Friday, June 13, 2008

Message from the admin: Let’s write the history of Erepublik

“Dear Citizens,

Each one of you has his part in the history of The New World and now after 206 days it is time to keep a record of it in order to help the children of Erepublik understand our past actions and maybe learn from them (or not).

We have managed to write the first lines of the Erepublik history on the official wiki We know that there are many important events that should be added in this page and we invite all Citizens to help us get it right.
Imagine what our history books in school would have looked like if, they had been written by people who actually lived it.

Also another interesting idea is to have the history of each country in Erepublik on its specific wiki page. This would later be linked with the country presentation page, giving everyone a chance to really understand the dynamics of each country and of its major citizens.

Each month, for the top wiki contributors we will have special prizes (T-shirts, stickers and Erepublik Gold). Cristesco will make the announcement on the forum and will give more details about this in the following days. For more details about the wiki please visit this forum topic or the wiki help page.

Other stuff:

- 10 days must pass until you can vote, if you have changed your location and moved to another country.
- We have the first General in Erepublik: Alucard Bloodlust and he has won 210 battles.
- South Africa has moved the battlefields on Indonesian soil and Czech Republic vs Hungary is now the longest active war (14 days).

Thank you for your support,
The Erepublik Team.”

A new country in Erepublik

Today Slovenia became the newest country in Erepublik. We have received many suggestions regarding this subject and we have decided that this is the right moment to add Slovenia

The new country will be divided in six regions (Upper Carniola, Styria and Carinthia, Prekmurje, Inner Carniola, Lower Carniola, Slovenian Littoral ) with the capital city in Ljubljana.

In order to help Slovenia reach a reasonable level of development, no wars will be able to start against it for the next 30 days (until 10th of July). If one of the neighboring countries decides to declare war to Slovenia the proposal will be canceled. Also, the Slovenian first President (which will be elected on the 1st of July) will not be able to propose war to other countries until the 10th of July.

Other countries will be added constantly in Erepublik considering the traffic sources. From all the countries that are not in Erepublik, Slovenia had the most visits.
We welcome all Slovenians and we send them our best regards.

New funding for Erepublik

To keep the rivers of energizers flowing, the Erepublik project received a first round of funding from business angels.
These investors have tremendous Internet experience and will help us deliver to you a great new version of Erepublik this year. Here you can see how Alexis and George express their feelings about it (they really need those energizers :P).

Thank you for your support, and don’t forget to vote for the party elections.
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How to: “Guide to Hospitals”

Just so everyone knows how to use them and the tricks some people play.

Hospital Use

In order to use a hospital, you must have fought that day (according to the rules).

1. Enter Battle.
2. If you win the battle, you have the option to leave the battle or stay and fight again, depending on whether or not other soldiers are waiting in queue on the other side. If there is, then it will automatically put you into the next battle.
3. Once you lose there are two ways to use the hospital. You can either A) Leave the battle area and return, which it will give you the option to “recover lost wellness”. Once you click this link, it will take you to the “Buy Wellness” screen, where you can click “Go to Hospital”. The other option is B) Go immediately to your profile, and click the wellness link on the top right. It will automatically take you to the same page. Click “Go to Hospital” (as with other quick links, you might have to click it twice. I know gifts do the same thing. The first click doesnt do anything, the second click works).

This will regain your wellness ten times the quality of the hospital in that city. For Austin, it will restore 40 wellness, bringing you back to 50. You must be at least 31 wellness to fight. It will not let you enter battle below that.

The Games People Play

As we have seen during the Sausage and Czech Wars, you can actually use gifts as weapons. By retaining Q1 gifts in your inventory, if you gift soldiers that havent used the hospital AFTER they fight, they cannot use the hospital. Personally, I feel this is a simple glitch in the hospital system, but it hasnt been fixed in two weeks so we’ll see if they ever do. My recommendations is to copy this link BEFORE you fight, and simply paste it into your URL browser after the fight has completed so they cannot use this tactic.

I hope this clears up any issues that anyone has with our hospital systems. They work just fine so long as you reside in the city that has one (which close to ten regions in the US have at least a Q1 hospital). We have worked VERY hard on attaining these in both my and Nave’s administration, and you would have to work very hard to find another country with as many hospitals as we have available to us. As many have pointed out, the fact that we have 51 regions means we have more ground to cover, but thats why we try to base our Army out of just a couple of cities.

Erepublik meeting in Spain

“Alexis Bonte is organizing a meeting for Spanish Citizens next Friday, 13 June (C / Almagro 28, 6th Floor, Madrid) from 18h30 to 20h00. The event will take place in the Erepublik office and it is limited to 40 people. If you want to attend, please send a private message to Alexis Bonte with your real name so you can be included on the list.
There will be a surprise for the first 20 citizens who show up. Drinks and snacks for all others as well as stickers.

On another matter, today all Citizens without invitations have received three more. So invite your friends in Erepublik and win more gold.


The Erepublik Team”


Laurentiu L and Sarthillaurwen married today, day 202 of the new world, in front of their godfathers, their relatives and their friends.

The ceremony started at the “Register of Marriage” where the couple was officially married. In front of the President of the Register and in front of their nuns, Brainiacgirl and Raul97ro, Laurentiu L and Sarnthilllaurwen sworen true and forever love one to each other and signed that they agree with marriage rules:
-When one of them has wellness under 100%, the other partner must offer him a gift, minimum one per day, if they both have wellness under 100% they will give gifts to each other.
-When one of them don’t have money to buy food, the other partner must give him money for food.
-Both partners must write in the “About me” section, with who and since is married.
-If one condition above is not respected, they can divorce with an article in this newspaper.
All ended with a lot of champaign and a long kiss of the new married couple.

After the official ceremony, they all went to the church of the city, where God blessed their union.

The “Register of Marriage” pronounce them husband and wife, and wish them a long marriage full of love, compassion, understanding, joy and a lot of kids.

If you want to get married too, the only thing you must do is to send a private message to the user named Register Of Marriages. Good luck in finding your soulmate!

Alexis Bonte: We have raised funds for Erepublik

“We will be anouncing this fully tomorrow but if interested you can find early details on my vblog: including a late night video from George and I.

The funds and angels investors experience will greatly help our efforts in develloping and launching V1 as well as give us the means to make your experience of Erepublik better and better.

By the way we are now 18 for the Friday 13 of June get together in Madrid, let me know if you want to join (its from 18h30 to 20h00), full details in my previous article.

Thank you for your support”

Special Report on the Global Economy

Global Economy - Special Report. Data collected May 31st

Ever wondered which economy pays the best wages? Or which countries are actually the most effective at producing and selling goods? Or which countries have invested the most Gold in their economy in the last 30 days? Now you can find out!

In order to give a greater insight into the global Erepublik economy I’ve augmented my usual analysis with some additional information which I hope people will find useful. I hope to do a report like this once a month.

1 Norway 19.90%
2 Hungary 24.72%
3 UK 24.78%
4 Venezuela 26.17%
5 Austria 26.19%
6 Portugal 29.25%
7 Sweden 30.38%
8 Turkey 30.74%
9 Spain 31.08%
10 Indonesia 31.98%
11 Italy 33.04%
12 Brazil 33.43%
13 Romania 36.45%
14 Canada 37.86%
15 France 39.06%
16 Netherlands 41.03%
17 Argentina 41.09%
18 Pakistan 43.61%
19 USA 44.76%
20 Iran 46.36%

This information is viewable in the top countries data but I thought I’d put in here for a top 20 comparison. My unemployment figure is also slightly different to what you get on the Economy pages.

Unemployment Change
1 UK -31.2%
2 Hungary -29.6%
3 Spain -17.4%
4 Sweden -13.8%
5 Canada -11.1%
6 Portugal -10.2%
7 USA -8.8%
8 Indonesia -6.0%
9 Austria -5.9%
10 Brazil -3.3%
11 Norway -0.9%
12 Netherlands 2.2%
13 France 4.5%
14 Turkey 7.9%
15 Iran 8.3%
16 Romania 8.9%
17 Italy 10.8%
18 Venezuela 12.5%
19 Argentina 15.8%
20 Pakistan 51.9%

Something you won’t get anywhere else! Strangely enough, despite having a planned economy, Pakistan has one of the highest unemployment rates now having seen unemployment rise 50% in May. Many companies have a surplus stock to sell and perhaps don’t feel the need to go out and hire more staff, perhaps that could be a reason. On the other hand, the UK has seen Unemployment drop the fastest.

Gold Investments (Gold invested in company formation, Export Licenses and Upgrades)
1 Spain 4820
2 Indonesia 3920
3 Romania 3580
4 Italy 2695
5 Iran 2510
6 Sweden 2465
7 Turkey 2085
8 Austria 1265
9 Hungary 1170
10 USA 1050
11 Norway 1045
12 UK 790
13 Argentina 790
14 France 750
15 Venezuela 605
16 Pakistan 545
17 Canada 515
18 Brazil 425
19 Netherlands 230
20 Portugal 225

Here is certainly something you can’t get anywhere else! This table shows how much Gold has been invested in each Erepublik economy over the past 30 days. Spain has had a whopping 4800 Gold invested in it’s economy in May. That’s gold invested in company formation, export licenses and upgrades. This is very much at the heart of the reason why Spain now sits on top of the GDP standings. This is also mainly a by-product of people inviting other people and using the Gold to create companies. Iran has also had a lot of gold investment which is why their GDP/C and GDP/W looks so high. It’s not mainly down to sales.

GDS - Gross Domestic Sales, the total value of all goods produced and sold by companies from that country
1 Sweden 6618.99
2 Spain 6576.88
3 Italy 3936.47
4 Norway 3115.29
5 Indonesia 3074.38
6 Pakistan 2792.62
7 Romania 2779.03
8 UK 1980.6
9 Austria 1524.8
10 Portugal 1333.75
11 Turkey 1234.17
12 USA 1145.52
13 Hungary 839.28
14 Brazil 837.73
15 Venezuela 818.09
16 France 752.71
17 Iran 736.93
18 Canada 682.68
19 Netherlands 474.06
20 Argentina 318.07

This is basically the GDP figure minus the Gold investments, so we can see what the economy is making through selling it’s produce. This is quite an eye opener and actually shows that Sweden still has the biggest economy in terms of what it makes and sells. Indonesia’s economic strength also doesn’t look as impressive and it comes out at 5th after Norway when calculated this way. Pakistan also comes much higher in the ranking with this system.

1 Pakistan 5.81
2 Norway 4.78
3 Sweden 4.45
4 Spain 4.22
5 UK 3.93
6 Canada 3.92
7 France 3.86
8 Brazil 3.79
9 Italy 3.74
10 Portugal 3.6
11 Netherlands 3.44
12 Austria 3.16
13 Turkey 3.01
14 Venezuela 2.87
15 Romania 2.56
16 Hungary 2.46
17 USA 2.44
18 Indonesia 1.99
19 Iran 1.92
20 Argentina 1.13

Very big differences between the top and the bottom! I wanted to show here which economies produce and sell the most goods at the highest prices per worker in their economy. Pakistan shows it’s planned economy is quite effective in this regard and Iran and Indonesia actually come out at the bottom. Romania and Turkey also look weak here despite Turkey actually having the highest GDP/Worker figure. Another surprise is Canada coming out at number 6th. 2 months on from the USA-Canada war Canada continues to outperform the US in most economic indicators. Perhaps the US has suffered from being a war base in many recent conflicts…?

AER - The average amount of local currency needed to buy one Gold.
1 Iran 9.5
2 Indonesia 18.0
3 Sweden 21.0
4 UK 22.0
5 Turkey 22.5
6 Romania 36.2
7 Norway 36.2
8 Hungary 36.6
9 Italy 37.7
10 Spain 39.7
11 Austria 40.7
12 Brazil 41.7
13 USA 51.0
14 Pakistan 53.4
15 Canada 53.5
16 Netherlands 56.7
17 Venezuela 59.0
18 France 62.5
19 Argentina 76.5
20 Portugal 264.0

Unfortunately there is still no ingame mechanism for calculating this so I have used my own formula. Iran’s currency is worth the most in terms of Gold and Portugal’s is the weakest. By my calculation 1 IRR is worth 27.7 PTE - quite a big differential.

Average Wage in terms of local currency
1 Portugal 26.87
2 Norway 8.16
3 Austria 7.99
4 Pakistan 7.68
5 Spain 7.68
6 Sweden 7.54
7 Venezuela 6.76
8 USA 6.68
9 Turkey 6.51
10 France 6.28
11 Canada 6.25
12 Argentina 6.24
13 Hungary 6.03
14 UK 5.82
15 Indonesia 5.47
16 Italy 5.12
17 Romania 4.92
18 Netherlands 4.32
19 Iran 3.71
20 Brazil 2.91

Here are the average wages in Erepublik’s T20 in terms of local currency. Portugal seems to pay the highest wage here, right?

Average Wage in terms of AER (ie the value of the wage in Gold)
1 Iran 0.39
2 Sweden 0.36
3 Indonesia 0.3
4 Turkey 0.29
5 UK 0.26
6 Norway 0.23
7 Austria 0.2
8 Spain 0.19
9 Hungary 0.16
10 Pakistan 0.14
11 Romania 0.14
12 Italy 0.14
13 USA 0.13
14 Canada 0.12
15 Venezuela 0.11
16 Portugal 0.1
17 France 0.1
18 Argentina 0.08
19 Netherlands 0.08
20 Brazil 0.07

If you calculate the average wage in terms of how much Gold you can get with that wage, this is how the Average Wage T20 look. If you want to earn money to get a hold of Gold then Iran, Sweden and Indonesia are the best places to be.

Average Wage in terms of RER (ie the value of the wage in local goods)
1 Sweden 0.21
2 Norway 0.21
3 Portugal 0.2
4 UK 0.18
5 Brazil 0.18
6 Spain 0.18
7 Netherlands 0.17
8 Pakistan 0.16
9 Venezuela 0.15
10 Turkey 0.14
11 Iran 0.14
12 Italy 0.14
13 Indonesia 0.13
14 Austria 0.13
15 Canada 0.12
16 USA 0.12
17 Romania 0.11
18 France 0.11
19 Hungary 0.1
20 Argentina 0.07

This is the Average Wage in terms of what you can buy in the local economy with your wage. Sweden, Norway and Portugal are the place to be if you want to be able to buy goods at your local market with your wage.

Average Wage in terms of AER and RER average
1 Sweden 0.29
2 Iran 0.26
3 UK 0.22
4 Norway 0.22
5 Indonesia 0.22
6 Turkey 0.21
7 Spain 0.19
8 Austria 0.16
9 Pakistan 0.15
10 Portugal 0.15
11 Italy 0.14
12 Hungary 0.13
13 Venezuela 0.13
14 USA 0.13
15 Brazil 0.12
16 Romania 0.12
17 Netherlands 0.12
18 Canada 0.12
19 France 0.1
20 Argentina 0.07

But which country’s citizens are actually earning the most? The figure above takes an average of the above two rates so it factors into account both what you can buy with your wage and how much Gold you can get with it. According to this stat Sweden, Iran and the UK are the best places to be.

Overall, when you factor in unemployment rates I would have to say, in pure Economic terms, that the best place to start life in Erepublik as a normal working citizen are Norway and then the UK.