Tuesday, June 3, 2008

1st Mediterranean Alliance Charter


The Mediterranean Alliance is an international organization aimed to collectively defense whereby its member states agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party.
Its objectives are mainly military and defensive, although the Alliance should promote collaboration between the allies in all kind of issues.

Political Structure

1) Secretary General.
Must be chosen by two-thirds majority between the Alliance officials. Must be chosen every month, the election must be made between the 10th and the 18th of each month and must not be be related to any goverment. His function is moderate the Alliance and assure communication between its members. Each Alliance Country Member can propose one candidate when Secretary General is elected. Secretary General can be kicked through voting proposed by any Alliance official if two-thirds majority reached.

2) Alliance officials.
Are those entitled to vote in the Alliance. There must be one official for each member country. It’s chosen by the president of each country and must be in contact with the president if not the president itself.

3) Representatives.
Are those with access and voice in the Alliance common decissions. Can be up to six for each member country. They are chosen by the alliance official.


4) New members.
New members must be approved by all the previous Alliance members. Voting can be proposed by any Alliance official and all the officials must vote. The voting won’t be valid until all the Alliance officials have voted and abstentions are not allowed, supermajority of 100% needed in order to admit the new membership.

5) Membership requisites.
In order to apply for membership countries must pass the following requisites:
A.- 10 days membership as Alliance Protected Country
B.- Approved by 100% by all other alliance members as stated in point 4.
C.- No MPPs signed with countries outside the Alliance and in the top 8 of the Military rank.
D.- Signing this contract and accepting it terms.

6) End of the membership.
If the terms in this charter are broken by any country, that country would be automatically out of the Alliance. Any country can be kicked from the Alliance if all the other members agree. If kicked, the decission would be effective immediately but pacts couldn’t be broken until ten days after the end of the voting.

7) Alliance Protected Country
Can’t be a country in the top 8 of the Military rank. Can sign MPPs with Member countries of the Alliance, but Alliance members are not obliged to accept it. It must not have been engaged in an offensive war (takeover included) in 15 days before application. To be considered an Alliance Protected Country must have signed MPPs with at least two thirds of the members of the Alliance.


8 ) MPPs
MPPs must be signed between all the Alliance members. MPPs are not mandatory between Alliance members and Alliance Protected Country but the Alliance Protected Country must have signed MPPs with at least two thirds of the members to be considered as an Alliance Protected Country.
Both Alliance Members Countries and Alliance Protected Countries can’t have MPP signed with countries in the top 8 of the Military Rank if they are not Alliance Member Countries.
Alliance Member Countries can have MPP signed with a maximum of two neither Alliance Member Countries nor Alliance Protected Countries.

9) NAPs
Alliance Member Countries can have NAP signed with a maximum of four neither Alliance Member Countries nor Alliance Protected Countries. Alliance Protected Countries can sign all NAPs they want.


10) Defensive actions.
Mandatory defensive support if MPP activated only for those countries with MPP signed between them.
Mandatory defensive support for all the Alliance Member Countries if original territories of any Alliance Member Country before a not-ended conflict are attacked.

11) Offensive actions (takeover included).
All offensive actions must be approved by two-thirds majority between the Alliance officials. Support is mandatory only for those countries whose official voted YES approving the action.

12) Mandatory offensive actions (takeover included).
Offensive actions require mandatory support of all Alliance Member Countries if approved through weighed vote system stated in point 22.

13) Defensive or offensive support of countries that are neither Alliance Member Countries nor Alliance Protected Countries.
Defensive or offensive support for countries that are niether AMC nor APC is mandatory if approved through weighed vote system stated in point 22.

Military Structure

14) Supreme Allied Commander.
Every Alliance Member Country in the top 8 rank can name one Supreme Allied Commander. Supreme Allied Commanders are entitled to take militar common decissions of the Alliance in conflict situations and must give militar counsel to the Alliance. Supreme Allied Commanders must be too Representative of the countries in the political structure but they can’t be Alliance Officials.

15) Allied Commander.
Every Alliance Member must name one Allied Commander. Supreme Allied Commanders are Allied Commanders too. Allied Commanders must be too Representative of the countries in the political structure but they can’t be Alliance Officials.

16) Alliance elite soldiers.
They must be named by each Allied Commander. Each month Allied Commander must make a draft accesible by all Alliance officials with the names of the elite soldiers and some basic stats. Skill of elite soldiers must be over 4.5, he must have at least 2 fight won, must be employed and wellness over 70 when not in conflict or just back from one.

17) Alliance Soldiers.
They must be named by each Allied Commander. Each month Allied Commander must make a draft accesible by all Alliance officials with the names of the alliance soldiers and some basic stats. Skill of soldiers must be over 3, must be employed and wellness over 60 when not in conflict or just back from one.

18 ) Minimum number of soldier.
Minimum number of soldier each country have to make available is 5% of population.

Voting system

19) All voting must be made in the proper voting pool, must have a time limit of three days and must be supervised and approved by Secretary General.

20) Each vote must follow this sctructure to be valid:
Vote: Yes/No

21) Only Alliance Officials are entitled to vote for their country. In excepcional cases the vote can be made by other representative but it must be accepted by the Secretary General.

22) When weighed voting system required it must follow this rules:
- Every country has a vote valid 10 points.
- Every country make a list of military ranks wants to make available for Council decisions:
each “normal soldier” gives to his country 0.1 points;
each “elite soldier” gives to his country 0.20 points.
- Calculation of point is done by Allied Commanders, supervised by Secretary General and scheduled at the 3rd of every month.
The new number of vote assigned is active from the 10th of every month and remain valid for 30 days.
The variation from previous month can’t be higher than 20%
- If a country fails to follow Council orders is automatically put in a “sandbox”.

23) Each Alliance Member Country have one vote. If it’s not specified previously each vote have the same value. If specified previously, weighed voting system must be used and each vote will be calculated as stated in point 22.


24) Sandbox.
When stated one country can be punished by “sandbox” and will lose his right to vote. The punished country will be able to get out of the sandbox after one month of punishment by paying 2 gold multiplied by the number of alliance soldiers of the punished country to each Alliance Member Country, including alliance elite soldiers as alliance soldiers. If punished country has less alliance soldiers than the country he is paying to, punished country must pay an extra fee of 0.4 gold multiplied by the difference of alliance soldiers between the two countries.
So Payment = 2 * Punished_Country_Soldiers + 0.4 * (Payed_Country_Soldiers - Punished_Country_Soldiers) <=> Payed_Country_Soldiers > Punished_Country_Soldiers
if not Payment = 2 * Punished_Country_Soldiers
One country can be punished with “sandbox” only one time each six months. If punished two times the country will be automatically kicked from the Alliance.

25) Kick from the Alliance.
When kicked from the Alliance the country will be automatically out from the Alliance, losing all its representatives. Pacts (MPPs or NAPs) won’t be cancelled until ten days after the decission anounced. Kicked country won’t be able to re-join the Alliance as Alliance Protected Country until two months later and as Alliance Member Country until three months later. All countries in the alliance must agree in order to kick a country but the one to be punished.

26) All punishments will be made effective from the moment that the Secretary General announce them.

Terms of the charter

27) All the terms of the charter will be valid for a maximum time of two months.

28 ) New or same charter must be signed in order to preserve the Alliance before the terms of the charter end. If 100% of Alliance officials agree, new charter can be signed before the old one have expired, when the new one is signed old one would be not valid.

29) Charter must be signed by all the Presidents of Alliance Member Countries and Alliance Protected Countries if they want to be parte of the Alliance.

30) The terms of this contract must be supervised by Secretary General and admin. Secretary General shall contact admin if necessary in order to make effective the terms of the contract.

Must be signed by Presidents of Currenty Mediterranean Alliance Members:

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