloyment Coefficient - 33.41

United Kingdom
Population - 650
Companies - 79
Unemployment Rate - 25.45%
Emloyment Coefficient - 32.33

Population - 1589
Companies - 174
Unemployment Rate - 34.35%
Emloyment Coefficient - 26.58

Population - 337
Companies - 45
Unemployment Rate - 29.33%
Emloyment Coefficient - 25.53

Population - 545
Companies - 66
Unemployment Rate - 32.44%
Emloyment Coefficient - 25.45

Population - 501
Companies - 51
Unemployment Rate - 38.66%
Emloyment Coefficient - 25.41

Population - 994
Companies - 80
Unemployment Rate - 49.95%
Emloyment Coefficient - 24.87

Population - 475
Companies - 46
Unemployment Rate - 42.28%
Emloyment Coefficient - 24.36

Population - 455
Companies - 76
Unemployment Rate - 25.32%
Emloyment Coefficient - 23.64

Population - 423
Companies - 30
Unemployment Rate - 61.48%
Emloyment Coefficient - 22.93

Population - 203
Companies - 24
Unemployment Rate - 40.87%
Emloyment Coefficient - 20.69

Population - 759
Companies - 142
Unemployment Rate - 27.52%
Emloyment Coefficient - 19.42

Population - 287
Companies - 40
Unemployment Rate - 39.46%
Emloyment Coefficient - 18.18

Population - 643
Companies - 81
Unemployment Rate - 47.08%
Emloyment Coefficient - 16.80

Population - 203
Companies - 30
Unemployment Rate - 45.54%
Emloyment Coefficient - 14.86

Population - 148
Companies - 26
Unemployment Rate - 38.71%
Emloyment Coefficient - 14.70

Czech Republic
Population - 166
Companies - 20
Unemployment Rate - 57.31%
Emloyment Coefficient - 14.48

Population - 274
Companies - 49
Unemployment Rate - 39.86%
Emloyment Coefficient - 14.02

Population - 232
Companies - 51
Unemployment Rate - 41.25%
Emloyment Coefficient - 11.02

Population - 156
Companies - 26
Unemployment Rate - 56.52%
Emloyment Coefficient - 10.61

Population - 88
Companies - 17
Unemployment Rate - 54.44%
Emloyment Coefficient - 9.51

South Africa
Population - 104
Companies - 28
Unemployment Rate - 57.66%
Emloyment Coefficient - 6.44



South Africa


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Country votes statistics

Argentina 97 (21.13%)
Austria 253 (39.84%)
Brazil 113 (32.38%)
Bulgaria 57 (41.30%)
Canada 70 (26.42%)
Czech Republic 17 (12.23%)
France 87 (28.25%)
Germany 78 (19.95%)
Greece 74 (38.74%)
Hungary 160 (36.45%)
Indonezia 358 (16.49%) 2173/2.71
Iran 178 (25.91%)
Ireland 38 (21.71%)
Italy 446 (29.97%) 1488/2.52
Japan 61 (27.85%)
Mexico 59 (30.41%)
Holland 44 (20.28%)
Norway 195 (25.03%) 781/3.91
Pakistan 190 (24.64%) 772/3.27
Poland 12 (33.33%)
Portugal 139 (27.63%)
ROMANIA 496 (30.69%) 1617/2.36
South Africa 13 (12.50%)
Spain 905 (43.59%) 2166/2.61
Sweden 500 (24.75%) 2018/3.76
Thailand 29 (34.94%)
Turkey 276 (52.27%) 528/3.11
Great Britain 231 (35.65%)
USA 199 (22.31%)
Venezuela 111 (24.50%)

Most of hungarians live in Central Hungary

It seems like Hungarians are the most hated people in eRepublik since the War against the Czechs have started. There are lots of soldiers going to Honolulu or to Czech Republic to fight Hungarians.

This is what erepublik citizens were commenting yesterday.

“I think today is not the best day to fight because we are attackers, but if you want to do it, I think the best is to attack in the last minute of the battle an empty region if there is one and if there is not, then try to conquer Central Hungary, so most of hungarians will end the day as Czechs. LOL.”

Freedom Party

Lots of you savy people will, with one short look at our page, realise that the Freedom Party is actually the Democrat-Republican party. This is not true. I have decided that the Democrat-Republicans, while a noble endeavor, failed. I owe it to the members that stick by me to do better. Sticking with the Democrat-Republican’s is like staying on board your sinking ship - sure, its yours and feel obligated to stay with it, but its going under and taking you with it. With that in mind, let me give you a short timeline of the Freedom Party.

The party was founded with a generous loan from John Jakeson. It was at this point named the Democrat-Republican party, and gained lots of press recognition and grew quickly. Then, we stalled. No more press, and no more members. The party seemed to be inactive. This contributed to the hissy fit that drove me to move to Poland - a move whose reprecussions led to this change. So anyways, control of of the party moved to Brydog, who lost to TheSupernatural in the next elections. We now entered into the dark ages of the party - an age that the party proved unable to recover from. It became the laughingstock of all of eRepublik - its joke press releases weren’t even funny, its newspapers went unread, and membership was at an all time low. When I returned, I tried to regain control, but only ended up alienating the members who had joined because they wanted a joke party - while we have recieved one new member, it just doesn’t make up for the losses. It is for these reasons, among others, that I hearby end the Democrat-Republicans as a public and privite institution.

In its place, I offer a brand new party. This is not a party rising from the ashes - it has absolutly no ties to the old party. This way I don’t have to pay another 40 gold. The old party was made because I wanted to be elected president. This party is made for a very different reason - its no longer about one mans quest to power. Its now about whats right.

So what, exactly, is right? This question is not to be answered by mortal men, so I will not attempt. I can, however tell you what is wrong. Sweeden. Norway. Pakistan. Indonesia. John Jakeson. These things are wrong. They, in a blind quest for power, abolish all notions of what is right in order to move their country up a little list that no one gives a damn about. This is wrong. They deny other players the right to fully enjoy eRepublik, instead telling them to shut up and add to that store. This is wrong. These countrys must be brought to justice. And justice has a name. That name, fellow citizens, can and must be America.

That is what we stand for. We want everyone to fully enjoy all aspects of the game, and America must be the weapon of rightousness. We will only sanction a war in order to restore a country’s soverignity. If there is dissent among these glourious states, a comprimise must be created in order to continue surving as a whole. If such a comprimise is not reached, then we must allow those states to cecede. We shall not force our will upon those who will not be swayed. We will, however, work hard to sway those that are open. The concepts of “freedom” and “liberty” started here, in these United States. It is our duty to make sure these concepts are followed where the need for them is. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the Freedom Party.

A new Erepublik Citizen in eRepublik team: a romanian

Dear Citizens,

As most of the Romanian users who joined our meetings have realized from this photo Geo (aka Belea2008) is our new team member and he is the second person recruited from Erepublik Citizens after Cristesco. He is helping Citizens with their requests on the forum and he will answer most of the messages received from the contact form. Geo will also have special administration preferences on the Erepublik wiki.

With the new version of Erepublik, we will have moderators from other countries, not only for Romania. They will help us answer the messages received from Citizens and special tools will be available for them to solve issues regarding the community. All the moderators will be selected from the Citizens of Erepublik. We will come back with more details about this in the next months and how to apply if you are interested.

Also we are not hiring just in Romania, Alexis Bonte is also looking for someone to help him in the Spanish office in Madrid you can find the job description and how to apply here.

Other interesting things:

- Starting today, offers on the monetary market will have five decimals instead of two.
- New rules for Simulated Organizations can be found here - Chabier from Spain wrote an interesting article about the political and military activities in Erepublik
- Poland is now counter-attacking in the war versus Germany. The Polish with a massive help from the USA managed to secure all its regions.

eAmericans think that June 1st was A Successful Day for eAmerica

“The 194th day in eRepublik may appear to have little meaning when seen in black and white, but upon delving into what has happened today, militarily, politically, socially, AND economically, America is going through a time of flourish.


Many of you soldiers are well aware of the military status in America, and that is one of activity. We are involved in two wars: one in completely dominating Germany in the war on Poland and another with assisting Czech Republic in their war with Hungary. Thus far, Americans have battles their asses off left and right. The facts speak for themselves. Although we have had our hands full against Germany, offering over 400 wins, we have shown that we can stand strong in different realms as well, coming up with more wins than the Czechs as of now.

There has been much doubt that America cannot honor her numerous MPPs, but that is a flagrant lie. Those who declared war on countries allied with America have not been very successful. Germany has gotten lucky with their last-minute battles, and the Czechs are seeing land-lock thus far, proving that even when we have positioned ourselves as neutral, America is a force to be reckoned with.


If you have not checked recently, nearly 200 people voted this general election, and the day isn’t even over! Dishmcds, who I fully believe to be the rightful and most deserving president, is leading with around 60 votes, next to Justinious, who seems to be getting most of his votes from new RI members — an organization that I welcome into America and will touch in the Societal section of this article.

Although only ~%20 of the US population has voted thus far, I think America has taken a step forward by putting Dishmcds into office, and by showing that there are many active citizens out there that do have a voice. I’m glad to see political competition in a day that many thought to be a boring-to-be election.


There has been an influx of new citizens from an online social board, GameFAQs. They are dominating Baton Rogue with their 40+ population, but are they helping the US? Many of you have your doubts, here is my two cents:

Positives: New citizens are ALWAYS welcome. I, for one, have hired many of them into my moving company, and I am happy that we have been mutually endorsed. In the future, RIers will be able to fill government positions, contribute in wars (either defending the US, helping the US, or helping another country), fill local positions, and maybe even start up successful companies.

Negatives: RI, or Random Insanity, is the group they consider themselves under. Unfortunately, they may be showing signs of social solationalism. If RIers can learn to logically work together in America, then we can achieve quality in an area that seems to be dominated by quantity. They have been massing towards Baton Rogue, a region that will never be the same. Working together similar to the ways Pakistan works together (do not confuse that reference as one with a negative denotation), RIers have power, and with this power comes much responsibility. So far, little responsibility has been shown, such as the flooding of the US media. I know, however, this will change, especially when leaders are assigned to govern RIers.


Since the two wars with CR and Poland, America has seen a large augmentation of GDP. Not only this, but it seems that the weapons, moving, housing, and gifts markets are being sold out rapidly, which is a sure sign of growth. After the current wars, hopefully America will be able to recover and, after that, we will be stronger than ever. Alongside the affects of war, RIers will be able to help mass-produce.”


Today, Hungary declared war on Czech Republic.
Awful thing.
Since Germany attacked Poland, there have been rumors –mainly in the Czech media- warning about a possible expansionist movement of Hungary. I didn’t pay much attention to them, as Hungary is part of the Mediterranean Alliance.
But I was wrong. The Hungarian Congress approved war; and now Czech will experience rough times, I say. Why? Because almost every Czech soldier was fighting side-by-side with poles. Poland and Czech Republic; they are both proud nations, and the krauts were having a hard time in the eastern front –as their Pakistani allies.

But now the Czech army is damaged, disorganized and weakened. As far as I know, they did a great job defending Warsaw… They resisted the German bombings, lying in wet trenches. They fought hand-to-hand in the streets –I know because I was there, with many other volunteers, mainly from Spain, Italy, Sweden and Romania. They are hard guys, no doubt. But their supplies are almost depleted, and their hospitals crowded with valiant soldiers.
So I don’t think they can resist this coward attack; they need support. USA has a nice military power, and the Czechs are your allies. So I encourage you: “Take your rifles, American people, and walk calmly to the combat, singing and laughing. And fight for Czech freedom.”

Remember this poem by Martin Niemöller, and think about it:

When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I wasn’t a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.

eAmericans think that June 1st was A Successful Day for eAmerica

“The 194th day in eRepublik may appear to have little meaning when seen in black and white, but upon delving into what has happened today, militarily, politically, socially, AND economically, America is going through a time of flourish.


Many of you soldiers are well aware of the military status in America, and that is one of activity. We are involved in two wars: one in completely dominating Germany in the war on Poland and another with assisting Czech Republic in their war with Hungary. Thus far, Americans have battles their asses off left and right. The facts speak for themselves. Although we have had our hands full against Germany, offering over 400 wins, we have shown that we can stand strong in different realms as well, coming up with more wins than the Czechs as of now.

There has been much doubt that America cannot honor her numerous MPPs, but that is a flagrant lie. Those who declared war on countries allied with America have not been very successful. Germany has gotten lucky with their last-minute battles, and the Czechs are seeing land-lock thus far, proving that even when we have positioned ourselves as neutral, America is a force to be reckoned with.


If you have not checked recently, nearly 200 people voted this general election, and the day isn’t even over! Dishmcds, who I fully believe to be the rightful and most deserving president, is leading with around 60 votes, next to Justinious, who seems to be getting most of his votes from new RI members — an organization that I welcome into America and will touch in the Societal section of this article.

Although only ~%20 of the US population has voted thus far, I think America has taken a step forward by putting Dishmcds into office, and by showing that there are many active citizens out there that do have a voice. I’m glad to see political competition in a day that many thought to be a boring-to-be election.


There has been an influx of new citizens from an online social board, GameFAQs. They are dominating Baton Rogue with their 40+ population, but are they helping the US? Many of you have your doubts, here is my two cents:

Positives: New citizens are ALWAYS welcome. I, for one, have hired many of them into my moving company, and I am happy that we have been mutually endorsed. In the future, RIers will be able to fill government positions, contribute in wars (either defending the US, helping the US, or helping another country), fill local positions, and maybe even start up successful companies.

Negatives: RI, or Random Insanity, is the group they consider themselves under. Unfortunately, they may be showing signs of social solationalism. If RIers can learn to logically work together in America, then we can achieve quality in an area that seems to be dominated by quantity. They have been massing towards Baton Rogue, a region that will never be the same. Working together similar to the ways Pakistan works together (do not confuse that reference as one with a negative denotation), RIers have power, and with this power comes much responsibility. So far, little responsibility has been shown, such as the flooding of the US media. I know, however, this will change, especially when leaders are assigned to govern RIers.


Since the two wars with CR and Poland, America has seen a large augmentation of GDP. Not only this, but it seems that the weapons, moving, housing, and gifts markets are being sold out rapidly, which is a sure sign of growth. After the current wars, hopefully America will be able to recover and, after that, we will be stronger than ever. Alongside the affects of war, RIers will be able to help mass-produce.”

Official Happenings and Positions within the US Government

So, in light of recent events, and the tons of articles that have been put out regarding war and what the US is officially doing, here’s a bried (well for me anyway) run down as to those things.


First, I would like to say thank you to all the people that have voted for me, and urge everyone to do the same. As I have pointed out here, there’s ten perfectly good reasons that I am better suited for the position.

War Updates - Poland v Germany

I would like to reiterate that the US Government is not endorsing Americans to fight for Poland. If you choose to do so, then you join the hundreds of freedom fighters that are doing so from our sandy beaches in Honolulu. You will not be reprimanded nor judged, but I would like to say that you are depleting your own wellness, and unless you are above 3 strength I would not suggest you fight anyway, as the attackers are all almost 4-6 strength, and will have high quality weapons, etc. If you have any questions about the MPP with Poland and what happened to it, you can see the post I made here. It should answer those questions for you. Whether you agree with them or not, that’s the stance of the US Government. Please quit posting otherwise.

War Notification - Czech Republic v Hungary

Let me make this very clear. When the war vs Poland broke out, we tried contacting every country we had an MPP with to see how valid it was to our own National Interests. We contacted the Czech Republic, and didnt receive a response. From the impression we got from several people was that their President had been inactive for several weeks.

Our official involvement in this war is going to remain neutral. It is not due to their inactive President or their country in general. Due to our general population, including some of our army fighting in the German conflict we cannot afford at this point to officially get involved. The more we get involved, the lower our productivity will be, and the more it will hurt our own economy. This decision comes after consulting with several of our allies and our current government officials, myself included. If you choose to fight, you are free to do so, but the United States will not order anyone to do so.

Governmental Positions

With today being election day, and most of our government spots un-announced, I have appointed several people to head departments which needed to have people in them. Should I get elected these people will remain in those positions, and will carry out their duties. We have been unemployed as a government for over three weeks now, and can no longer afford to be empty at vital spots when discussing matters of both National welfare on the domestic front, as well as our National Security Branch. There are still several positions that have not been chosen, and I will not do so unless I win the elections today.

Vice President - Unfilled. I have not found a suitable candidate for this as of yet.

Chief of Staff - Daphne Lilac

Daphne will oversee all branches of the government and report to me as the Vice President in areas that need change, amendment, and improvement.

National Security Council - Esoom

Esooom has been a member of our NSC for well over three months, and knows the current set up but also sees inadequecies that he can fix. He will outline his own plans for the NSC should he be permanently appointed, but for now he will handle any matters, including the oversight of the DoD Medic until final appointment.

United Healthcare Service - Pearlswine

Pearl currently oversees the National Gifting Program, and is perfect for this. Oversight will include hospital placement (outlined later) and coordination on the gift program on the National Level.

Hospital Services Director - Uncle Sam

Uncle Sam will communicate between our hospital manufacturing company and each Mayor of the regions that are chosen to receive the three Q4 hospitals we plan on placing throughout the US based on strategic coordination and population.

-Healthcare Plan

Our healthcare plan on the hospital end will run through FAQs Corporation. It will be upgraded to Q4 with the help of our “Project Two Birds” which was started by Korbin, and subsidized to keep costs in control (only partly subsidized). Once those three hospitals are placed, we will then look to export Q4 hospitals that will be high in demand.

Domestic Economic Advisor - Archibald

Archibald is knowledgable to our economic systems, and will help me run our domestic economy. He will work closely with Justinious (outlined later) to coordinate between our foreign trade and domestic capabilities.

Office of Foreign Trade - Justinious

Justin will analyze markets that are good exports and also that could supplement the markets we need improvement in (such as weapons) and recommend trade deals with the US. He will be the contact point for foreign leaders to talk to in terms of economics, and will then relay the information to myself and Archibald so we can do our own analysis on the different areas. This will also include exchanging our foreign currency at good rates throughout the world either for gold or USD.

As I have stated, these are not permanent but given the world situation right now and the microscope on the US, it’s nice for people to know that we still have strong leadership behind us.


Vice President of the United States
Presidential Hopeful, June 08

The 5th Decimal

Finally! We are going to have more decimals in the monetary exchange. I’m very pleased with this not least because I’ve been petitioning for it for a couple of months now!

This helps with fixing a particular exploit but what we really need is to be able to do make offers of currency to Gold in more decimals! Even a third decimal would make a big difference.

This is going to be really good for the economy of the game and further improve the accuracy of the game as an economical simulation.

A couple of predictions I would like to make if this happens:

1) The gap between the buy and sell rates of most currencies will narrow significantly. In some countries this gap is quite large and citizens are often able to make money buy capitalising on this differntial. This will now be harder to do.

2) Expect several currencies to devalue further. PTE and ESP are two currencies that are likely to start dropping significantly. This will have the knock on effect of creating further inflation in those currencies.

US War Effects: Today’s Analysis

Today we will have several updates on the war and how it has effected our economy in small examples. This is not a thorough exam, but just brief for each industry.


Yesterday and today we are starting to see our food market reduced due to the amount of people enjoying our healthcare systems in Honolulu. Apparently, they are buying our fine food as well. Food Training, in particular, has sold close to 450 units of food since the start of the war. We still need to look at exporting for those companies with huge amount of surplus, but things are certainly going in the right direction.


With the war, comes the need for gifts. Our gift market is booming at the moment, although supply will eventually get low. Overpricing is also an issue here, as supply and demand are going to get out of balance and we cannot afford to gouge. It will only hurt our markets considerably.


We can finally say we have a stable market in the US. While they are not selling like hotcakes, so to speak, the supply is finally starting to reach the market and be available when someone wants to buy a home. With enough care, we can get someone in this industry to Q4 at some point and not worry about worker shortage anymore.

Moving Tickets

Here’s our problem child. Our supply in this area is deperately lacking, and the demand has raised prices considerably. Q2 tickets cost on average 80 USD now (as opposed to 40 a month ago) and Q1 is now up to 56. We need to put a stop to the price raising if anyone is going to be able to afford them.


Our domestic weapons market has been lacking for some time, so most of the weapons on the market are going to be imports. We have Guns N Stuff, which doesnt produce enough to be a constant supplier, and a few smaller companies but overall we are hurting in both quality and quantity.


Well, we’ve beat this dead horse enough during the campaign I’ll just leave it alone for the time being.

Update on the War

Germany took control of two more Polish regions yesterday, and look for another successful day with 3 more open battlefields. As soldiers from around the world poured into Honolulu to defend Poland (never thought I would actually have to put those two places in the same sentence), Poland and their allies are starting to break under the constant pressure and coordination of the German attack. Neither country can afford a prolonged war with it’s expense and supply necessities, and both will be crippled for a long while to rebuild. If Germany can keep it’s march going over the next two days, then Poland is in deep trouble. It might not be today, but if Poland can successfully stave off the German advance in two or three regions combined and turn the battle back to German controlled regions they may be able to force a cease fire. We’ll all have to wait and see.


Tomorrow’s the big day. I would like to remind America that they need to get out and vote tomorrow.Whether you plan on voting for me or not, simply not voting because you dont think it matters is the problem we have in many places. We cannot afford to have elections with 25-30 percent of our population voting,

Also, party leaders, please……..

Do not forget to set your positioning for Congress. I have assigned a task to a citizen to get emails to notify on new votes and issues for Congress, and all members from your party that you elect to be Congressman or women need to be able to do their jobs.


Vice President
RfC Party President

eRepublik military ranks

* Private: from 0 to 2 fights won
* Corporal: from 3 to 9 fights won
* Sergeant: from 10 to 19 fights won
* Lieutenant: from 20 to 49 fights won
* Captain: from 50 to 99 fights won
* Colonel: from 100 to 199 fights won
* General: from 200 to 499 fights won
* Field Marshal: over 500 fights won

Every new rank gives you bonus to attack/defense.

Interview with Alucard Bloodlust in it’s entirety

I’m about to start writing the full article that accompanies the interview. Here’s the full interview for you to browse through if you have the time. It took place over the course of two days, yesterday and today, and it was really good. This is gonna be a good one. I apologize for the odd spacing and messages like [Private eating room #1]: Dishmcds has left at 2:35 pm, but really, do you expect me to spend an hour going through it and editing it to look nice? This is raw data, I’m writing a proper article about it

Day one, 189:
[Emerick] 11:31 am: How much time do you have?
[Alucard] 11:32 am: Approximatelly 20 minutes
[Emerick] 11:32 am: Actually the red was better for me lol
[Alucard] 11:32 am: Very well
[Emerick] 11:32 am: Do you think another time would be better?
[Emerick] 11:32 am: (different backgrounds and all)
[Alucard] 11:33 am: Possibly. But if you have a few questions, I can answer some of them now.
[Emerick] 11:33 am: You don’t know when would be best?
[Emerick] 11:33 am: If not, yeah I’ll ask some now
[Emerick] 11:34 am: Also you’re respenses are slow……
[Alucard] 11:34 am: I should be free tomorrow, though what time is yet unknown.
[Emerick] 11:34 am: *response
[Alucard] 11:34 am: That would be a slow device. You see, I am only on the cutting edge of obsolete technology.
[Emerick] 11:34 am: When will you know? I don’t know when I’ll be able to get on, and I don’t want to try to check all through the day
[Emerick] 11:34 am: I figured
[Alucard] 11:36 am: I have additional duties to attend to, but most likely around 2:00 PM
[Emerick] 11:36 am: What time zone?
[Emerick] 11:36 am: I’m in central
[Alucard] 11:36 am: The time zone displayed here is accurate.
[Emerick] 11:37 am: What time zone are you in?
[Alucard] 11:37 am: Eastern.
[Emerick] 11:37 am: Ok, so 2:00 eastern tomorrow?
[Alucard] 11:38 am: sounds good. I shall try my best to finish my business by then
[Alucard] 11:38 am: in the meantime, I can answer one or two questions.
[Emerick] 11:38 am: Ok
[Emerick] 11:38 am: I’d rather it be one flowing conversation
[Emerick] 11:39 am: The one I had with Kaleb and Jordy was good
[Emerick] 11:39 am: But I guess I could ask some and we’d finish up tomorrow
[Alucard] 11:39 am: *nods* very well
[Alucard] 11:39 am: You may proceed
[Emerick] 11:40 am: Are you a paid mercinary or just a freelance fighter?
[Alucard] 11:41 am: I have been both in my eLifetime, but I have become a full time Mercenary since the U.S.-Canada war.
[Emerick] 11:41 am: What led to you becoming a merc?
[Private eating room #1]: Cowslayeggs has entered at 11:41 am
[Cowslayeggs] 11:42 am: Allo
[Emerick] 11:42 am: -_-
[Emerick] 11:42 am: We’re doing interviewing
[Cowslayeggs] 11:42 am: I’m sorry
[Cowslayeggs] 11:42 am: I’ll just leave, then
[Emerick] 11:43 am: Unless you have something to say to him…..
[Cowslayeggs] 11:43 am: about what?
[Emerick] 11:43 am: Just him in general
[Emerick] 11:43 am: He’s like the most badass guy in the eWorld
[Cowslayeggs] 11:44 am: but what about me? *cries*
[Emerick] 11:44 am: Ok lol
[Cowslayeggs] 11:44 am: naw, sorry for interupting, I’ll head back to the lounge
[Private eating room #1]: Cowslayeggs has left at 11:44 am
[Alucard] 11:44 am: Boredom mainly. eRepublik is a game of few options and fewer buttons. The life of a Mercenary allows you to work outside the system, and acquire wealth, and prestige in an unorthodox way. The war system allows you to test your might against your peers.
[Alucard] 11:45 am: I do not take much interest in Politics or business, so warfare was the most viable option.
[Emerick] 11:45 am: I feel the same way. That’s why I don’t want to become too wrapped up in being a mayor or congressman
[Emerick] 11:45 am: Moving around this past month has been really great
[Emerick] 11:46 am: What’s been your favorite war?
[Alucard] 11:46 am: Indeed, world travel broadens ones mind, and ones friends-list.
[Emerick] 11:46 am: lol so true
[Alucard] 11:47 am: Though it can make a dent in ones chequebook
[Private eating room #1]: Cowslayeggs has left at 11:48 am
[Alucard] 11:48 am: If one is bogged dowin in politics, ones vision begins to narrow. Potential allies become bitter rivals, and you find yourself tied down more and more to your party, your public, and your ideology. I do not need that.
[Emerick] 11:49 am: It also creates a bias, which is the main reason that I’ve tried to stay out of politics and business, me trying to be a journalist and all
[Alucard] 11:50 am: Mercenary work also provides a solid goal. Once you reach the Presidency, is there anything else left? In politics, the presidency is the pinacle of advancement, leaving nothing to look forward to. Why else do you think former Presidents often become professional soldiers?
[Emerick] 11:51 am: Well, I’d hope that a former president would continue working in politics, just at more of a grassroots level
[Emerick] 11:51 am: In a perfect world….
[Alucard] 11:51 am: With the military system, you have the next fight, upgrade, the next skill level to look forward to, and each advancement makes you stronger. Even once the pinacle is reached in rank, you can seek out other mercenaries at your level, and test your mettle against them.
[Alucard] 11:51 am: Oh god no. That would put them in contact with us. :P
[Emerick] 11:52 am: lol
[Alucard] 11:52 am: Hm. My emoticon needs fangs.
[Emerick] 11:52 am: So, what’s been your favorite war?
[Alucard] 11:53 am: in all seriousness, I have met several of eRepublik’s Presidents, both on and off the battlefield, and find that they can be most reasonable. And tastey. mmm. President’s Choice.
[Alucard] 11:53 am: My favorite war?
[Alucard] 11:53 am: Most likely my first one, U.S. Canada War.
[Emerick] 11:53 am: I beat up the Canadian president in the US-Canadian war in my first fight
[Emerick] 11:54 am: I forget his name….
[Alucard] 11:54 am: And your president made quite a tasty morsel as well.
[Alucard] 11:55 am: Oddly, because of that war I feel a strange connection to Nave
[Emerick] 11:55 am: You messaged me and a few other people in the battle for Manitoba(including Nave), mocking us. Do you do that with all of your opponants?
[Emerick] 11:55 am: *opponents
[Emerick] 11:55 am: I actually moved away from Nave a little during that war….
[Emerick] 11:56 am: He’s still a cool guy though, but don’t tell him I said that
[Alucard] 11:56 am: Not always. I did originally during that war, but now I reserve my candid remarks for those who I deem worthy adversaries. With enough coaxing they may rejoin the fight.
[Emerick] 11:57 am: That was pretty cool
[Emerick] 11:58 am: We were all here, a few of us were in the que, and then Nave said that he got a weird message from you, and then I got one, and then everyone was talking about it
[Emerick] 11:58 am: I lol’d
[Alucard] 11:58 am: In regards to Nave, my connection stems from the fact that he seems the only truly worthy adversary, the only ranking equal. I yearn to drain him once more and prove myself the superior. Just thinking of licking the gore from his ivory skull is enough to make me salivate!
[Alucard] 11:59 am: Additionally, mocking comes with the job when I am hired. I am paid to fight for the counry or individual in question, and thus my skills must employ more than just conventional warfare. I must move into the field of Psychological and Economic warfare as well.
[Emerick] 12:00 pm: You’ve won over 100 battles, possibly you’re the only person to surpass Nave. Do you use Gold to buy wellness packs?
[Alucard] 12:00 pm: When the world hires me, they do not hire a soldier, they hire a warrior.
[Emerick] 12:01 pm: You clearly take the job seriously, that’s nice to see
[Emerick] 12:03 pm: …..hello?
[Alucard] 12:03 pm: I use a combonation. I have several high-placed friends within eRepublik who first invited me here. They exist in several countries, and we have formed an informal gifting clan. Usually I seek out hospitals if they exist to keep my costs down. But several business leaders and wealthy individuals have sponsored me as well, particularly in the early stages. Now that I have established myself, however; I can match my price with that of my costs.
[Alucard] 12:03 pm: of course the occasional purchase of gold occasionally helps.
[Emerick] 12:04 pm: Well, Gold is really the only way to fight after losing twice.
[Private eating room #1]: Dnouser has left at 12:04 pm
[Alucard] 12:05 pm: Naturally. As such I demand all payments in gold. After all, currency is of little value when the state no longer exists.
[Alucard] 12:05 pm: I still have 55 of Switzerland’s currency which I need to unload.
[Emerick] 12:06 pm: That’s a pain, but it can’t be that much
[Emerick] 12:06 pm: Why were you in Washington today?
[Alucard] 12:06 pm: Where do you think your Q4 Weapons went?
[Emerick] 12:07 pm: Oh, screw you
[Alucard] 12:07 pm: Like I said, when you hire me, you get Conventional, Psychological, and Economic warfare! BA HA HA HA HA HA HA!
[Emerick] 12:07 pm: Alright, but I’m in Pakistan right now, so it doesn’t effect me personally
[Emerick] 12:08 pm: So I’m good
[Alucard] 12:08 pm: Hm, I have not tasted the Pakistani’s since U.S.-Canada…
[Emerick] 12:08 pm: Where are you from originally? Where did you start?
[Emerick] 12:09 pm: I’m gonna fight them for the first time in this war
[Alucard] 12:09 pm: Don’t expect much from their expeditionary forces. They make poor meals. It is the Defensive forces which generally put up a fight.
[Emerick] 12:10 pm: Well I only have one medal, so I need all the easy fightes I can get
[Alucard] 12:11 pm: Pakistani expeditionary forces bring the intention to fight, but do not posess the will to do all that is neccessary to win.
[Alucard] 12:11 pm: Unless they are protecting their home turf.
[Alucard] 12:12 pm: That is one of the reasons I prefer to ally with Defenders, for you do not see great heroism unless it is countered by great hardship.
[Emerick] 12:12 pm: Why are you going with Germany? Are they actually paying you?
[Private eating room #1]: Daphne has left at 12:13 pm
[Alucard] 12:13 pm: The German Government is not, yet. I have been endorsed by several private individuals. Additionally, with a dead president, there was no one for me to contact in Poland.
[Private eating room #1]: Dishmcds has left at 12:14 pm
[Emerick] 12:14 pm: Are they your friends? I don’t see why they would think they need much help, especially with the Paki forces joing them
[Alucard] 12:15 pm: Additionally, I feel a connection with Sulla. He is a man who faced the greatest threat in his country, and yet instead of backing down for his Swedish oppressors, he embraced his defeat and used it as motivation to rebuild his nation.
[Alucard] 12:15 pm: Not all of them. Most are just concerned individuals
[Alucard] 12:15 pm: But alas my time is up.
[Emerick] 12:15 pm: Alright, tomorrow at 2?
[Alucard] 12:15 pm: And I bid you Adieu!
[Alucard] 12:15 pm: 2 PM, if possible
[Emerick] 12:16 pm: ok, I’ll be here
[Private eating room #1]: Alucard has left at 12:16 pm
[Emerick] 12:16 pm: See ya then

And day 2, 190:
[Private eating room #1]: Emerick has entered at 2:35 pm
[Emerick] 2:35 pm: Hey
[Emerick] 2:35 pm: You decided not to fraternize with the eAmericans?
[Alucard] 2:35 pm: Good day
[Alucard] 2:36 pm: I prefer not to play with my food.
[Alucard] 2:36 pm: it’s just bad manners
[Emerick] 2:36 pm: Well that’s no fun
[Alucard] 2:37 pm: Actually, I had work to catch up on, and I used the opportunity.
[Emerick] 2:37 pm: What kind of work?
[Alucard] 2:38 pm: The culling of a species from my den, and dessecrating its corpse.
[Alucard] 2:38 pm: lawn mowin’
[Emerick] 2:38 pm: Ah
[Emerick] 2:38 pm: Is it safe for you to be out at this time of the day?
[Alucard] 2:39 pm: The trick is to wear lots of sunscreen and say you’re Albino-Cambodian.
[Emerick] 2:39 pm: Good call
[Alucard] 2:39 pm: Fun to scare the kids though.
[Emerick] 2:40 pm: I don’t know if you answered this last time: Where are you originally from?
[Alucard] 2:40 pm: I did, and it was London, England.
[Alucard] 2:41 pm: At least in eRepublik. I prefer to keep my RL location as confidential as possible.
[Emerick] 2:41 pm: Right, I understand that
[Emerick] 2:41 pm: I don’t think you did
[Emerick] 2:41 pm: I remember asking that twice and you didn’t answer it
[Alucard] 2:42 pm: It was your first question. It led me to speak of starting in London, and then led us to speaking of
world traveling.
[Emerick] 2:43 pm: This was my first question: [Emerick] 11:40 am: Are you a paid mercinary or just a freelance
[Emerick] 2:43 pm: I’m going through the conversation, I can’t find it
[Alucard] 2:43 pm: Hm. I may have been thinking of your PM then.
[Emerick] 2:44 pm: But I could just copy my eRepublik pm
[Emerick] 2:44 pm: You answered that pretty nicely
[Alucard] 2:44 pm: thank you
[Emerick] 2:44 pm: Alright, well next question
[Alucard] 2:45 pm: You may proceed
[Emerick] 2:47 pm: You hold your opponents in a special place in your heart, so I’ve observed. Some you simply
feast on, and a select few you admire for their battel prowess. Is there a certain nationality(as a whole) that you hold
especially high? And one you see as a particularly tastely meal?
[Alucard] 2:47 pm: Yes, actually.
[Emerick] 2:50 pm: … you want to expand on that?
[Alucard] 2:51 pm: I have a great respect for both the Germans and the Canadians. The Canadians have thus far
been the only nation I have observed to have completely turned back a hostile invasion. While in Canada, they
displayed a tenacity and such courage that I have yet to see again. I do not care what any programer, veteran or
skeptic says; there are only two things that matters in the battle equation: the weapon in your hand and the fire in
your heart. In Korea I saw one man, with only 1.2 strength and
[Emerick] 2:51 pm: God, why do you always do that lol
[Alucard] 2:52 pm: 60 wellness turn back six mercenaries and japanese soldiers, all of whome with a skill level of
4.5+ and only went down to defeat after I struck him down.
[Alucard] 2:54 pm: The Canadians have that fire in their hearts when their land and lives are threatened. These people
found themselves conquered through illicit means, and yet continued the war by unconventional means after they
were captured. That takes skill, intelligence and an admirable amount of determination.
[Alucard] 2:55 pm: As for the Germans, these are a people who nearly lost everything, and yet here they are,
replacing that which they lost. These are a people who were dealt a shitty hand, and instead of folding, they slapped
the dealer and played on. You have to admire that.
[Alucard] 2:58 pm: As for my meals, I always leap at the opportunity to engage the Swedes. These are a people who
offer a real challenge. They are the Ultra-Rare Filet Mignon of soldiers.
[Alucard] 12:58 pm: The norse on the other hand seem to be the opposite

[Alucard] 1:03 pm: As I was saying, Sweden’s neighbours the Norse were the opposite. I battled them in Russia alongside a Mercenary named Fallen Angel, one of Patton’s boys I think. You might as well view the battle while listening to Benny Hill music. Naturally we lost some wellness, but these Norse just didn’t have the will, or the weapons to contend with us. It is there that I gained some 30-40 kills.
[Alucard] 1:05 pm: Personally, I had to return to Germany and Korea a couple of times to fight the swedes and Japanese because I was getting bored by the Norse.
[Emerick] 1:05 pm: Is it true that you form a special camaraderie with people you may have never met before if you fight alongside them?
[Alucard] 1:09 pm: Ah, this is true. Several people spring immediatelly to mind: Bomb Creator, Near, Vincent Valentine, Fallen Angel, Joe Aitken, Billy-Bob Joe, Banach and yourself. But with mercenary work taking you all across the world, it can be difficult to keep in touch.
[Alucard] 1:09 pm: I was very saddened to see Bomb Creator fall to the dark side of Mercenary work.
[Emerick] 1:10 pm: The dark side?
[Alucard] 1:13 pm: Yes. Bomb Creator was banned for flagrant multi-accounting. In retrospect it was quite obvious, for brand new accounts popped up in Korea and Japan during the war, fought once, and died. Meanwhile, you could track the gold created by these accounts flowing into Bomb-Creators funds. Gold fuels us mercenaries, but BC did not know where to draw the line. When we run out of gold, we seek payment. If our payment is not met, we stop fighting, and our employer thus suffers until they give us the gold.
[Alucard] 1:14 pm: But BC got too involved in the war, and instead tried to create his own gold in an act of desperation. I had served with him and against him in Korea, Japan, Germany and Switzerland, so we had formed somewhat of a bond.
[Alucard] 1:14 pm: I was saddened to see him fall so.
[Emerick] 1:15 pm: That was….really stupid
[Emerick] 1:16 pm: Although I can see how he could get that desperate
[Alucard] 1:16 pm: It is hard to fight against anger, for man will buy revenge with his soul.
[Alucard] 1:17 pm: B.C. may have made the war personal.
[Emerick] 1:17 pm: I’ve been thinking about what you said yesterday
[Emerick] 1:18 pm: And this is the best I can come up with: ‘ v-v ‘
[Emerick] 1:18 pm: …it sucks, but I did all I can do
[Alucard] 1:18 pm: Hm. I was trying to figure out a sideways “W” but ah well.
[Alucard] 1:19 pm: ‘vjv’
[Emerick] 1:19 pm: I don’t like sideways emotioans
[Emerick] 1:19 pm: They always make me want to tilt my head….
[Alucard] 1:20 pm: I suppose I’ve grown used to them.
[Alucard] 1:20 pm: The anger quote comes from Heraclites, 500 BC.
[Emerick] 1:21 pm: Nice one
[Alucard] 1:22 pm: thank you
[Emerick] 1:24 pm: When I write the article, I like to put music videos at the end, so people have something to listen to while they read and whatnot, and sometimes the song is paired with the story
[Emerick] 1:24 pm: Do you have a video you want me to put in there?
[Alucard] 1:24 pm: Ha ha, one moment
[Alucard] 1:25 pm: there are two possible songs to add, I merely have to find the videos for them.
[Emerick] 1:26 pm: Alright
[Private eating room #1]: Dishmcds has left at 1:26 pm
[Emerick] 1:26 pm: Which ones?
[Alucard] 1:27 pm: oh. perfect
[Alucard] 1:27 pm:
[Alucard] 1:27 pm: incredibly fitting
[Emerick] 1:29 pm: Do you know that the Germans are attacking at 0:00 eRep time?
[Alucard] 1:29 pm: I am not surprised. It is the most efficient way of winning a region.
[Emerick] 1:30 pm: That true
[Emerick] 1:30 pm: Just passing on the message
[Emerick] 1:30 pm: *that’s
[Emerick] 1:30 pm: Awe, Breaking Benjamin?
[Emerick] 1:30 pm: How genaric can you be lol
[Alucard] 1:31 pm: The lyrics are fitting
[Emerick] 1:31 pm: Alright, I’ll use it
[Alucard] 1:31 pm: But I will seek out others
[Emerick] 1:32 pm: No, I don’t have anything against BB, I just don’t listen to it personally
[Alucard] 1:33 pm: Very well
[Alucard] 1:33 pm: It is the only song of theirs I enjoy
[Alucard] 1:34 pm: Anything else?
[Emerick] 1:34 pm: I’m going over the interview and seeing if I get any ideas
[Emerick] 1:35 pm: Do you want to talk about how much you get paid?
[Alucard] 1:37 pm: As a rule I keep the details of my payments descrete, as many of my customers perfer to remain annonymous. I will say that my payments have ranged between 5 and the low hundreds of gold.
[Emerick] 1:38 pm: Low hundreds?
[Emerick] 1:38 pm: As in 1 or 2 hundred Gold?
[Alucard] 1:38 pm: Maybe more, maybe less.
[Emerick] 1:40 pm: Where do you see the next big war?
[Emerick] 1:40 pm: And where would you stand in that war?
[Alucard] 1:40 pm: As an independant mercenary, it is important to find individuals and nations who share the same goals, and extract payments from each to ensure that 1. no one person or state is bankrupted by my fees; and 2. to maximize my own intake.
[Alucard] 1:40 pm: That is hard to say, as you would have to define “Big.”
[Alucard] 1:41 pm: Big as in the clash of superpowers, equal territories, or full blown world war.
[Alucard] 1:42 pm: *?
[Private eating room #1]: ThisGenMedia has left at 1:42 pm
[Emerick] 1:42 pm: Equal territories
[Emerick] 1:42 pm: And then world war
[Alucard] 1:47 pm: Hm. In regards to a world war, I would expect one between Norway and Pakistan first.
[Alucard] 1:47 pm: The problem is, the defensive bonus has created an atmosphere of fear surrounding such a war.
[Alucard] 1:49 pm: Both sides are confident that they would win, and confident that their allies would come to their aid. But the 150% bonus for defenders could easily become the deciding factor. Both the NA and Asians wish to destroy each other, but no one wants to be the one who starts it, because no one wants to lose the defender bonus.
[Alucard] 1:49 pm: As for equal war… that one is more difficult to predict.
[Emerick] 1:49 pm: Which side would you expect to contact you?
[Alucard] 1:50 pm: Both sides. BA HA HA HA HA HA!
[Emerick] 1:50 pm: lol of course
[Emerick] 1:51 pm: Which would you take?
[Alucard] 1:52 pm: I suspect the highest bidder, who may not neccessarily be either one.
[Emerick] 1:52 pm: Ah, that’s good to know
[Emerick] 1:52 pm: We don’t want mercs who favor certain countries
[Alucard] 1:53 pm: Yes, a Mercenary should be as mobile and flexible as possible.
[Alucard] 1:53 pm: Which is why I have so little respect for certain mercenary groups.
[Emerick] 1:54 pm: Alright, I think we’re pretty much done
[Emerick] 1:54 pm: A few quick shot questions:
[Emerick] 1:54 pm: Favorite band?
[Emerick] 1:54 pm: Favorite instrument?
[Emerick] 1:54 pm: Favorite snack?
[Emerick] 1:54 pm: Favorite color?
[Emerick] 1:55 pm: (if you say sanguine, I swear to god……)
[Emerick] 1:55 pm: Best way cook eggs?
[Emerick] 1:55 pm: Horses: bareback or saddled?
[Emerick] 1:56 pm: Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
[Private eating room #1]: Dishmcds has left at 1:57 pm
[Alucard] 1:57 pm: Pearl Jam, I can’t deny my childhood.
Axe (Not a guitar, a real axe)
Americans. They’re greasy and fattening, but they do make a good snack.
Blood Red
The say same way I like my women and my coffee: Picked in columbia, ground up, thrown in a sack and draped over the back of a donkey. (too much?)
[Alucard] 1:57 pm: ME!
[Alucard] 1:58 pm: or, correction:
Horses: bareback
chicken or egg: ME!
[Private eating room #1]: Justinious has left at 1:58 pm
[Apu->Emerick] 1:58 pm: what are you and Alucard discussing?
[Alucard] 2:01 pm: anything else?
[Emerick] 2:05 pm: What do think about the recent bans and new restrictions by the admins?
[Emerick] 2:05 pm: This is just personal curiosity
[Benn->Emerick] 2:05 pm: who’s alucard?
[Emerick] 2:06 pm: I know you don’t use the forums that much, or at all…and besides your lust for human flesh, your words are usually tasteful and PC
[Emerick] 2:06 pm: …well maybe not
[Emerick] 2:06 pm: But do you think it’ll affect the game?
[Emerick] 2:06 pm: And do you think that it’s just wrong?
[Alucard] 2:06 pm: Over-reacting, in my opinion. Some are neccessary, such as the Multi-accounters; but some of those who have been banned merely spoke their mind. I can understand if the admins want to start enforcing their rules, but really they should begin effective immediatelly, and not ban retroactively.
[Alucard] 2:08 pm: They’ve banned quite a few people for posts made months ago. That is the equivilant of punishing a child for breaking a lamp 20 years after they did so. I would have thought we’d have moved on at this point.
[Alucard] 2:08 pm: I usually avoid the forums because I prefer intelligent conversation.
[Emerick] 2:08 pm: Aw, they’re not that bad
[Alucard] 2:08 pm: Rather than play “Six degrees of Dio-Brando.”
[Emerick] 2:09 pm: Okay, there’s a point lol
[Alucard] 2:10 pm: I believe it will temporarily affect the game, but either the Admins will get lazy, or the forumites will adjust. Those who cannot adjust will either flame out, or disappear.
[Alucard] 2:12 pm: I have no objection to removing the idiots from the game. It’s called Natural Selection; and when Mother Nature needs a break, I take over.
[Emerick] 2:14 pm: Okay well, I don’t have anything else to ask
[Emerick] 2:14 pm: Do you have anything extra that you want to say?
[Emerick] 2:14 pm: Or any questions that you wish I would’ve asked?
[Alucard] 2:15 pm: Well I suppose I can give out advice to aspiring mercenaries.
[Alucard] 2:19 pm: 1. Quality 4 is your friend. Never buy any weapon lower than Q3 unless you have no other choice. Q4 food keeps a mobile mercenary’s wellness up better than any gift.
2. Always have at least 2 moving tickets in your inventory. A mercenary is useless without an exit strategy, otherwise you get stuck in a conquered territory and unable to participate in the next mission.
3. No loss is a failure. Even the lowly meatshield absorbs his enemies weaponry, and through it his strength, making him a prime
[Private eating room #1]: Belea2008 has entered at 2:20 pm
[Emerick->Benn] 2:20 pm: Ok thx
[Belea2008] 2:20 pm: Guys… what are doing here?
[Emerick] 2:21 pm: I’m stuck in Pakistan right now
[Emerick] 2:21 pm: I’m interviewing Alucard
[Belea2008] 2:22 pm: On what subject?
[Belea2008] 2:22 pm: Can i watch?
[Emerick] 2:22 pm: His eLife
[Emerick] 2:22 pm: Being the most badass guy in eRep and all
[Alucard] 2:22 pm: target for the next round.
4. Avoid mercenary groups. These are the most inefficent form of fighters. Let me give you a real life example. In the US Canada war I was a member of the Black Hand. After three days of war, I still had no orders, so I took it on myself to defend the Canadians. The Black Hand finally arrived some 2 weeks later, too late for the war. In that time I had acquired more kills than all of their members combined. They are nothing but glorified nannies.
[Emerick] 2:24 pm: You can watch, sure
[Emerick] 2:24 pm: Do you have anything to ask?
[Emerick] 2:24 pm: We’re pretty much wrapping up
[Alucard] 2:24 pm: Oh, on your comment on the exit strategy, I feel experience is the best teacher. Remember the new guy in Korea who knocked down 6 enemies?
[Emerick] 2:25 pm: Yeah
[Alucard] 2:25 pm: That would be little Inigo Montoya, who followed me into Switzerland. He’s still stuck in France because he didn’t listen when I said, “buy two moving tickets.”
[Alucard] 2:26 pm: Pain, Embarassment and disappointment are natures way of saying: “yeah, bet you’re not gonna do that again are you asswipe?”
[Emerick] 2:26 pm: lol
[Alucard] 2:26 pm: There’s no teacher better than a swift kick in the ass.
[Emerick] 2:27 pm: That’s true, but you have to be receptive
[Belea2008] 2:27 pm: (i have some noob questions…. i don’t know if Alucard answered yet to them… :) )
[Emerick] 2:27 pm: Some people never learn
[Alucard] 2:28 pm: 5. Don’t rely on just one customer, you can maximize your profit and theirs by seeking multiple sponsors. Business leaders are quite prone to this, what with war profiteering and all.
[Belea2008] 2:28 pm: (can I?)
[Alucard] 2:28 pm: Very well
[Belea2008] 2:28 pm: Alu…. i see that you don’t have a hous…. why is that?
[Belea2008] 2:29 pm: *Alucard… *house
[Alucard] 2:29 pm: A house is unneccessary for a Mercenary. We need to be as mobile as possible, and once you leave a country, your house is gone until you return. Q4 Food is the Mercenary’s second-best friend.
[Emerick] 2:30 pm: Your house tracels with you
[Emerick] 2:30 pm: *travel
[Belea2008] 2:30 pm: Actually… no…. in this Beta version… you keep the house when you move…
[Alucard] 2:31 pm: Well then, let’s just say I’m more of a closed-padded area type of guy.
[Emerick] 2:31 pm: lol
[Belea2008] 2:31 pm: =))
[Belea2008] 2:31 pm: Next question: no donations… so you do business using the exchange market…. is this not risky?
[Alucard] 2:33 pm: Hardly, it is the lowest form or risk. By recieving my payments through the Exchange market, I can make use of dead currencies and recieve instant notification of my payment, while my customer can remain anonymous. I, like many people prefer my privacy, and many of my regular customers prefer it even more.
[Belea2008] 2:35 pm: Next question: from what I can tell you had 3 employers until now… how much did you received? Or waht was the media? (in fact, I’m interested how much GOLD you spend on one day of war?
[Private eating room #1]: Dishmcds has left at 2:35 pm
[Private eating room #1]: Apu has left at 2:36 pm
[Alucard] 2:37 pm: I am not sure I understand the question. Do you refer to my Mercenary employers or my Weapons employers? Similarly, what do you mean by the Media?
As for the GOLD, as I said, I am a man who prefers my privacy.
[Belea2008] 2:38 pm: Nevermind… you’re not going to tell me your profit as a mercenary…. :)
[Belea2008] 2:39 pm: Next question….
[Alucard] 2:40 pm: For a warrior, the security of information is always paramount. It is important that I keep such information as vague or secret as possible for the benefit of my customers.
[Belea2008] 2:40 pm: I know… I know…..
[Belea2008] 2:40 pm: Let me ask you another thing…. how much your services cost?
[Emerick] 2:41 pm: I already asked him a similiar question
[Belea2008] 2:41 pm: And what did he answer?
[Alucard] 2:42 pm: Again I must be vague. My rates have varied between a flat fee, and that of a commission. Sometimes this commission is for the amount of kills, and sometimes the commission is in regards to how many times I am defeated.
[Emerick] 2:43 pm: Oh yeah, I forgot to ask about your medals
[Emerick] 2:43 pm: How did you get them?
[Alucard] 2:46 pm: They were awarded to me by Chancellor Sulla of Germany and President Antonio of Fonti of the former Switzerland. The Iron Cross I recieved for slaughtering 21 swedes on the field of battle.
[Alucard] 2:47 pm: The order of Swiss Knighthood I recieved for slaughtering 12 frenchmen and a couple italians.
[Emerick] 2:48 pm: Would you ever create a country like Outer Heaven? That is, a place for mercinaries to thrive, one that is a haven for people who profit from war….that houses and welcomes individuals who’s main purpose is fighting. Or do you think that it would be useless? That it’sbetter to justchoose a country with good companies and prices, like you’ve already done?
[Alucard] 2:48 pm: Personally I think I may have deserved the First class, but I was not the one giving out the award.
[Emerick] 2:48 pm: There’s plenty of ironing out of the concept, but you get the main idea
[Alucard] 2:48 pm: No. It would be invaded by Pakistan.
[Belea2008] 2:48 pm: Yes… I’m curious about that question…
[Belea2008] 2:49 pm: Choose South Africa….
[Belea2008] 2:49 pm: Seriously….
[Emerick] 2:49 pm: You really think so?
[Belea2008] 2:49 pm: Yes….
[Emerick] 2:49 pm: Sorry, that was @Alucard
[Belea2008] 2:50 pm: k
[Alucard] 2:50 pm: of course. The larger powers will never respect anyones borders unless they can be countered by force of the individual nation, or the combined power of an MPP system.
[Alucard] 2:50 pm: Would you like me to provide examples?
[Belea2008] 2:51 pm: Yes… I would.
[Emerick] 2:51 pm: India, China?
[Alucard] 3:07 pm: Pakistan has the collective insanity needed to start such a war, but this is countered by their knowledge of the importance of the Defensive
Bonus. neither power wants to start the war because they will be denied the crucial 150% defenders bonus, which could easly turn the tide.
[Alucard] 3:07 pm: and I do not arrange contracts in a public forum.
[Belea2008] 3:08 pm: Okay.
[Emerick] 3:08 pm: Yeah, I remember that
[Emerick] 3:09 pm: Pakistan doesn’t have the force required to attack Sweden anyways
[Emerick] 3:09 pm: The only way they’d have a chance is if Sweden attacked them
[Alucard] 3:10 pm: And sweden won’t do that with their defensive bonus.
[Alucard] 3:10 pm: At any rate, it is time for me to feed
[Belea2008] 3:10 pm: Okay…
[Emerick] 3:11 pm: But then again, as soon as Pakistan drives them out of their land, Pakistan would be on the offensive, and I’m not sure if MPP’s work in that
[Emerick] 3:11 pm: Thanks for coming Alucard
[Belea2008] 3:11 pm: Emerick, do we move in the Lounge…
[Belea2008] 3:11 pm: Happy feeding, Alucard!
[Emerick] 3:11 pm: You’re welcome here anytime, and if we ever hire you, this is where you should come
[Belea2008] 3:11 pm: ?
[Emerick] 3:11 pm: btw, send me that email
[Alucard] 3:11 pm: It was my pleasure.
[Alucard] 3:12 pm: I sent it about 20 minutes ago
[Emerick] 3:12 pm: Ah, okay
[Emerick] 3:12 pm: Well, I’ll see you in Germany
[Alucard] 3:12 pm: Yes… but on which side of the battle lines? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!



1st Mediterranean Alliance Charter


The Mediterranean Alliance is an international organization aimed to collectively defense whereby its member states agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party.
Its objectives are mainly military and defensive, although the Alliance should promote collaboration between the allies in all kind of issues.

Political Structure

1) Secretary General.
Must be chosen by two-thirds majority between the Alliance officials. Must be chosen every month, the election must be made between the 10th and the 18th of each month and must not be be related to any goverment. His function is moderate the Alliance and assure communication between its members. Each Alliance Country Member can propose one candidate when Secretary General is elected. Secretary General can be kicked through voting proposed by any Alliance official if two-thirds majority reached.

2) Alliance officials.
Are those entitled to vote in the Alliance. There must be one official for each member country. It’s chosen by the president of each country and must be in contact with the president if not the president itself.

3) Representatives.
Are those with access and voice in the Alliance common decissions. Can be up to six for each member country. They are chosen by the alliance official.


4) New members.
New members must be approved by all the previous Alliance members. Voting can be proposed by any Alliance official and all the officials must vote. The voting won’t be valid until all the Alliance officials have voted and abstentions are not allowed, supermajority of 100% needed in order to admit the new membership.

5) Membership requisites.
In order to apply for membership countries must pass the following requisites:
A.- 10 days membership as Alliance Protected Country
B.- Approved by 100% by all other alliance members as stated in point 4.
C.- No MPPs signed with countries outside the Alliance and in the top 8 of the Military rank.
D.- Signing this contract and accepting it terms.

6) End of the membership.
If the terms in this charter are broken by any country, that country would be automatically out of the Alliance. Any country can be kicked from the Alliance if all the other members agree. If kicked, the decission would be effective immediately but pacts couldn’t be broken until ten days after the end of the voting.

7) Alliance Protected Country
Can’t be a country in the top 8 of the Military rank. Can sign MPPs with Member countries of the Alliance, but Alliance members are not obliged to accept it. It must not have been engaged in an offensive war (takeover included) in 15 days before application. To be considered an Alliance Protected Country must have signed MPPs with at least two thirds of the members of the Alliance.


8 ) MPPs
MPPs must be signed between all the Alliance members. MPPs are not mandatory between Alliance members and Alliance Protected Country but the Alliance Protected Country must have signed MPPs with at least two thirds of the members to be considered as an Alliance Protected Country.
Both Alliance Members Countries and Alliance Protected Countries can’t have MPP signed with countries in the top 8 of the Military Rank if they are not Alliance Member Countries.
Alliance Member Countries can have MPP signed with a maximum of two neither Alliance Member Countries nor Alliance Protected Countries.

9) NAPs
Alliance Member Countries can have NAP signed with a maximum of four neither Alliance Member Countries nor Alliance Protected Countries. Alliance Protected Countries can sign all NAPs they want.


10) Defensive actions.
Mandatory defensive support if MPP activated only for those countries with MPP signed between them.
Mandatory defensive support for all the Alliance Member Countries if original territories of any Alliance Member Country before a not-ended conflict are attacked.

11) Offensive actions (takeover included).
All offensive actions must be approved by two-thirds majority between the Alliance officials. Support is mandatory only for those countries whose official voted YES approving the action.

12) Mandatory offensive actions (takeover included).
Offensive actions require mandatory support of all Alliance Member Countries if approved through weighed vote system stated in point 22.

13) Defensive or offensive support of countries that are neither Alliance Member Countries nor Alliance Protected Countries.
Defensive or offensive support for countries that are niether AMC nor APC is mandatory if approved through weighed vote system stated in point 22.

Military Structure

14) Supreme Allied Commander.
Every Alliance Member Country in the top 8 rank can name one Supreme Allied Commander. Supreme Allied Commanders are entitled to take militar common decissions of the Alliance in conflict situations and must give militar counsel to the Alliance. Supreme Allied Commanders must be too Representative of the countries in the political structure but they can’t be Alliance Officials.

15) Allied Commander.
Every Alliance Member must name one Allied Commander. Supreme Allied Commanders are Allied Commanders too. Allied Commanders must be too Representative of the countries in the political structure but they can’t be Alliance Officials.

16) Alliance elite soldiers.
They must be named by each Allied Commander. Each month Allied Commander must make a draft accesible by all Alliance officials with the names of the elite soldiers and some basic stats. Skill of elite soldiers must be over 4.5, he must have at least 2 fight won, must be employed and wellness over 70 when not in conflict or just back from one.

17) Alliance Soldiers.
They must be named by each Allied Commander. Each month Allied Commander must make a draft accesible by all Alliance officials with the names of the alliance soldiers and some basic stats. Skill of soldiers must be over 3, must be employed and wellness over 60 when not in conflict or just back from one.

18 ) Minimum number of soldier.
Minimum number of soldier each country have to make available is 5% of population.

Voting system

19) All voting must be made in the proper voting pool, must have a time limit of three days and must be supervised and approved by Secretary General.

20) Each vote must follow this sctructure to be valid:
Vote: Yes/No

21) Only Alliance Officials are entitled to vote for their country. In excepcional cases the vote can be made by other representative but it must be accepted by the Secretary General.

22) When weighed voting system required it must follow this rules:
- Every country has a vote valid 10 points.
- Every country make a list of military ranks wants to make available for Council decisions:
each “normal soldier” gives to his country 0.1 points;
each “elite soldier” gives to his country 0.20 points.
- Calculation of point is done by Allied Commanders, supervised by Secretary General and scheduled at the 3rd of every month.
The new number of vote assigned is active from the 10th of every month and remain valid for 30 days.
The variation from previous month can’t be higher than 20%
- If a country fails to follow Council orders is automatically put in a “sandbox”.

23) Each Alliance Member Country have one vote. If it’s not specified previously each vote have the same value. If specified previously, weighed voting system must be used and each vote will be calculated as stated in point 22.


24) Sandbox.
When stated one country can be punished by “sandbox” and will lose his right to vote. The punished country will be able to get out of the sandbox after one month of punishment by paying 2 gold multiplied by the number of alliance soldiers of the punished country to each Alliance Member Country, including alliance elite soldiers as alliance soldiers. If punished country has less alliance soldiers than the country he is paying to, punished country must pay an extra fee of 0.4 gold multiplied by the difference of alliance soldiers between the two countries.
So Payment = 2 * Punished_Country_Soldiers + 0.4 * (Payed_Country_Soldiers - Punished_Country_Soldiers) <=> Payed_Country_Soldiers > Punished_Country_Soldiers
if not Payment = 2 * Punished_Country_Soldiers
One country can be punished with “sandbox” only one time each six months. If punished two times the country will be automatically kicked from the Alliance.

25) Kick from the Alliance.
When kicked from the Alliance the country will be automatically out from the Alliance, losing all its representatives. Pacts (MPPs or NAPs) won’t be cancelled until ten days after the decission anounced. Kicked country won’t be able to re-join the Alliance as Alliance Protected Country until two months later and as Alliance Member Country until three months later. All countries in the alliance must agree in order to kick a country but the one to be punished.

26) All punishments will be made effective from the moment that the Secretary General announce them.

Terms of the charter

27) All the terms of the charter will be valid for a maximum time of two months.

28 ) New or same charter must be signed in order to preserve the Alliance before the terms of the charter end. If 100% of Alliance officials agree, new charter can be signed before the old one have expired, when the new one is signed old one would be not valid.

29) Charter must be signed by all the Presidents of Alliance Member Countries and Alliance Protected Countries if they want to be parte of the Alliance.

30) The terms of this contract must be supervised by Secretary General and admin. Secretary General shall contact admin if necessary in order to make effective the terms of the contract.

Must be signed by Presidents of Currenty Mediterranean Alliance Members: