Friday, May 23, 2008

Actual States' Presidents

1st of May - General elections coverage
Dear Citizens,
The 7th general elections in Erepublik are near. Here are the actual elected Presidents in each country:
Argentina - Juan Ignacio (30votes)
Austria – nejcman (90votes)
Brazil - Joacy (55votes)
Bulgaria - KARDAM2008 (4votes)
Canada - Derick Braham (40votes)
China - Gyro_Zeppeli (16votes)
Czech Republic - Reine (4votes)
France - meza (30votes)
Germany - Sulla (33votes)
Greece - Capelli King (28votes)
Hungary - Prinz Eugen (61votes)
Indonesia - blink-az (163votes)
Iran - Pasdar (49votes)
Ireland - ImaNewbie (44votes)
Italy - Rocco_Marcelli (206votes)
Japan - Origineel.NL (23votes)
Mexico – JackPink (34votes)
Netherlands - Jazar (22votes)
Norway - Forconin (102votes)
Pakistan - Falcon (119votes)
Poland - Alex-Rod (16votes)
Portugal - PHuSiOn9 (62votes)
Romania - Alex Craciun (108votes)
Russia - Manifesto (29votes)
South Africa - mamangbakso (58votes)
South Korea - quizterr (1vote)
Spain - MVerslayer (288votes)
Sweden - Ziggyzag (377votes)
Switzerland - Antonio Fonti (12votes)
Thailand - Don Ado (11votes)
Turkey - nevugila (105votes)
Ukraine- somethingclever (11votes)
United Kingdom - shadowukcs (70votes)
USA - Nave Saikliah (69votes)
Venezuela - Jesus Hernandez (65votes)
We are looking forward to the new elections on eRepublik.
eRepublik Live team

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