We have seen recently quite a few newer players that are curious as to how the US/Canadian war came about and how it played out. Here’s a personal account, which doesnt represent anyone or anything else that I may be associated with. I am leaving out name’s of almost everyone, since I can’t remember everyone all the time. I surely do not nor will not forget those that I have both faced and sided with on the battlefield, but unfortunately my memory isnt what it once was. This was previously classified information in my eyes, and some of it remains that way. The parts you can’t read have been covered in black Sharpie.
I awoke to a rather rude noise this morning. It was the third week of March, and for some reason I couldnt get back to sleep. Suddenly, the red light above the basement door started to light up. My heart jumped a little, in anticipation and fear at the same time. It meant that my secure SAT-line was ringing. I walked through the living room in my Quality 4 house and over to the basement door.
The house itself was nice, almost too nice. It was purchased with a lot of blood sweat and tears in mind. I could remember all the hard work and time I had spent creating structure where there was none, amassing resources and budgets, lobbying for support in every community I could find. Back in early January, I was charged with a large duty: I was expected to create organized Chaos. It was expected that the end result would strike fear into even the bravest men. I wasnt so sure of that, as great things have to begin somewhere, but usually the seeds of anything are much less noticeable than the end result. I knew that I would certainly not be around for the end result. I had been contemplating retirement from my post for some time, as my heart yearned for different things, beyond that which I already had control. Part of me didnt even want to answer this phone call, yet it was my duty. As any good soldier would, I began the descent into the secured basement fortress which was build specifically for Departmental purposes.
As I turned my COM-system on, there it read like a spotlight into a dark Russian night. One line, simply stated: We are going to war. Prepare your troops for an attack on Canada. My attention span was short, as my mind started to turn. Why would we attack Canada? We had briefly talked about it, as possible targets. What had happened that would create such a rash reaction? While I knew that I probably wouldnt have a complete answer for a day or two, I began thinking strategy. We were as unprepared as ever for a complete invasion, we would have to divide and conquer. First we had to procure hospitals, as all our local infirmaries were simply gift stores masquerading as hospitals. I contacted a good friend of mine, Joseph Salute, who ran the largest hospital producer in the US at the time (which still holds true). We had been talking a couple of weeks ago about stock that he was having a hard time getting rid of, so I reserved two. One was readily available and on the market. I asked him to remove it and contacted the current Mayor of St Paul as well as the President and requested funds. Within a day we had a hospital in St Paul which became our base of operations for the assault. I contacted our commanders for our mobile action teams, and proceeded to mobilize them and get them moved. We also knew that we needed more members for those teams, as they would be our main assault force. We readily recruited anyone who would join. They didnt know for what they were being mobilized, just location.
The message was simple: You’re being mobilized. Please move to St Paul and report to your commander.
All in all, I wondered what our troops thought of the situation. Eventually, we couldnt keep quiet that we were about to increase the population in a single city four hundred percent. Certainly someone would notice. We discusses the possibility, and soon our counts were high enough that we formed four divisions. Three were mobilized to St Paul and one to Albany. We decided it would better disguise our actions, and would concentrate our attacks on singling out their capital, Ontario, for final assault. We knew that once we took Winnipeg, our initial target, and Quebec that it would cripple their ability to react.
Pure speed, plain and simple. Attack in the night, take no prisoners, divide and conquer. Once we took those three provinces our units would then move in two directions. Albany to the East, One out of St Paul (the largest one) to the North, and Two to the West to conquer their remaining territories. Quick and simple. Initial agreements were made on one to two weeks to conquer the whole country.
Then the problems started to arise.
First Quarter
The problems with our war plans arose almost instantaneously. Our original date of proposal was pushed almost two weeks due to the National elections (originally scheduled March 28th, pushed to April 7th). It actually helped as membership into the Mobile Squads rose 30 percent during that time (rough estimate).
We awoke the morning of April 7th as any other morning. We had all been training diligently, awaiting this day. Finally, it arrived.
Surprisingly enough, there was another war declared that day as well. Pakistan had declared on China. Maybe that will take some of the attention off of us, I thought. Then I looked through some Canadian media, which I had been paying attention to for the last few weeks, and I was wrong. One simple article had appeared:
Canadians: Please report to the National forums for matters of National Security.
They were onto us, apparently. They had all seen our announcement, and were doing what they could to draw forces together. No matter, I thought. We had operatives for several weeks moving into Canada and buying all their resources. At final count, they hadnt a single moving ticket, gift, or weapon on their market. They would pop one in their occasionally, but it certainly wasnt enough to win a war. They didnt have enough time to organize a full defense.
As I turned the page in my paper, looking at the military section, I found something that was new: Canada was showing a Protection Pact with Sweden. When had this happened? I immediately fired up my Comsat system and messaged our President. If we were going to war, it could not be with Sweden. We were not nearly big enough in size, nor was I ignorant enough to think we’d last two days.
President Saikiliah immediately got to work. It turns out China had received most of the support internationally to fend off the Pakistani threat, and with Sweden’s support of Canada both President Saikiliah and God Emperor Brando decided to cancel their war proposals. To me, it was more of a let down, until Nave called me and told me that the Protection Pact was a mis-print.
Let me tell you how this angered me. It was like someone stole my firstborne child. We discussed the possibility of re-proposal, and the President decided to push forward with the invasion. All in all, it took three days, which were the longest in my eLife. I saw the population of Canada double in those three days. As I sat at my post in the Watchtower looking at the Canadian border to Winnipeg I saw more and more soldiers digging in for the long fight. This was going to last some time. The delay had cost us three weeks of planning, money spent, and orders sent out. It made the last three weeks of preparation useless. I got up from my comfortable armchair in the Watchtower and three my coffee across the room. General Lilac had to restrain me, otherwise I probably would have damaged expensive comms equipment. Esoom and Benn ran upstairs to figure out what was going on. All in all, we ended up completely regrouping. All commanders moved troops to different locations, and we ran around in circles for more than a day.
Second Quarter
The International support that Canada received during the war was overwhelming. Sweden, France, Portugal, Spain, and quite a few independant fighters flew in. The war began on a Friday morning. We all went to war, and soon found how hard it was initially to take land. The Canadian forces were dug in well, and their defenses were held tight. American troops standing side by side with foreign troops of our own looked over the border, almost as if we were looking into a mirror. The blank stares on our faces told the story. We were carrying out orders we knew came from other places, fighting battles that couldnt be won.
Then something else happened: Our hospitals were due to heal our troops, something in which we had a clear advantage over the Canadians in. Each soldier was set to receive a checkup once per day. When we reported for our physicals after battle, and began receiving medication, we found that our nurses and doctors had been replaced my machines. We immediately began using those machines countless times. We had a mission after all, myself included. I needed to lead by example, and lead my troops into battle. When it was discovered that those robots had been cruel plants and were mistakenly installed in our new Q3 hospital in Honolulu, they were immediately removed and our nurses and doctors were sent home while they retrofitted the hospital the way it should have been. Immediately, I reported my findings to President Saikiliah and we took hold of 9 provinces. I was put on immediate suspension of duty while the investigation took place. I went home and relaxed, heading communication operations on inactive duty. At least I was allowed to do my part in that area. The more I sat in the basement of my house, communicating from a distance the more I realized that this was not what I wanted for myself. As desolate as the battlefield was, it was a crowded room compared to the empty basement I now occupied.
Third Quarter
Canada retook those 9 territories in a planned ceasefire, and opened our Northern States for attack. During that time another Ceasefire was called, and all fighting was stopped for well over a week. Things were awkward in the respect that verbally we all fought over who was more Patriotic than the other, and why yet none of us could prove it on the battlefield. Media flurry, and an estimated 100 articles in a 2 day span over the reemergence of the war occured when talks ceased. I was reinstated the minute our homes were open for attack, and remained until the final days of the war. I had had enough. I was tired, growing more weary by the moment. The troops I had fought with bravery and courage, as did the Canadian forces. They were all to be commended but I could no longer keep my eyes open in that Watchtower (which I had moved to Honolulu) and delegate, distribute, and coordinate. I was replaced by Benn Dover, and immediately went on R and R. Our efforts were ruined on several ends. The President started negotiations for peace while we bled carrying out the orders we were given. Many of us stayed on the front lines while we had no business in doing so. Dissention started amongst the troops who wanted to go back to their lives.
Fourth Quarter
Here, we draw attention to Nave’s last stand. In the last day of the war, the Canadian forces were focusing on Manitoba, the only territory we still had control over. They expressed no official desire for control over US Territory by force, and Nave was determined to use Manitoba as collateral. Nave personally went through soldier after Canadian soldier in those front lines, fighting well over 40 times on the final day. He spent more time ensuring Canada’s wellness overall was as poor as ours to make sure that treaty was signed. Eventually Faltnor gave in, and a treaty was signed. It was during this process that the talk of an Independant Hawaii came about. There was a large press conference in the open air and balmy weather by Korbin King, and his Lieutenant Platonic as to their disagreements with official US policies and actions during the war. There began the outcry for change.
Soldiers began moving home, disobeying orders, treasonous by definition, noble by suggestion. Once I resigned, I officially became just another citizen and could finally express my own opinions, although we must all remember that hindsight will always be 20/20. It is the job of any leader to make the correct decision as he or she sees it, and not the popular one. All in all, it’s a delicate balance as to how things are run. It must be for the people, but better defined as in their best interests. Canada managed to retake all their territories and stopped attacking US soil. The war officially ended with the signing of a treaty by both Presidents. With the signing of a treaty, I had several of my former mates over for celebration. It was a grand evening, with it ending as we raised our glasses to the end of one chapter, and the beginning of another. From there, we decided we were going to refocus our energies on domestic issues, and rebuilding what was lost. Store fronts had been destroyed, homes obliterated, there was work to be done.
Post Game Press Conference
All in all there was much that happened during the war efforts. Both sides of battle used foreign troops to supplement their numbers, along with extreme Patriotism to fight for what they believed. I was taught that an enlisted man never thinks, only does. Thats how our armed forces were made up, and while they certainly can improve you can’t say that seeds were sown to show success. Success stories came to the forefront of people that took opportunity and siezed the day. They were and still are the reason I see the US as having the potential to lead the world in many aspects. Personally, I can say that there are many Canadian men and women that I would stand shoulder to shoulder with on the battlefield because of the courage and bravery they showed during the conflict. In a short three days they managed to organize a counterdefense and worldwide relief efforts both on a domestic and International level. Certainly, our hats are off to them for that.
As for us, while there are still progressions to be made, we certainly have come along way in both the eyes of others and our own opinions as to who we really are. We are not a country that wishes to be involved in every crisis and situation in the world. We are a country that minds our own, takes care of our friends, and needs to allow the problems of others to be worked out by them until they become problems of our own. On an International scale, we certainly are not the first phone call to make when calling for help, but we have the capabilities to be that. We just need to tweak our systems to do so. Change is constant, and with those changes we need to adapt to them to be successful.
Editors Note: This is not an attempt to bash anyone, anything, or whatnot. It is a simple first person account of things. If you have your own, then I would encourage you to record it for history purposes.
Vice President of the United States
Sunday, May 25, 2008
New and more detailed eRepublik World maps
South Africa eRepublik Statistics May 25 2008
South Africa
Population: 105
Citizen Fee: 25 ZAR
Treasury: 222.38 GOLD and 101,737.75 ZAR
Average salary: 2.98 ZAR
GDP (last 30 days): 537.82 GOLD
Gold reserve/monthly imports: 9.27 %
Exports: 3.21 GOLD
Imports: 23.52 GOLD
Number of companies with employees: 16
Number of employees working in active companies:: 59
Product - Income TAX // Import Tax // VAT
Moving - 10.00% // 99.00% // 10.00%
Food - 10.00% // 99.00% // 10.00%
Weapons - 1.00% // 15.00% // 20.00%
Housing - 10.00% // 99.00% // 10.00%
Hospitals - 2.00% // 25.00% // 5.00%
Gifts - 10.00% // 99.00% // 10.00%
Market Place
Food - 3 importers Q2, 1 importer Q3
Gifts - 1 importer Q1; 1 local Q2
Moving - 1 importer Q1
Weapons - 1 local Q1
Houses - no houses
Hospitals - no hospitals
Company owners and number of employees
1. The Cooperative (currently administrated by mamangbakso and Tongki) - Food (3), Moving (6) and Houses
2. ABC - Limited - Food (2), Moving (7) and Houses (3) - 12 employees
3. arcomhas - Food - 10 employees
4. mamangbakso - Houses - 8 employees
5. Nidgaard - Weapons - 3 employees
6. Bazti - Gifts - 3 employees
7. ISSAGroup (SO) - Gifts - 2 employees
8. Jeffa - Food - 2 employees
And other companies with just one employee. (4) - 13 employees
Economical treaties
Country - Trading Tax - Imports // Exports
United Kingdom - 10% - 14.77 Gold // 2.18 Gold
Venezuela - 20% - 0.64 Gold // 0 Gold
Political parties:
African National Congress - 33 members (hold presidency, 4 Congress seats)
The Liberal Party of South Africa - 15 members (4 Congress seats)
Just 4 Africa - 5 members
Democrats Of South Africa - 3 members
Azumanga Politico - 3 members
Mutual Protection Pacts:
Venezuela - Active since Apr 22, 2008
Sweden - Active since May 22, 2008
Indonesia - Active since May 07, 2008
Soldiers: 105
Average strength: 2.57
1. South Africa has a lot of inactive and banned users. I always thought that having fake accounts in this country is a bad idea. It took me just an hour and a half to see the profile and actions of all 105 citizens. :)
2. I propose that the Citizen Fee is reduced to minimum - 5 ZAR. This should discourage fake accounts. We need active citizens from eRepublik. If you want fame and fortune in South Africa, talk with your friends and move here. That should be enough for anyone to make e career here…. there is little competition.
3. Military status - perfect…. South Africa has MPPs with Sweden and Indonesia.
4.The domains specified by the presidency in which South Africa will develop are: Food, Housing and Moving - So, I propose the taxes for these 3 domains to be: Income Tax - 1% ; Import Tax - 99% ; VAT - 5%;
5. The other three domains (Gifts, Weapons, Hospital) - for the moment, I propose Income Tax - 21%, Import Tax - 99% or fewer, VAT - 25%.
Population: 105
Citizen Fee: 25 ZAR
Treasury: 222.38 GOLD and 101,737.75 ZAR
Average salary: 2.98 ZAR
GDP (last 30 days): 537.82 GOLD
Gold reserve/monthly imports: 9.27 %
Exports: 3.21 GOLD
Imports: 23.52 GOLD
Number of companies with employees: 16
Number of employees working in active companies:: 59
Product - Income TAX // Import Tax // VAT
Moving - 10.00% // 99.00% // 10.00%
Food - 10.00% // 99.00% // 10.00%
Weapons - 1.00% // 15.00% // 20.00%
Housing - 10.00% // 99.00% // 10.00%
Hospitals - 2.00% // 25.00% // 5.00%
Gifts - 10.00% // 99.00% // 10.00%
Market Place
Food - 3 importers Q2, 1 importer Q3
Gifts - 1 importer Q1; 1 local Q2
Moving - 1 importer Q1
Weapons - 1 local Q1
Houses - no houses
Hospitals - no hospitals
Company owners and number of employees
1. The Cooperative (currently administrated by mamangbakso and Tongki) - Food (3), Moving (6) and Houses
2. ABC - Limited - Food (2), Moving (7) and Houses (3) - 12 employees
3. arcomhas - Food - 10 employees
4. mamangbakso - Houses - 8 employees
5. Nidgaard - Weapons - 3 employees
6. Bazti - Gifts - 3 employees
7. ISSAGroup (SO) - Gifts - 2 employees
8. Jeffa - Food - 2 employees
And other companies with just one employee. (4) - 13 employees
Economical treaties
Country - Trading Tax - Imports // Exports
United Kingdom - 10% - 14.77 Gold // 2.18 Gold
Venezuela - 20% - 0.64 Gold // 0 Gold
Political parties:
African National Congress - 33 members (hold presidency, 4 Congress seats)
The Liberal Party of South Africa - 15 members (4 Congress seats)
Just 4 Africa - 5 members
Democrats Of South Africa - 3 members
Azumanga Politico - 3 members
Mutual Protection Pacts:
Venezuela - Active since Apr 22, 2008
Sweden - Active since May 22, 2008
Indonesia - Active since May 07, 2008
Soldiers: 105
Average strength: 2.57
1. South Africa has a lot of inactive and banned users. I always thought that having fake accounts in this country is a bad idea. It took me just an hour and a half to see the profile and actions of all 105 citizens. :)
2. I propose that the Citizen Fee is reduced to minimum - 5 ZAR. This should discourage fake accounts. We need active citizens from eRepublik. If you want fame and fortune in South Africa, talk with your friends and move here. That should be enough for anyone to make e career here…. there is little competition.
3. Military status - perfect…. South Africa has MPPs with Sweden and Indonesia.
4.The domains specified by the presidency in which South Africa will develop are: Food, Housing and Moving - So, I propose the taxes for these 3 domains to be: Income Tax - 1% ; Import Tax - 99% ; VAT - 5%;
5. The other three domains (Gifts, Weapons, Hospital) - for the moment, I propose Income Tax - 21%, Import Tax - 99% or fewer, VAT - 25%.
erepublik countries,
eRepublik economy
Romania gained another place up, leaving Norway behind
It seems that Romania gains more and more power. It is more than sure that Romania’s choice for an aliance will change eRepublik future. Here is the day 187 New Country General Top:
1 Sweden 31121 18684 1047 10027 2408
2 Spain 23569 9212 1206 11371 2985
3 Indonesia 20117 8408 1092 8606 3104
4 Italy 14542 5299 762 7133 2110
5 Romania 13380 5863 685 5920 1596
6 Norway 13336 7781 447 4583 971
7 Pakistan 11202 7185 367 3147 868
8 Iran 9658 3228 466 5340 1089
9 United Kingdom8275 4399 367 3036 839
10 Portugal 7823 4979 335 2113 730
11 Turkey 7065 2937 347 3356 771
12 USA 6004 2926 362 2286 788
13 Austria 5812 2338 345 2676 800
14 France 4436 2175 223 1844 416
15 Hungary 4287 1471 304 2178 636
16 Canada 3650 1963 142 1334 351
17 Venezuela 3590 1637 151 1492 460
18 Brazil 3442 1605 167 1423 413
19 Argentina 3197 1587 201 1134 474
20 Netherlands 2680 1736 114 722 221
1 Sweden 31121 18684 1047 10027 2408
2 Spain 23569 9212 1206 11371 2985
3 Indonesia 20117 8408 1092 8606 3104
4 Italy 14542 5299 762 7133 2110
5 Romania 13380 5863 685 5920 1596
6 Norway 13336 7781 447 4583 971
7 Pakistan 11202 7185 367 3147 868
8 Iran 9658 3228 466 5340 1089
9 United Kingdom8275 4399 367 3036 839
10 Portugal 7823 4979 335 2113 730
11 Turkey 7065 2937 347 3356 771
12 USA 6004 2926 362 2286 788
13 Austria 5812 2338 345 2676 800
14 France 4436 2175 223 1844 416
15 Hungary 4287 1471 304 2178 636
16 Canada 3650 1963 142 1334 351
17 Venezuela 3590 1637 151 1492 460
18 Brazil 3442 1605 167 1423 413
19 Argentina 3197 1587 201 1134 474
20 Netherlands 2680 1736 114 722 221
Changes regarding alliances in eRepublik
Taking into account the events that succeeded in the past few days, we are announcing the following changes:
- A Mutual Protection Pact (MPP) signed by both Presidents will become active after 3 days, and it will protect the 2 countries just for the wars declared after the 3 days have passed;
- A MPP that is canceled will still remain valid for a period of 3 days;
- Country Presidents will be able to cancel any Congress proposal before it is passed or rejected. Canceling a war proposal will give back 75% of the cost of the war. Rejecting a war proposal will give back 100%.
Don’t forget that the proposals become valid at 00:10 am (Erepublik time) at least 24 hours (and 10 minutes) after the Congress vote.
The changes in the code will be available in the next days.
For the moment there are four open war proposals, ready to be voted in Congress, in the following countries:
Pakistan to attack China
USA to attack Canada
Slovakia to attack Czech Republic
Belgium to attack UK
If one of the Presidents of Pakistan, USA, Slovakia or Belgium want to cancel their proposal, they will need to contact us and we recommend they make their opinion public.
- A Mutual Protection Pact (MPP) signed by both Presidents will become active after 3 days, and it will protect the 2 countries just for the wars declared after the 3 days have passed;
- A MPP that is canceled will still remain valid for a period of 3 days;
- Country Presidents will be able to cancel any Congress proposal before it is passed or rejected. Canceling a war proposal will give back 75% of the cost of the war. Rejecting a war proposal will give back 100%.
Don’t forget that the proposals become valid at 00:10 am (Erepublik time) at least 24 hours (and 10 minutes) after the Congress vote.
The changes in the code will be available in the next days.
For the moment there are four open war proposals, ready to be voted in Congress, in the following countries:
Pakistan to attack China
USA to attack Canada
Slovakia to attack Czech Republic
Belgium to attack UK
If one of the Presidents of Pakistan, USA, Slovakia or Belgium want to cancel their proposal, they will need to contact us and we recommend they make their opinion public.
Benn Dover US presidential candidate retires
” As shocking and contradicting as this may sound, I have decided to resign my presidential candidacy. It has become apparent to me that there are better individuals out there for the job; here are the outlined reasons why:
Endorsements for Dishmcds
Let’s face facts, Dish is a brilliant individual and extremely active — not only in eRepublik, but through external forums as well. Not many others in eRepublik can say they’ve written 112 articles. Dish is a much more experienced person in real life as well. Everything simply lines up to him being elected, and if I were to spend a lot of his time with arguments and discussions, then it would be counter-productive, as Dish is known to be a very productive person when given a fair amount of time. As he is the vice-president of the US, I fully endorse Dishmcds for President of the United States.
My activity
I hope there is no conclusion that since it is the summer, I will have little time given to eRepublik, because that is not true. However, I am a regular human being and I do want to allow myself freedom in the summer (in real life). If I were to be elected president, then I could easily distribute my time equally, but judging by how Dish has been doing this consistently, he can be GUARANTEED to be an active president. If anybody is upset with Nave’s final mandate, please realize that he is a very contributive president, but sometimes very soft-spoken in eRepublik as well.
June for me
I will not allow any individual to run cold in this presidential campaign. I am the third most powerful politician in the United States next only to Nave and Dish. If I feel as though I cannot get the job done, then I should have the right to withhold others from running too.
Come June 1st, I am going to become an official mercenary. As many of you know, congressman cannot move, and party presidents are automatically congressmen. Because of this, and the fact that I will not let others run this presidential election (see above), I am going to resign from both the presidential campaign and Democratic Party before the election day ends so that I don’t become a congressman. I will follow countries that enter war and contribute to their fights. By that time my strength will be nearing 6, one of the highest in eRepublik, and since I own a thriving Q4 weapons company, I have a great supply of Q4 weapons. This brings me to my next point…
Contributing to America overseas
When I leave America, I will have my Stimulated Organization, Harrisburg Bank account hold both of my companies, thus allowing me to legally maintain them and supply America with both Q1 moving tickets and Q4 weapons =). Alongside that, I will be keeping a large stock of moving tickets in my inventory to allow easy access into and out of America. I want it to be known that since I am not going be considered an American “resident” in foreign countries, that my citizenship here should be constantly valid until I live for more than 30 days in another country (see Platonics proposed US Constitution).
I realize that many of you are questioning “what will happen to our Chief of Staff”. Well, keep in mind that it doesn’t take citizenship to contribute to our country. I will continue being Chief of Staff when I become a mercenary and, if our next president feels as though I will be better suited being someone with more power (Vice-President?), or less (FIA Chairman?) then I will respect his decision and follow my orders. Consumer’s Digest, this newspaper, will too be held by Harrisburg Bank when I take leave.
Future of the Democratic Party
I may decide to write this in further detail in a press release , but here is what I want to see happen in the DeP:
-Party presidential advisory team: A group of individuals that talk to the party president on a regular basis. This group will be there to both facilitate things for the DeP party pres., but also keep them on the right track.
-Opening message: I want the party president to send each new party member a standard introductory message that helps them on their way and points them towards the welcome committee. This has worked in the past with individuals such as Caius, Jmatic, and Olu Dara (even though the latter two are no longer active).
-Welcome committee: This will branch off the ‘opening message’. As aforementioned, the opening message will point new members towards the veteran players (or at least those who are more established in the party). The welcome committee will give advice, suggestions, and answer the questions of new members.
-Vice Presidents: Currently, the VP of the DeP is Uncle Sam. That means he will become the president of the Dems come June 1st. I know Uncle Sam (most of you know him as Ryan) personally. He is a great person, EXTREMELY innovative, filled with new ideas, and will make for the perfect fill-in president of the Democratic Party. There is no doubt in my mind that he can lead the party to success. The new VP of the DeP will be Archibald. Even though he is somewhat new to the party, he is a highly intelligent individual, capable of fulfilling a leadership role. If Uncle Sam wants to, he can change who the VP is, but that is how I would want things to happen. Vice-presidents should be trusted individuals, trusted enough to substitute as president if something were to ever happen to presidents like myself or Uncle Sam.
I’m sorry to the Dems that may be disappointed in my lack of presidential candidacy. Here is a list of the most active citizens in the DeP of which I make my fullest apologies out to:
Uncle Sam
Robert Harding
Olu Dara
Justinious McWalburgson III
Cj Will Win
naruto kun10 “
Endorsements for Dishmcds
Let’s face facts, Dish is a brilliant individual and extremely active — not only in eRepublik, but through external forums as well. Not many others in eRepublik can say they’ve written 112 articles. Dish is a much more experienced person in real life as well. Everything simply lines up to him being elected, and if I were to spend a lot of his time with arguments and discussions, then it would be counter-productive, as Dish is known to be a very productive person when given a fair amount of time. As he is the vice-president of the US, I fully endorse Dishmcds for President of the United States.
My activity
I hope there is no conclusion that since it is the summer, I will have little time given to eRepublik, because that is not true. However, I am a regular human being and I do want to allow myself freedom in the summer (in real life). If I were to be elected president, then I could easily distribute my time equally, but judging by how Dish has been doing this consistently, he can be GUARANTEED to be an active president. If anybody is upset with Nave’s final mandate, please realize that he is a very contributive president, but sometimes very soft-spoken in eRepublik as well.
June for me
I will not allow any individual to run cold in this presidential campaign. I am the third most powerful politician in the United States next only to Nave and Dish. If I feel as though I cannot get the job done, then I should have the right to withhold others from running too.
Come June 1st, I am going to become an official mercenary. As many of you know, congressman cannot move, and party presidents are automatically congressmen. Because of this, and the fact that I will not let others run this presidential election (see above), I am going to resign from both the presidential campaign and Democratic Party before the election day ends so that I don’t become a congressman. I will follow countries that enter war and contribute to their fights. By that time my strength will be nearing 6, one of the highest in eRepublik, and since I own a thriving Q4 weapons company, I have a great supply of Q4 weapons. This brings me to my next point…
Contributing to America overseas
When I leave America, I will have my Stimulated Organization, Harrisburg Bank account hold both of my companies, thus allowing me to legally maintain them and supply America with both Q1 moving tickets and Q4 weapons =). Alongside that, I will be keeping a large stock of moving tickets in my inventory to allow easy access into and out of America. I want it to be known that since I am not going be considered an American “resident” in foreign countries, that my citizenship here should be constantly valid until I live for more than 30 days in another country (see Platonics proposed US Constitution).
I realize that many of you are questioning “what will happen to our Chief of Staff”. Well, keep in mind that it doesn’t take citizenship to contribute to our country. I will continue being Chief of Staff when I become a mercenary and, if our next president feels as though I will be better suited being someone with more power (Vice-President?), or less (FIA Chairman?) then I will respect his decision and follow my orders. Consumer’s Digest, this newspaper, will too be held by Harrisburg Bank when I take leave.
Future of the Democratic Party
I may decide to write this in further detail in a press release , but here is what I want to see happen in the DeP:
-Party presidential advisory team: A group of individuals that talk to the party president on a regular basis. This group will be there to both facilitate things for the DeP party pres., but also keep them on the right track.
-Opening message: I want the party president to send each new party member a standard introductory message that helps them on their way and points them towards the welcome committee. This has worked in the past with individuals such as Caius, Jmatic, and Olu Dara (even though the latter two are no longer active).
-Welcome committee: This will branch off the ‘opening message’. As aforementioned, the opening message will point new members towards the veteran players (or at least those who are more established in the party). The welcome committee will give advice, suggestions, and answer the questions of new members.
-Vice Presidents: Currently, the VP of the DeP is Uncle Sam. That means he will become the president of the Dems come June 1st. I know Uncle Sam (most of you know him as Ryan) personally. He is a great person, EXTREMELY innovative, filled with new ideas, and will make for the perfect fill-in president of the Democratic Party. There is no doubt in my mind that he can lead the party to success. The new VP of the DeP will be Archibald. Even though he is somewhat new to the party, he is a highly intelligent individual, capable of fulfilling a leadership role. If Uncle Sam wants to, he can change who the VP is, but that is how I would want things to happen. Vice-presidents should be trusted individuals, trusted enough to substitute as president if something were to ever happen to presidents like myself or Uncle Sam.
I’m sorry to the Dems that may be disappointed in my lack of presidential candidacy. Here is a list of the most active citizens in the DeP of which I make my fullest apologies out to:
Uncle Sam
Robert Harding
Olu Dara
Justinious McWalburgson III
Cj Will Win
naruto kun10 “
Presidential Debate: Vice President of the United States speech
"Alright, so it’s Memorial Day weekend. Most of us are probably busy or out of town. Lest we not forget that it’s the 24th of May, and General Elections are a week away.
Earlier this week, I released a manifesto of our goals from the eRepublikans for Change party, available here. Those are my goals should I be elected President.
I would also like to announce that there are newly appointed people in charge of Operation Wellness, that was started by Nave after the war. Pearlswine will head the project assisted by Justineous (I know I always mess up your name, sorry). This should be full swing sometime in the next couple of days. They will be under my oversight, and I will ensure that this is being done. It will increase our productivity overall and our moral as well. Have faith that we are working here in Government buildings on Saturday for you, the citizen.
Now, onto the meat of the article: The Debate. I asked in the Manifesto article earlier this week for a debate. It would be nice to see one for this election. It is not necessary, as I can simply write my platforms and views out on a piece of ePaper” and hang copies of it on the wall of every bathroom stall in America, but I’d rather not. We have 7 days left until elections, I’ll wait 3 until I do so. America is a big place, lots of bathrooms to hit.
If you’re interested and would like to moderate, let me know.
Vice President of the United States"
Earlier this week, I released a manifesto of our goals from the eRepublikans for Change party, available here. Those are my goals should I be elected President.
I would also like to announce that there are newly appointed people in charge of Operation Wellness, that was started by Nave after the war. Pearlswine will head the project assisted by Justineous (I know I always mess up your name, sorry). This should be full swing sometime in the next couple of days. They will be under my oversight, and I will ensure that this is being done. It will increase our productivity overall and our moral as well. Have faith that we are working here in Government buildings on Saturday for you, the citizen.
Now, onto the meat of the article: The Debate. I asked in the Manifesto article earlier this week for a debate. It would be nice to see one for this election. It is not necessary, as I can simply write my platforms and views out on a piece of ePaper” and hang copies of it on the wall of every bathroom stall in America, but I’d rather not. We have 7 days left until elections, I’ll wait 3 until I do so. America is a big place, lots of bathrooms to hit.
If you’re interested and would like to moderate, let me know.
Vice President of the United States"
Letter from Manifesto, Co-Founder of the eInternationale, to Romanian Comunist Party
Greetings comrade,
You have been formally invited to participate in representing your nation in eRepublik”s first leftest Internationale. I wish to know if you are interested in having your party register as the official representatives of Romania on our forums (under construction).
Workers parties from each country have been invited to participate in the Internationale forums to discuss the advancement of the international proletariat in their overthrow of the chains of Capitalism. Not only will we discuss a variety of topics, such as our stance on wars, formation of unions, our collective policies and goals, etc, but will increase our solidarity as global leaders of the workers movement.
Thank you for your time comrade.
Co-Founder of the eInternationale
You have been formally invited to participate in representing your nation in eRepublik”s first leftest Internationale. I wish to know if you are interested in having your party register as the official representatives of Romania on our forums (under construction).
Workers parties from each country have been invited to participate in the Internationale forums to discuss the advancement of the international proletariat in their overthrow of the chains of Capitalism. Not only will we discuss a variety of topics, such as our stance on wars, formation of unions, our collective policies and goals, etc, but will increase our solidarity as global leaders of the workers movement.
Thank you for your time comrade.
Co-Founder of the eInternationale
New Mayor in Oslo & Q4-Hospital!
Just a quick announcement.
Forconin got elected as the new mayor of Oslo in the Local Elections.
And the real announcement:
Today eNorway’s first Q4-hospital was placed in Oslo. It was opened by the Minister of Health Oddgeir in a small ceremony at the Hospital. This will help improve the citizens health if war comes to Oslo.
Forconin got elected as the new mayor of Oslo in the Local Elections.
And the real announcement:
Today eNorway’s first Q4-hospital was placed in Oslo. It was opened by the Minister of Health Oddgeir in a small ceremony at the Hospital. This will help improve the citizens health if war comes to Oslo.
A top of the most productive citizens in eUSA
A rank of the most productive citizens in eUSA. There are lots of problems with this still — it does not take into account the company’s average presence factor or the region factor. Also, I have GM’s listed. One last thing — it counts only the highest skill level, not the active skill. So, if I have a 5.34 skill in food and a 1.2 skill in gifts, and I am working in gifts, it misreads my skill level as 5.34. I’ll fix all of that later.
Here are theearly rankings for the 21st of May:
1. Jay Musick with 17.23 productivity.
2. Jesus Christo with 17.1 productivity.
3. tybeck with 17.08 productivity.
4. Coin with 16.86 productivity.
5. RoByte with 16.47 productivity.
6. Balian Ibelin with 16.32 productivity.
7. Guerilla_Jones with 16.11 productivity.
8. Ekim Gram with 15.9 productivity.
9. Jenks with 15.87 productivity.
10. Pearlswine with 15.84 productivity.
11. Zombie Jesus with 15.78 productivity.
12. Dumininja with 15.78 productivity.
13. jankems with 15.6 productivity.
14. wopboy with 15.56 productivity.
15. starrysothoth with 15.46 productivity.
16. Shinryuu with 15.41 productivity.
17. Will Pilgrim with 15.35 productivity.
18. Biff StrongGuy with 15.3 productivity.
19. Magnitude with 15.27 productivity.
20. Dudemaster47 with 15.27 productivity.
21. thomas06141991 with 15.21 productivity.
22. Shadowlord with 15.18 productivity.
23. krokodil with 15.1 productivity.
24. Luminary with 15.09 productivity.
25. EEric with 15.09 productivity.
26. Dishmcds with 15 productivity.
27. MacMuffin with 14.82 productivity.
28. PakiDERP with 14.73 productivity.
29. 8-Bit Pirate with 14.69 productivity.
30. Atlas Argento with 14.69 productivity.
31. InfernoSD with 14.64 productivity.
32. Sooz with 14.6 productivity.
33. Jefepato with 14.48 productivity.
34. Arbot with 14.47 productivity.
35. Franz Fanon with 14.18 productivity.
36. Maiashk with 14.16 productivity.
37. Deus Absconditus with 14.15 productivity.
38. CannonFolly with 14.12 productivity.
39. BodyBags with 14.07 productivity.
40. Lazor with 13.97 productivity.
41. Archibald with 13.89 productivity.
42. Et Tu Brute with 13.69 productivity.
43. Anonyherpes with 13.62 productivity.
44. Salvador Dali with 13.53 productivity.
45. Nico Walser with 13.53 productivity.
46. Mardoc with 13.44 productivity.
47. soccerguy03 with 13.41 productivity.
48. Etarip with 13.38 productivity.
49. Lauryl with 13.31 productivity.
50. Moriet with 13.26 productivity.
51. Caesar Augustus with 13.06 productivity.
52. Kosmo with 13.03 productivity.
53. Bock Hebetude with 13 productivity.
54. TheSupernatural with 12.93 productivity.
55. numen with 12.79 productivity.
56. ShellMethod with 12.63 productivity.
57. SJ Alain with 12.63 productivity.
58. Lex Luthor with 12.59 productivity.
59. NicB with 12.55 productivity.
60. Olu Dara with 12.54 productivity.
61. Acid with 12.49 productivity.
62. J. Olafur Palfi with 12.36 productivity.
63. Diarmuid Trelsman with 12.33 productivity.
64. Arve Mennderchukk with 12.27 productivity.
65. cashoarder with 12.27 productivity.
66. xkrakenx with 12.22 productivity.
67. Benn Dover with 12.18 productivity.
68. Hoopity with 12.18 productivity.
69. SigniferOne with 12.16 productivity.
70. Apu Nahasapeemapetilon with 12.11 productivity.
71. Carl Machicao with 12.1 productivity.
72. Mr. Barbossa with 12.1 productivity.
73. ReverendVW with 12.09 productivity.
74. Fati Gamer with 12.09 productivity.
75. theStevinator with 12.03 productivity.
76. Jyles with 11.75 productivity.
77. Epic Fail Guy with 11.7 productivity.
78. sporty8045 with 11.7 productivity.
79. Asamov with 11.66 productivity.
80. Alex Righte with 11.52 productivity.
81. RaidOverMoscow with 11.5 productivity.
82. Rusty Randy with 11.44 productivity.
83. Esoom with 11.44 productivity.
84. EdwardBlake with 11.32 productivity.
85. Darren Augustus Caesar with 11.17 productivity.
86. Kemiv with 11.13 productivity.
87. Layne Kantor with 11.11 productivity.
88. Cuz with 11.11 productivity.
89. Cougarkhan with 11.04 productivity.
90. Citizensane with 11.03 productivity.
91. Apophis with 11.03 productivity.
92. AxeGunner with 11.02 productivity.
93. Patrick Cornell with 10.93 productivity.
94. Broomker with 10.87 productivity.
95. Yazzy with 10.82 productivity.
96. Darth Green Grape with 10.72 productivity.
97. Lombax with 10.65 productivity.
98. Bunby with 10.62 productivity.
99. Walter Schiess with 10.58 productivity.
100. Lucios Nava with 10.51 productivity.
101. Herb Dean with 10.4 productivity.
102. Peet15 with 10.36 productivity.
103. doin work with 10.35 productivity.
104. MarkCwaz with 10.35 productivity.
105. Aurelius with 10.3 productivity.
106. Lupus Mucro with 10.19 productivity.
107. falk aspargs with 10.09 productivity.
108. Uncle Sam with 10.05 productivity.
109. Wife of Graytap with 10.05 productivity.
110. Rydeft with 10.04 productivity.
111. Chubnasty with 10.04 productivity.
112. LaughingHands with 10 productivity.
113. luighirep with 9.98 productivity.
114. miguelguerin with 9.9 productivity.
115. Densmai with 9.84 productivity.
116. Gouryella Technics with 9.76 productivity.
117. Meanie Ferret Man with 9.75 productivity.
118. Robotra-Chan with 9.65 productivity.
119. IEatWaffles with 9.65 productivity.
120. Kevin Gregory with 9.39 productivity.
121. Joseph Salute with 9.38 productivity.
122. D Low with 9.37 productivity.
123. King Deaner with 9.31 productivity.
124. Geb Tordon with 9.29 productivity.
125. jimmy2007 with 9.29 productivity.
126. Cowboy with 9.28 productivity.
127. Taiyou with 9.22 productivity.
128. jmatic with 9.15 productivity.
129. DC Shatner with 9.15 productivity.
130. Kirkex with 9.13 productivity.
131. Billgasen with 9.13 productivity.
132. Desertfalcon with 9.08 productivity.
133. Drhdylan88 with 9.04 productivity.
134. naruto kun10 with 9.04 productivity.
135. Cyril957 with 9.03 productivity.
136. GrayTap with 9 productivity.
137. Deel Beson with 8.98 productivity.
138. Method with 8.95 productivity.
139. Markel with 8.93 productivity.
140. dilidoh with 8.78 productivity.
141. Zachary Slayback with 8.7 productivity.
142. Moshe Herzl with 8.69 productivity.
143. 173comhome with 8.65 productivity.
144. ilyria with 8.54 productivity.
145. Websta with 8.51 productivity.
146. Michael Di Natale with 8.47 productivity.
147. DeltaFiveSix with 8.47 productivity.
148. Invicta with 8.47 productivity.
149. Freakz19 with 8.45 productivity.
150. NintendoStar with 8.4 productivity.
151. Sharkman with 8.38 productivity.
152. Owen Blacknight with 8.35 productivity.
153. Gamesta with 8.34 productivity.
154. lupuswolf with 8.28 productivity.
155. Shikao with 8.28 productivity.
156. stout with 8.27 productivity.
157. Kevin with 8.27 productivity.
158. Ianus with 8.26 productivity.
159. Bahamut with 8.22 productivity.
160. Maalygos with 8.22 productivity.
161. Paige with 8.22 productivity.
162. raptorz44 with 8.21 productivity.
163. Vermin with 8.21 productivity.
164. crockhunter with 8.12 productivity.
165. ExoM7 with 8.11 productivity.
166. Mike W. with 8.1 productivity.
167. Dante Adams with 8.08 productivity.
168. James Kirk with 8.06 productivity.
169. Jaxx with 8 productivity.
170. tyler fortier (seoulspirit) with 7.95 productivity.
171. flawedmatrix with 7.94 productivity.
172. Coetz with 7.92 productivity.
173. Korbin King with 7.92 productivity.
174. cashuews with 7.85 productivity.
175. Hani Gamer with 7.83 productivity.
176. Perica with 7.8 productivity.
177. E Sco with 7.75 productivity.
178. Mingdom with 7.72 productivity.
179. Konrad Neumann with 7.71 productivity.
180. Kashmir150 with 7.69 productivity.
181. Daphne Lilac with 7.69 productivity.
182. Dark Adrien with 7.63 productivity.
183. sissoko with 7.62 productivity.
184. Vos with 7.59 productivity.
185. hookfactor2002 with 7.57 productivity.
186. Ron Paul with 7.56 productivity.
187. Justinious McWalburgson III with 7.56 productivity.
188. Cj Will Win with 7.55 productivity.
189. Micahh with 7.54 productivity.
190. Impassive with 7.53 productivity.
191. Tashan Valiant with 7.48 productivity.
192. Tommy Shafter with 7.46 productivity.
193. Fucu with 7.42 productivity.
194. KingLC with 7.32 productivity.
195. Shirou Emiya with 7.31 productivity.
196. 128Mb_MP3 with 7.28 productivity.
197. mandydean with 7.28 productivity.
198. Draygon with 7.25 productivity.
199. Issues with 7.25 productivity.
200. Lew Libertas with 7.22 productivity.
201. Mounties10 with 7.2 productivity.
202. MikeHunt with 7.19 productivity.
203. auboli77 with 7.15 productivity.
204. Festus with 7.14 productivity.
205. gohonaf with 7.08 productivity.
206. Alan White with 7.06 productivity.
207. Tremen with 7.05 productivity.
208. dasanchez with 6.95 productivity.
209. Vergatarius with 6.93 productivity.
210. Ceph with 6.9 productivity.
211. The Man with 6.9 productivity.
212. Hemos with 6.86 productivity.
213. Crash Mann with 6.85 productivity.
214. Rochkano with 6.75 productivity.
215. The Forsaken Outlaw with 6.64 productivity.
216. JamesdaLion with 6.63 productivity.
217. Pranja with 6.61 productivity.
218. TNLNYC with 6.6 productivity.
219. riza89cc with 6.59 productivity.
220. Jason Bourne with 6.55 productivity.
221. doublej with 6.5 productivity.
222. Ty Glewwe with 6.5 productivity.
223. Mila Frerichs with 6.5 productivity.
224. Silens with 6.48 productivity.
225. Farbod.N with 6.47 productivity.
226. sheika23 with 6.45 productivity.
227. Lilith with 6.44 productivity.
228. Rachel Dillon with 6.44 productivity.
229. Vuko with 6.41 productivity.
230. seraphimfall with 6.39 productivity.
231. Aussie Mike with 6.34 productivity.
232. General Whiting with 6.34 productivity.
233. fjortisno1 with 6.29 productivity.
234. Weerwolf with 6.27 productivity.
235. UrCa1988 with 6.2 productivity.
236. Joeb with 6.16 productivity.
237. Super Biscuit with 6.15 productivity.
238. W.S Hong with 6.14 productivity.
239. jessiemac with 6.1 productivity.
240. Artiller with 6.08 productivity.
241. Incanam with 6.08 productivity.
242. HelioCentric with 6.08 productivity.
243. Vicente Malik with 6.07 productivity.
244. Gillz with 6.06 productivity.
245. Chalice with 6.05 productivity.
246. Colorado Savings and Loan with 6 productivity.
247. SoldierFortis with 5.99 productivity.
248. doctor_subtilis with 5.98 productivity.
249. Hans Fitzenworth with 5.98 productivity.
250. mwen with 5.92 productivity.
251. Buddydude with 5.9 productivity.
252. Michelangelo with 5.89 productivity.
253. Captain Hook with 5.86 productivity.
254. Plaghen with 5.86 productivity.
255. Wife of ReverendVW with 5.84 productivity.
256. Brons with 5.81 productivity.
257. Rhinehold with 5.81 productivity.
258. Leold with 5.81 productivity.
259. Platonic with 5.8 productivity.
260. Enzo Cavallino with 5.78 productivity.
261. neville with 5.77 productivity.
262. Joeph Cole with 5.77 productivity.
263. Z007 with 5.76 productivity.
264. John Dilinger with 5.73 productivity.
265. Logan Olsson with 5.71 productivity.
266. bobbob210 with 5.68 productivity.
267. DuzzyD with 5.67 productivity.
268. danty with 5.66 productivity.
269. chonay with 5.64 productivity.
270. Kevin Reithoffer with 5.63 productivity.
271. bosko with 5.62 productivity.
272. Jeremy Slider with 5.62 productivity.
273. Matthew Carter with 5.62 productivity.
274. EDEdDNEdDYFaN with 5.61 productivity.
275. destituere with 5.59 productivity.
276. Retdas with 5.57 productivity.
277. Nezerbaid with 5.55 productivity.
278. Superking with 5.49 productivity.
279. Alexander Hamilton with 5.47 productivity.
280. grandtheft with 5.46 productivity.
281. popupman with 5.43 productivity.
282. Jabberwock with 5.37 productivity.
283. Salmon Corporation with 5.36 productivity.
284. Vienna HOLDING with 5.36 productivity.
285. Starshard with 5.35 productivity.
286. Lonsdill with 5.34 productivity.
287. Uncle John with 5.33 productivity.
288. mcbumface with 5.3 productivity.
289. Joule with 5.27 productivity.
290. Niesny with 5.26 productivity.
291. Tendo with 5.2 productivity.
292. Zpetsnaz with 5.19 productivity.
293. Magenta Girl with 5.18 productivity.
294. Kartan with 5.18 productivity.
295. akascrub with 5.15 productivity.
296. Siosilvar Silareth with 5.15 productivity.
297. Physikal with 5.12 productivity.
298. katara with 5.11 productivity.
299. Izawa with 5.1 productivity.
300. Master G Funk with 5.04 productivity.
301. Mr_Henley with 5.03 productivity.
302. Cloelia with 5 productivity.
303. limpingjaret with 4.99 productivity.
304. PoppyCrinkle with 4.97 productivity.
305. Vox Imperatoris with 4.96 productivity.
306. nidentify with 4.94 productivity.
307. autocad with 4.9 productivity.
308. chickadee with 4.89 productivity.
309. Vamires with 4.88 productivity.
310. Alexander Blair with 4.87 productivity.
311. Kyle Schmidt with 4.85 productivity.
312. Billy Shears with 4.84 productivity.
313. Richie Von Rich with 4.84 productivity.
314. Occipital with 4.8 productivity.
315. Constantine I with 4.8 productivity.
316. John Goodman with 4.7 productivity.
317. icebaby with 4.7 productivity.
318. Okin Rebiets with 4.69 productivity.
319. Rovert Sdlua with 4.69 productivity.
320. babipaz with 4.69 productivity.
321. william963 with 4.68 productivity.
322. fischer with 4.62 productivity.
323. Pandu with 4.6 productivity.
324. projektaces with 4.6 productivity.
325. Fredrick Lincoln with 4.56 productivity.
326. tuti fruti with 4.52 productivity.
327. Robert Harding with 4.52 productivity.
328. Timoe with 4.5 productivity.
329. Sequence with 4.42 productivity.
330. heros_08 with 4.4 productivity.
331. Nave Saikiliah with 4.37 productivity.
332. Sandor Clegane with 4.37 productivity.
333. KDog with 4.32 productivity.
334. Capt.Wolf with 4.32 productivity.
335. Scurvey with 4.24 productivity.
336. Santorini with 4.22 productivity.
337. Angelina Jolie with 4.2 productivity.
338. scweiss1 with 4.18 productivity.
339. involved6 with 4.18 productivity.
340. Doomba with 4.16 productivity.
341. Walt Disney with 4.11 productivity.
342. Giovanni Marinello with 4.1 productivity.
343. Pharoahchris with 4.07 productivity.
344. quica with 4.05 productivity.
345. Tiberius with 4 productivity.
346. King David with 4 productivity.
347. TheGuyOnYoutube with 4 productivity.
348. HsynKrdy with 4 productivity.
349. Drecq with 4 productivity.
350. Pi3l0rd with 4 productivity.
351. SteveDiGiorgio with 3.96 productivity.
352. Ferdinand Black with 3.94 productivity.
353. Atom Powell with 3.92 productivity.
354. evanmontegarde with 3.9 productivity.
355. YouDance with 3.89 productivity.
356. zoe with 3.88 productivity.
357. Ryan Bridge with 3.86 productivity.
358. Verify’s Controller with 3.85 productivity.
359. That tall guy you know with 3.84 productivity.
360. angga_nedved with 3.83 productivity.
361. Alejandro Lander with 3.83 productivity.
362. tatiana clara with 3.82 productivity.
363. Badaboom with 3.78 productivity.
364. Peter Griffin with 3.78 productivity.
365. bzelger with 3.78 productivity.
366. John Kay with 3.75 productivity.
367. katia laura with 3.71 productivity.
368. Dj Tash with 3.71 productivity.
369. Socksy with 3.65 productivity.
370. andrewcool with 3.65 productivity.
371. pedro jose loly with 3.65 productivity.
372. Sonra with 3.6 productivity.
373. M!StErY with 3.56 productivity.
374. daVinci with 3.56 productivity.
375. MidWestern with 3.56 productivity.
376. Varrah with 3.53 productivity.
377. Stellaluna with 3.52 productivity.
378. LawDawg with 3.52 productivity.
379. RaiTheHero with 3.49 productivity.
380. gilzero7 with 3.4 productivity.
381. czah with 3.36 productivity.
382. jonigood with 3.3 productivity.
383. blitzkone with 3.24 productivity.
384. Grimbold with 3.2 productivity.
385. drivemaniac with 3.16 productivity.
386. Bilkins with 3.14 productivity.
387. Frank V. Lindsey with 3.14 productivity.
388. rebecca2007 with 3.04 productivity.
389. Federal Reserve with 3 productivity.
390. SunTrust Bank with 3 productivity.
391. Internetus Internetian with 3 productivity.
392. Mercenary Account with 3 productivity.
393. US Business Capital with 3 productivity.
394. horseman fame with 3 productivity.
395. Pesty Lints with 3 productivity.
396. Whores Man Warren with 3 productivity.
397. jjjamie with 3 productivity.
398. american hun with 3 productivity.
399. The assassination of rick jame with 3 productivity.
400. superdave matthews with 2.96 productivity.
401. scotywest with 2.94 productivity.
402. ecw he man with 2.94 productivity.
403. United States Lottery with 2.92 productivity.
404. b4d455 with 2.91 productivity.
405. US News and Classifieds with 2.9 productivity.
406. FAQS Corporation with 2.9 productivity.
407. duckin’ with 2.88 productivity.
408. lafa with 2.88 productivity.
409. CivilianJones with 2.88 productivity.
410. zardolo with 2.88 productivity.
411. bberry pi with 2.86 productivity.
412. Ferin with 2.86 productivity.
413. SparkiestAsh with 2.86 productivity.
414. misty bus with 2.84 productivity.
415. colossu5 with 2.84 productivity.
416. Kenshin with 2.81 productivity.
417. Marcaccio with 2.8 productivity.
418. Steve Peterson with 2.8 productivity.
419. Jerri with 2.78 productivity.
420. MCNano117 with 2.77 productivity.
421. koolbeans with 2.77 productivity.
422. Robert Jadloski with 2.75 productivity.
423. Intoxicados with 2.72 productivity.
424. sakura_chan375 with 2.71 productivity.
425. sunatani with 2.7 productivity.
426. Vladimir Rosotovoj with 2.69 productivity.
427. alfonso carlo with 2.66 productivity.
428. Enron with 2.66 productivity.
429. Humpty with 2.66 productivity.
430. Department of Defense with 2.64 productivity.
431. Gamblor! with 2.64 productivity.
432. xylex with 2.62 productivity.
433. omen with 2.6 productivity.
434. Cowboy22 with 2.6 productivity.
435. Infernalstein with 2.6 productivity.
436. Parsistamon with 2.6 productivity.
437. Urb Iwerks with 2.6 productivity.
438. Kevin Cravens with 2.59 productivity.
439. Neutral Bank with 2.56 productivity.
440. honda55 with 2.54 productivity.
441. Harrisburg Bank with 2.54 productivity.
442. Tyler with 2.52 productivity.
443. Kamilla Cubana with 2.52 productivity.
444. Cajun style Kane with 2.5 productivity.
445. candy77×42 with 2.5 productivity.
446. Wholepn show with 2.5 productivity.
447. cold brew scorpio with 2.5 productivity.
448. therapists with 2.5 productivity.
449. Ravens flock of seagulls with 2.5 productivity.
450. retired funk with 2.5 productivity.
451. bigred martini with 2.5 productivity.
452. Bender Rodriguez with 2.48 productivity.
453. lovable scamp with 2.48 productivity.
454. kal gary with 2.48 productivity.
455. Furuo with 2.46 productivity.
456. Undead Auron with 2.46 productivity.
457. hedonism butt with 2.46 productivity.
458. prow the row with 2.46 productivity.
459. scootie puff JR with 2.46 productivity.
460. thegnat with 2.46 productivity.
461. hellen fax with 2.46 productivity.
462. don frederick with 2.46 productivity.
463. Geosojda with 2.45 productivity.
464. Caius with 2.42 productivity.
465. Mystik Lenguist with 2.42 productivity.
466. oh high oh hermit with 2.42 productivity.
467. jones fruit with 2.42 productivity.
468. Garden boy with 2.42 productivity.
469. maxsimos with 2.42 productivity.
470. WhiteKnight with 2.41 productivity.
471. Super King with 2.4 productivity.
472. biggs pender with 2.4 productivity.
473. Teamsters Union with 2.4 productivity.
474. Florida Commerce Bank with 2.4 productivity.
475. Manana with 2.4 productivity.
476. big john little with 2.4 productivity.
477. sir rottingham with 2.4 productivity.
478. mary maid with 2.4 productivity.
479. bowl john with 2.4 productivity.
480. Latrine with 2.4 productivity.
481. broom handle with 2.4 productivity.
482. shelly rocker with 2.4 productivity.
483. marthaman with 2.4 productivity.
484. One Ltd with 2.4 productivity.
485. Jache Henja with 2.4 productivity.
486. agra with 2.4 productivity.
487. Sarastani with 2.4 productivity.
488. Sordo Milits with 2.4 productivity.
489. alex anderson with 2.38 productivity.
490. El Cartographer with 2.38 productivity.
491. wiimario with 2.38 productivity.
492. grand muftie with 2.38 productivity.
493. Brian Chang with 2.38 productivity.
494. darkhunter139 with 2.38 productivity.
495. goldiloch with 2.35 productivity.
496. ahsneese with 2.34 productivity.
497. bowie and arrow with 2.32 productivity.
498. shortyway with 2.32 productivity.
499. losgorygos with 2.32 productivity.
500. Peckerwood14 with 2.32 productivity.
501. integ greg with 2.32 productivity.
502. theodore ted with 2.32 productivity.
503. Shattered Dreams with 2.32 productivity.
504. Magic Bandit with 2.32 productivity.
505. uneven flow with 2.32 productivity.
506. Gay Banditos with 2.32 productivity.
507. danny calf with 2.32 productivity.
508. green tides with 2.32 productivity.
509. spicy beef with 2.32 productivity.
510. Strange Glove with 2.32 productivity.
511. Potatoes in arms with 2.3 productivity.
512. droppa load with 2.3 productivity.
513. tall girth with 2.3 productivity.
514. h spamson with 2.3 productivity.
515. Will Scarlet Ohara with 2.3 productivity.
516. eh blinkin with 2.3 productivity.
517. Diamond Joe with 2.3 productivity.
518. Diamond with 2.28 productivity.
519. Peramort with 2.26 productivity.
520. Poker Corp with 2.24 productivity.
521. Deathtoll32 with 2.24 productivity.
522. your2slow with 2.23 productivity.
523. Mongoose Corp with 2.2 productivity.
524. fatwa with 2.18 productivity.
525. Duckiee with 2.18 productivity.
526. nami125 with 2.16 productivity.
527. face dreamer with 2.16 productivity.
528. HBK with 2.16 productivity.
529. spider monkey with 2.16 productivity.
530. chicken faginas with 2.16 productivity.
531. lonely b with 2.12 productivity.
532. fecal gray matter with 2.12 productivity.
533. kentucky joe with 2.12 productivity.
534. Bank of Hawaii with 2.12 productivity.
535. Southern Central Holdings with 2.1 productivity.
536. Dugonia Industries-US with 2.1 productivity.
537. smokin jerome with 2.08 productivity.
538. magic dust! with 2.08 productivity.
539. glerm of slumo with 2.08 productivity.
540. 19thTornadoMan with 2.07 productivity.
541. Kamos with 2.07 productivity.
542. boobbuster with 2.06 productivity.
543. emblem with 2.06 productivity.
544. bakaeigo with 2.04 productivity.
545. vueyang1 with 2.04 productivity.
546. pasare with 2.04 productivity.
547. SoulGroup with 2.04 productivity.
548. Constantine Opal with 2.04 productivity.
549. Dean Sausage with 2.04 productivity.
550. bow of david with 2.04 productivity.
551. martin33 with 2.02 productivity.
552. Freelancers Journal with 2.02 productivity.
553. Robot Bob_ with 2.02 productivity.
554. Dark_Tide with 2.02 productivity.
555. Natalie neatball with 2.02 productivity.
556. Toboe with 2.02 productivity.
557. lops with 2.02 productivity.
558. anaruk with 2.02 productivity.
559. LargeRichard with 2.02 productivity.
560. prairie dog Price with 1.98 productivity.
561. Patriotic Bank with 1.98 productivity.
562. Democratic Party with 1.98 productivity.
563. Metropolitan Corp. - USA with 1.96 productivity.
564. b4d4550 with 1.96 productivity.
565. warriah! with 1.96 productivity.
566. SacredCrimson with 1.96 productivity.
567. nugat cat with 1.94 productivity.
568. lobsterzman with 1.94 productivity.
569. Mister Zellers with 1.94 productivity.
570. Lemay the retard with 1.94 productivity.
571. Justin Credible with 1.9 productivity.
572. mrchudson with 1.9 productivity.
573. SoulTraining with 1.9 productivity.
574. gonzoct with 1.9 productivity.
575. SubcontinentalX with 1.9 productivity.
576. MrHorrible with 1.9 productivity.
577. Bank of New York with 1.9 productivity.
578. count toglorp with 1.9 productivity.
579. stepwinder with 1.9 productivity.
580. ChefParker with 1.88 productivity.
581. contempt with 1.87 productivity.
582. mamones with 1.86 productivity.
583. GMRghost with 1.85 productivity.
584. Acada with 1.84 productivity.
585. sota jones with 1.84 productivity.
586. red febtober with 1.84 productivity.
587. Kenaday! with 1.84 productivity.
588. Anus and Andy with 1.84 productivity.
589. martin mittens with 1.84 productivity.
590. shark3006 with 1.84 productivity.
591. San with 1.8 productivity.
592. LiLManhatten with 1.8 productivity.
593. KuckooForCocoa with 1.8 productivity.
594. velotta43 with 1.8 productivity.
595. NEJI with 1.8 productivity.
596. Giantsbran1227 with 1.8 productivity.
597. Esci with 1.8 productivity.
598. MelTien with 1.8 productivity.
599. Jack Sterson with 1.78 productivity.
600. Payrolls with 1.78 productivity.
601. Julius Enigmanimus with 1.76 productivity.
602. Donovan Rhodes with 1.76 productivity.
603. Ragnar D’Anconia with 1.76 productivity.
604. Araym with 1.73 productivity.
605. mike the legend with 1.72 productivity.
606. Darrion with 1.7 productivity.
607. muzeta with 1.7 productivity.
608. al.parvu with 1.7 productivity.
609. DictatorHobbes with 1.7 productivity.
610. hw toadson with 1.7 productivity.
611. glop ben with 1.7 productivity.
612. ultra mark with 1.7 productivity.
613. Saint Angeles with 1.7 productivity.
614. AppealDenied with 1.7 productivity.
615. QueenJesse with 1.7 productivity.
616. nuclear comedy with 1.7 productivity.
617. bla martini with 1.7 productivity.
618. minipiza with 1.7 productivity.
619. PriSCo with 1.7 productivity.
620. James Andersson with 1.7 productivity.
621. Durock with 1.7 productivity.
622. Vem with 1.7 productivity.
623. Jeremy Coleman with 1.7 productivity.
624. mlakerk with 1.68 productivity.
625. DoD Medic with 1.68 productivity.
626. Oslosen with 1.68 productivity.
627. xin with 1.68 productivity.
628. Lord Tinsdale with 1.65 productivity.
629. ojek with 1.64 productivity.
630. martian short with 1.64 productivity.
631. war hamper with 1.64 productivity.
632. znu with 1.64 productivity.
633. International Lottery with 1.62 productivity.
634. HexMex with 1.6 productivity.
635. bringon kong with 1.6 productivity.
636. plumjam with 1.6 productivity.
637. Gambit83 with 1.6 productivity.
638. Micheal Clayton with 1.6 productivity.
639. Amare Cuore with 1.6 productivity.
640. dessyh with 1.6 productivity.
641. thatgunskid with 1.6 productivity.
642. Blademaster with 1.6 productivity.
643. jaison with 1.6 productivity.
644. final with 1.6 productivity.
645. jfang with 1.6 productivity.
646. amin_aliyar_1 with 1.6 productivity.
647. CCharlie with 1.6 productivity.
648. FTD with 1.6 productivity.
649. The all Seeing Eye with 1.6 productivity.
650. sniperliker with 1.6 productivity.
651. bahnammer with 1.6 productivity.
652. cukmai with 1.6 productivity.
653. raywinston with 1.6 productivity.
654. Cody Kilbourne with 1.58 productivity.
655. Currency Exchange with 1.58 productivity.
656. darsono with 1.58 productivity.
657. dinostar with 1.58 productivity.
658. callofduty with 1.58 productivity.
659. Dr Eam the Ater with 1.56 productivity.
660. El diablo magic with 1.56 productivity.
661. caros moocho with 1.56 productivity.
662. Billybobgeorgebob with 1.54 productivity.
663. Matt H with 1.54 productivity.
664. Fire Beard with 1.52 productivity.
665. dragonballxxx with 1.5 productivity.
666. Black|Ant with 1.5 productivity.
667. Ncohen with 1.5 productivity.
668. fartmonkey1029 with 1.48 productivity.
669. calculatron with 1.48 productivity.
670. naked screaming carter with 1.48 productivity.
671. Mitchellman with 1.46 productivity.
672. lenny carles with 1.44 productivity.
673. Galen with 1.43 productivity.
674. crabby hoth with 1.42 productivity.
675. crust o bread with 1.42 productivity.
676. Jonne Core with 1.4 productivity.
677. Jaci with 1.4 productivity.
678. Vourn with 1.39 productivity.
679. Oscar Bhindi with 1.38 productivity.
680. memacho! with 1.32 productivity.
681. busher with 1.3 productivity.
682. zuukou with 1.3 productivity.
683. Nathaniel Cohen with 1.3 productivity.
684. MarshallOD with 1.3 productivity.
685. Ryan009 with 1.3 productivity.
686. Gander with 1.3 productivity.
687. Tarede with 1.3 productivity.
688. Gilford with 1.3 productivity.
689. Monetz with 1.3 productivity.
690. Raeter with 1.3 productivity.
691. Innuendoo with 1.3 productivity.
692. Nelligan with 1.3 productivity.
693. funk with 1.3 productivity.
694. fucker with 1.3 productivity.
695. honey with 1.3 productivity.
696. US Unemployment Office with 1.3 productivity.
697. jersey Cottonballs with 1.3 productivity.
698. Rexholm with 1.28 productivity.
699. q7×6 with 1.27 productivity.
700. Wife of Graytap with 1.22 productivity.
701. buggs_moran with 1.2 productivity.
702. 0×822 with 1.2 productivity.
703. 0×821 with 1.2 productivity.
704. Liz_Pink with 1.2 productivity.
705. Broah43 with 1.2 productivity.
706. Trumpet with 1.2 productivity.
707. m cor dallas with 1.2 productivity.
708. thonier with 1.18 productivity.
709. borisky with 1.18 productivity.
710. Matrix Twin Gary with 1.1 productivity.
711. HBKiller with 1.1 productivity.
712. Falatete with 1.1 productivity.
713. ecorp with 1.1 productivity.
714. Valeria Ivanka with 1.1 productivity.
715. twfrank with 1.1 productivity.
716. butterfly saint with 1.1 productivity.
717. hamerval with 1.1 productivity.
718. Eastfox with 1.1 productivity.
719. TaranWanderer with 1.1 productivity.
720. agarcia with 1.1 productivity.
721. Foreign Intelligence Agency with 1.08 productivity.
722. ceaser lion with 1.08 productivity.
723. runny utatime with 1.08 productivity.
724. Rediculatron with 1.06 productivity.
725. Lord Nibbler with 1.06 productivity.
726. Captain Yesterday with 1.06 productivity.
727. spArx with 1.06 productivity.
728. sasuke kun10 with 1.02 productivity.
729. TNAfan121 with 1 productivity.
730. Artemis Entreri with 1 productivity.
731. CJ Arrow with 1 productivity.
732. gary chandelir with 1 productivity.
733. Gridlock777 with 1 productivity.
734. chainsaw charlie with 1 productivity.
735. fords pet rock with 1 productivity.
736. selut nate with 1 productivity.
737. cobler wooman with 1 productivity.
738. deathbysnusnu with 1 productivity.
739. slimbabies with 1 productivity.
740. sanrein.col with 1 productivity.
741. Magician with 1 productivity.
742. v!nsAne with 1 productivity.
743. theitgirl with 1 productivity.
744. uooju with 1 productivity.
745. Alkhira with 1 productivity.
746. [F]ox with 1 productivity.
747. Mikevvv with 1 productivity.
748. Paki Spy 2 with 1 productivity.
749. Heinst Clamish with 1 productivity.
750. Cross Crown with 1 productivity.
Here are theearly rankings for the 21st of May:
1. Jay Musick with 17.23 productivity.
2. Jesus Christo with 17.1 productivity.
3. tybeck with 17.08 productivity.
4. Coin with 16.86 productivity.
5. RoByte with 16.47 productivity.
6. Balian Ibelin with 16.32 productivity.
7. Guerilla_Jones with 16.11 productivity.
8. Ekim Gram with 15.9 productivity.
9. Jenks with 15.87 productivity.
10. Pearlswine with 15.84 productivity.
11. Zombie Jesus with 15.78 productivity.
12. Dumininja with 15.78 productivity.
13. jankems with 15.6 productivity.
14. wopboy with 15.56 productivity.
15. starrysothoth with 15.46 productivity.
16. Shinryuu with 15.41 productivity.
17. Will Pilgrim with 15.35 productivity.
18. Biff StrongGuy with 15.3 productivity.
19. Magnitude with 15.27 productivity.
20. Dudemaster47 with 15.27 productivity.
21. thomas06141991 with 15.21 productivity.
22. Shadowlord with 15.18 productivity.
23. krokodil with 15.1 productivity.
24. Luminary with 15.09 productivity.
25. EEric with 15.09 productivity.
26. Dishmcds with 15 productivity.
27. MacMuffin with 14.82 productivity.
28. PakiDERP with 14.73 productivity.
29. 8-Bit Pirate with 14.69 productivity.
30. Atlas Argento with 14.69 productivity.
31. InfernoSD with 14.64 productivity.
32. Sooz with 14.6 productivity.
33. Jefepato with 14.48 productivity.
34. Arbot with 14.47 productivity.
35. Franz Fanon with 14.18 productivity.
36. Maiashk with 14.16 productivity.
37. Deus Absconditus with 14.15 productivity.
38. CannonFolly with 14.12 productivity.
39. BodyBags with 14.07 productivity.
40. Lazor with 13.97 productivity.
41. Archibald with 13.89 productivity.
42. Et Tu Brute with 13.69 productivity.
43. Anonyherpes with 13.62 productivity.
44. Salvador Dali with 13.53 productivity.
45. Nico Walser with 13.53 productivity.
46. Mardoc with 13.44 productivity.
47. soccerguy03 with 13.41 productivity.
48. Etarip with 13.38 productivity.
49. Lauryl with 13.31 productivity.
50. Moriet with 13.26 productivity.
51. Caesar Augustus with 13.06 productivity.
52. Kosmo with 13.03 productivity.
53. Bock Hebetude with 13 productivity.
54. TheSupernatural with 12.93 productivity.
55. numen with 12.79 productivity.
56. ShellMethod with 12.63 productivity.
57. SJ Alain with 12.63 productivity.
58. Lex Luthor with 12.59 productivity.
59. NicB with 12.55 productivity.
60. Olu Dara with 12.54 productivity.
61. Acid with 12.49 productivity.
62. J. Olafur Palfi with 12.36 productivity.
63. Diarmuid Trelsman with 12.33 productivity.
64. Arve Mennderchukk with 12.27 productivity.
65. cashoarder with 12.27 productivity.
66. xkrakenx with 12.22 productivity.
67. Benn Dover with 12.18 productivity.
68. Hoopity with 12.18 productivity.
69. SigniferOne with 12.16 productivity.
70. Apu Nahasapeemapetilon with 12.11 productivity.
71. Carl Machicao with 12.1 productivity.
72. Mr. Barbossa with 12.1 productivity.
73. ReverendVW with 12.09 productivity.
74. Fati Gamer with 12.09 productivity.
75. theStevinator with 12.03 productivity.
76. Jyles with 11.75 productivity.
77. Epic Fail Guy with 11.7 productivity.
78. sporty8045 with 11.7 productivity.
79. Asamov with 11.66 productivity.
80. Alex Righte with 11.52 productivity.
81. RaidOverMoscow with 11.5 productivity.
82. Rusty Randy with 11.44 productivity.
83. Esoom with 11.44 productivity.
84. EdwardBlake with 11.32 productivity.
85. Darren Augustus Caesar with 11.17 productivity.
86. Kemiv with 11.13 productivity.
87. Layne Kantor with 11.11 productivity.
88. Cuz with 11.11 productivity.
89. Cougarkhan with 11.04 productivity.
90. Citizensane with 11.03 productivity.
91. Apophis with 11.03 productivity.
92. AxeGunner with 11.02 productivity.
93. Patrick Cornell with 10.93 productivity.
94. Broomker with 10.87 productivity.
95. Yazzy with 10.82 productivity.
96. Darth Green Grape with 10.72 productivity.
97. Lombax with 10.65 productivity.
98. Bunby with 10.62 productivity.
99. Walter Schiess with 10.58 productivity.
100. Lucios Nava with 10.51 productivity.
101. Herb Dean with 10.4 productivity.
102. Peet15 with 10.36 productivity.
103. doin work with 10.35 productivity.
104. MarkCwaz with 10.35 productivity.
105. Aurelius with 10.3 productivity.
106. Lupus Mucro with 10.19 productivity.
107. falk aspargs with 10.09 productivity.
108. Uncle Sam with 10.05 productivity.
109. Wife of Graytap with 10.05 productivity.
110. Rydeft with 10.04 productivity.
111. Chubnasty with 10.04 productivity.
112. LaughingHands with 10 productivity.
113. luighirep with 9.98 productivity.
114. miguelguerin with 9.9 productivity.
115. Densmai with 9.84 productivity.
116. Gouryella Technics with 9.76 productivity.
117. Meanie Ferret Man with 9.75 productivity.
118. Robotra-Chan with 9.65 productivity.
119. IEatWaffles with 9.65 productivity.
120. Kevin Gregory with 9.39 productivity.
121. Joseph Salute with 9.38 productivity.
122. D Low with 9.37 productivity.
123. King Deaner with 9.31 productivity.
124. Geb Tordon with 9.29 productivity.
125. jimmy2007 with 9.29 productivity.
126. Cowboy with 9.28 productivity.
127. Taiyou with 9.22 productivity.
128. jmatic with 9.15 productivity.
129. DC Shatner with 9.15 productivity.
130. Kirkex with 9.13 productivity.
131. Billgasen with 9.13 productivity.
132. Desertfalcon with 9.08 productivity.
133. Drhdylan88 with 9.04 productivity.
134. naruto kun10 with 9.04 productivity.
135. Cyril957 with 9.03 productivity.
136. GrayTap with 9 productivity.
137. Deel Beson with 8.98 productivity.
138. Method with 8.95 productivity.
139. Markel with 8.93 productivity.
140. dilidoh with 8.78 productivity.
141. Zachary Slayback with 8.7 productivity.
142. Moshe Herzl with 8.69 productivity.
143. 173comhome with 8.65 productivity.
144. ilyria with 8.54 productivity.
145. Websta with 8.51 productivity.
146. Michael Di Natale with 8.47 productivity.
147. DeltaFiveSix with 8.47 productivity.
148. Invicta with 8.47 productivity.
149. Freakz19 with 8.45 productivity.
150. NintendoStar with 8.4 productivity.
151. Sharkman with 8.38 productivity.
152. Owen Blacknight with 8.35 productivity.
153. Gamesta with 8.34 productivity.
154. lupuswolf with 8.28 productivity.
155. Shikao with 8.28 productivity.
156. stout with 8.27 productivity.
157. Kevin with 8.27 productivity.
158. Ianus with 8.26 productivity.
159. Bahamut with 8.22 productivity.
160. Maalygos with 8.22 productivity.
161. Paige with 8.22 productivity.
162. raptorz44 with 8.21 productivity.
163. Vermin with 8.21 productivity.
164. crockhunter with 8.12 productivity.
165. ExoM7 with 8.11 productivity.
166. Mike W. with 8.1 productivity.
167. Dante Adams with 8.08 productivity.
168. James Kirk with 8.06 productivity.
169. Jaxx with 8 productivity.
170. tyler fortier (seoulspirit) with 7.95 productivity.
171. flawedmatrix with 7.94 productivity.
172. Coetz with 7.92 productivity.
173. Korbin King with 7.92 productivity.
174. cashuews with 7.85 productivity.
175. Hani Gamer with 7.83 productivity.
176. Perica with 7.8 productivity.
177. E Sco with 7.75 productivity.
178. Mingdom with 7.72 productivity.
179. Konrad Neumann with 7.71 productivity.
180. Kashmir150 with 7.69 productivity.
181. Daphne Lilac with 7.69 productivity.
182. Dark Adrien with 7.63 productivity.
183. sissoko with 7.62 productivity.
184. Vos with 7.59 productivity.
185. hookfactor2002 with 7.57 productivity.
186. Ron Paul with 7.56 productivity.
187. Justinious McWalburgson III with 7.56 productivity.
188. Cj Will Win with 7.55 productivity.
189. Micahh with 7.54 productivity.
190. Impassive with 7.53 productivity.
191. Tashan Valiant with 7.48 productivity.
192. Tommy Shafter with 7.46 productivity.
193. Fucu with 7.42 productivity.
194. KingLC with 7.32 productivity.
195. Shirou Emiya with 7.31 productivity.
196. 128Mb_MP3 with 7.28 productivity.
197. mandydean with 7.28 productivity.
198. Draygon with 7.25 productivity.
199. Issues with 7.25 productivity.
200. Lew Libertas with 7.22 productivity.
201. Mounties10 with 7.2 productivity.
202. MikeHunt with 7.19 productivity.
203. auboli77 with 7.15 productivity.
204. Festus with 7.14 productivity.
205. gohonaf with 7.08 productivity.
206. Alan White with 7.06 productivity.
207. Tremen with 7.05 productivity.
208. dasanchez with 6.95 productivity.
209. Vergatarius with 6.93 productivity.
210. Ceph with 6.9 productivity.
211. The Man with 6.9 productivity.
212. Hemos with 6.86 productivity.
213. Crash Mann with 6.85 productivity.
214. Rochkano with 6.75 productivity.
215. The Forsaken Outlaw with 6.64 productivity.
216. JamesdaLion with 6.63 productivity.
217. Pranja with 6.61 productivity.
218. TNLNYC with 6.6 productivity.
219. riza89cc with 6.59 productivity.
220. Jason Bourne with 6.55 productivity.
221. doublej with 6.5 productivity.
222. Ty Glewwe with 6.5 productivity.
223. Mila Frerichs with 6.5 productivity.
224. Silens with 6.48 productivity.
225. Farbod.N with 6.47 productivity.
226. sheika23 with 6.45 productivity.
227. Lilith with 6.44 productivity.
228. Rachel Dillon with 6.44 productivity.
229. Vuko with 6.41 productivity.
230. seraphimfall with 6.39 productivity.
231. Aussie Mike with 6.34 productivity.
232. General Whiting with 6.34 productivity.
233. fjortisno1 with 6.29 productivity.
234. Weerwolf with 6.27 productivity.
235. UrCa1988 with 6.2 productivity.
236. Joeb with 6.16 productivity.
237. Super Biscuit with 6.15 productivity.
238. W.S Hong with 6.14 productivity.
239. jessiemac with 6.1 productivity.
240. Artiller with 6.08 productivity.
241. Incanam with 6.08 productivity.
242. HelioCentric with 6.08 productivity.
243. Vicente Malik with 6.07 productivity.
244. Gillz with 6.06 productivity.
245. Chalice with 6.05 productivity.
246. Colorado Savings and Loan with 6 productivity.
247. SoldierFortis with 5.99 productivity.
248. doctor_subtilis with 5.98 productivity.
249. Hans Fitzenworth with 5.98 productivity.
250. mwen with 5.92 productivity.
251. Buddydude with 5.9 productivity.
252. Michelangelo with 5.89 productivity.
253. Captain Hook with 5.86 productivity.
254. Plaghen with 5.86 productivity.
255. Wife of ReverendVW with 5.84 productivity.
256. Brons with 5.81 productivity.
257. Rhinehold with 5.81 productivity.
258. Leold with 5.81 productivity.
259. Platonic with 5.8 productivity.
260. Enzo Cavallino with 5.78 productivity.
261. neville with 5.77 productivity.
262. Joeph Cole with 5.77 productivity.
263. Z007 with 5.76 productivity.
264. John Dilinger with 5.73 productivity.
265. Logan Olsson with 5.71 productivity.
266. bobbob210 with 5.68 productivity.
267. DuzzyD with 5.67 productivity.
268. danty with 5.66 productivity.
269. chonay with 5.64 productivity.
270. Kevin Reithoffer with 5.63 productivity.
271. bosko with 5.62 productivity.
272. Jeremy Slider with 5.62 productivity.
273. Matthew Carter with 5.62 productivity.
274. EDEdDNEdDYFaN with 5.61 productivity.
275. destituere with 5.59 productivity.
276. Retdas with 5.57 productivity.
277. Nezerbaid with 5.55 productivity.
278. Superking with 5.49 productivity.
279. Alexander Hamilton with 5.47 productivity.
280. grandtheft with 5.46 productivity.
281. popupman with 5.43 productivity.
282. Jabberwock with 5.37 productivity.
283. Salmon Corporation with 5.36 productivity.
284. Vienna HOLDING with 5.36 productivity.
285. Starshard with 5.35 productivity.
286. Lonsdill with 5.34 productivity.
287. Uncle John with 5.33 productivity.
288. mcbumface with 5.3 productivity.
289. Joule with 5.27 productivity.
290. Niesny with 5.26 productivity.
291. Tendo with 5.2 productivity.
292. Zpetsnaz with 5.19 productivity.
293. Magenta Girl with 5.18 productivity.
294. Kartan with 5.18 productivity.
295. akascrub with 5.15 productivity.
296. Siosilvar Silareth with 5.15 productivity.
297. Physikal with 5.12 productivity.
298. katara with 5.11 productivity.
299. Izawa with 5.1 productivity.
300. Master G Funk with 5.04 productivity.
301. Mr_Henley with 5.03 productivity.
302. Cloelia with 5 productivity.
303. limpingjaret with 4.99 productivity.
304. PoppyCrinkle with 4.97 productivity.
305. Vox Imperatoris with 4.96 productivity.
306. nidentify with 4.94 productivity.
307. autocad with 4.9 productivity.
308. chickadee with 4.89 productivity.
309. Vamires with 4.88 productivity.
310. Alexander Blair with 4.87 productivity.
311. Kyle Schmidt with 4.85 productivity.
312. Billy Shears with 4.84 productivity.
313. Richie Von Rich with 4.84 productivity.
314. Occipital with 4.8 productivity.
315. Constantine I with 4.8 productivity.
316. John Goodman with 4.7 productivity.
317. icebaby with 4.7 productivity.
318. Okin Rebiets with 4.69 productivity.
319. Rovert Sdlua with 4.69 productivity.
320. babipaz with 4.69 productivity.
321. william963 with 4.68 productivity.
322. fischer with 4.62 productivity.
323. Pandu with 4.6 productivity.
324. projektaces with 4.6 productivity.
325. Fredrick Lincoln with 4.56 productivity.
326. tuti fruti with 4.52 productivity.
327. Robert Harding with 4.52 productivity.
328. Timoe with 4.5 productivity.
329. Sequence with 4.42 productivity.
330. heros_08 with 4.4 productivity.
331. Nave Saikiliah with 4.37 productivity.
332. Sandor Clegane with 4.37 productivity.
333. KDog with 4.32 productivity.
334. Capt.Wolf with 4.32 productivity.
335. Scurvey with 4.24 productivity.
336. Santorini with 4.22 productivity.
337. Angelina Jolie with 4.2 productivity.
338. scweiss1 with 4.18 productivity.
339. involved6 with 4.18 productivity.
340. Doomba with 4.16 productivity.
341. Walt Disney with 4.11 productivity.
342. Giovanni Marinello with 4.1 productivity.
343. Pharoahchris with 4.07 productivity.
344. quica with 4.05 productivity.
345. Tiberius with 4 productivity.
346. King David with 4 productivity.
347. TheGuyOnYoutube with 4 productivity.
348. HsynKrdy with 4 productivity.
349. Drecq with 4 productivity.
350. Pi3l0rd with 4 productivity.
351. SteveDiGiorgio with 3.96 productivity.
352. Ferdinand Black with 3.94 productivity.
353. Atom Powell with 3.92 productivity.
354. evanmontegarde with 3.9 productivity.
355. YouDance with 3.89 productivity.
356. zoe with 3.88 productivity.
357. Ryan Bridge with 3.86 productivity.
358. Verify’s Controller with 3.85 productivity.
359. That tall guy you know with 3.84 productivity.
360. angga_nedved with 3.83 productivity.
361. Alejandro Lander with 3.83 productivity.
362. tatiana clara with 3.82 productivity.
363. Badaboom with 3.78 productivity.
364. Peter Griffin with 3.78 productivity.
365. bzelger with 3.78 productivity.
366. John Kay with 3.75 productivity.
367. katia laura with 3.71 productivity.
368. Dj Tash with 3.71 productivity.
369. Socksy with 3.65 productivity.
370. andrewcool with 3.65 productivity.
371. pedro jose loly with 3.65 productivity.
372. Sonra with 3.6 productivity.
373. M!StErY with 3.56 productivity.
374. daVinci with 3.56 productivity.
375. MidWestern with 3.56 productivity.
376. Varrah with 3.53 productivity.
377. Stellaluna with 3.52 productivity.
378. LawDawg with 3.52 productivity.
379. RaiTheHero with 3.49 productivity.
380. gilzero7 with 3.4 productivity.
381. czah with 3.36 productivity.
382. jonigood with 3.3 productivity.
383. blitzkone with 3.24 productivity.
384. Grimbold with 3.2 productivity.
385. drivemaniac with 3.16 productivity.
386. Bilkins with 3.14 productivity.
387. Frank V. Lindsey with 3.14 productivity.
388. rebecca2007 with 3.04 productivity.
389. Federal Reserve with 3 productivity.
390. SunTrust Bank with 3 productivity.
391. Internetus Internetian with 3 productivity.
392. Mercenary Account with 3 productivity.
393. US Business Capital with 3 productivity.
394. horseman fame with 3 productivity.
395. Pesty Lints with 3 productivity.
396. Whores Man Warren with 3 productivity.
397. jjjamie with 3 productivity.
398. american hun with 3 productivity.
399. The assassination of rick jame with 3 productivity.
400. superdave matthews with 2.96 productivity.
401. scotywest with 2.94 productivity.
402. ecw he man with 2.94 productivity.
403. United States Lottery with 2.92 productivity.
404. b4d455 with 2.91 productivity.
405. US News and Classifieds with 2.9 productivity.
406. FAQS Corporation with 2.9 productivity.
407. duckin’ with 2.88 productivity.
408. lafa with 2.88 productivity.
409. CivilianJones with 2.88 productivity.
410. zardolo with 2.88 productivity.
411. bberry pi with 2.86 productivity.
412. Ferin with 2.86 productivity.
413. SparkiestAsh with 2.86 productivity.
414. misty bus with 2.84 productivity.
415. colossu5 with 2.84 productivity.
416. Kenshin with 2.81 productivity.
417. Marcaccio with 2.8 productivity.
418. Steve Peterson with 2.8 productivity.
419. Jerri with 2.78 productivity.
420. MCNano117 with 2.77 productivity.
421. koolbeans with 2.77 productivity.
422. Robert Jadloski with 2.75 productivity.
423. Intoxicados with 2.72 productivity.
424. sakura_chan375 with 2.71 productivity.
425. sunatani with 2.7 productivity.
426. Vladimir Rosotovoj with 2.69 productivity.
427. alfonso carlo with 2.66 productivity.
428. Enron with 2.66 productivity.
429. Humpty with 2.66 productivity.
430. Department of Defense with 2.64 productivity.
431. Gamblor! with 2.64 productivity.
432. xylex with 2.62 productivity.
433. omen with 2.6 productivity.
434. Cowboy22 with 2.6 productivity.
435. Infernalstein with 2.6 productivity.
436. Parsistamon with 2.6 productivity.
437. Urb Iwerks with 2.6 productivity.
438. Kevin Cravens with 2.59 productivity.
439. Neutral Bank with 2.56 productivity.
440. honda55 with 2.54 productivity.
441. Harrisburg Bank with 2.54 productivity.
442. Tyler with 2.52 productivity.
443. Kamilla Cubana with 2.52 productivity.
444. Cajun style Kane with 2.5 productivity.
445. candy77×42 with 2.5 productivity.
446. Wholepn show with 2.5 productivity.
447. cold brew scorpio with 2.5 productivity.
448. therapists with 2.5 productivity.
449. Ravens flock of seagulls with 2.5 productivity.
450. retired funk with 2.5 productivity.
451. bigred martini with 2.5 productivity.
452. Bender Rodriguez with 2.48 productivity.
453. lovable scamp with 2.48 productivity.
454. kal gary with 2.48 productivity.
455. Furuo with 2.46 productivity.
456. Undead Auron with 2.46 productivity.
457. hedonism butt with 2.46 productivity.
458. prow the row with 2.46 productivity.
459. scootie puff JR with 2.46 productivity.
460. thegnat with 2.46 productivity.
461. hellen fax with 2.46 productivity.
462. don frederick with 2.46 productivity.
463. Geosojda with 2.45 productivity.
464. Caius with 2.42 productivity.
465. Mystik Lenguist with 2.42 productivity.
466. oh high oh hermit with 2.42 productivity.
467. jones fruit with 2.42 productivity.
468. Garden boy with 2.42 productivity.
469. maxsimos with 2.42 productivity.
470. WhiteKnight with 2.41 productivity.
471. Super King with 2.4 productivity.
472. biggs pender with 2.4 productivity.
473. Teamsters Union with 2.4 productivity.
474. Florida Commerce Bank with 2.4 productivity.
475. Manana with 2.4 productivity.
476. big john little with 2.4 productivity.
477. sir rottingham with 2.4 productivity.
478. mary maid with 2.4 productivity.
479. bowl john with 2.4 productivity.
480. Latrine with 2.4 productivity.
481. broom handle with 2.4 productivity.
482. shelly rocker with 2.4 productivity.
483. marthaman with 2.4 productivity.
484. One Ltd with 2.4 productivity.
485. Jache Henja with 2.4 productivity.
486. agra with 2.4 productivity.
487. Sarastani with 2.4 productivity.
488. Sordo Milits with 2.4 productivity.
489. alex anderson with 2.38 productivity.
490. El Cartographer with 2.38 productivity.
491. wiimario with 2.38 productivity.
492. grand muftie with 2.38 productivity.
493. Brian Chang with 2.38 productivity.
494. darkhunter139 with 2.38 productivity.
495. goldiloch with 2.35 productivity.
496. ahsneese with 2.34 productivity.
497. bowie and arrow with 2.32 productivity.
498. shortyway with 2.32 productivity.
499. losgorygos with 2.32 productivity.
500. Peckerwood14 with 2.32 productivity.
501. integ greg with 2.32 productivity.
502. theodore ted with 2.32 productivity.
503. Shattered Dreams with 2.32 productivity.
504. Magic Bandit with 2.32 productivity.
505. uneven flow with 2.32 productivity.
506. Gay Banditos with 2.32 productivity.
507. danny calf with 2.32 productivity.
508. green tides with 2.32 productivity.
509. spicy beef with 2.32 productivity.
510. Strange Glove with 2.32 productivity.
511. Potatoes in arms with 2.3 productivity.
512. droppa load with 2.3 productivity.
513. tall girth with 2.3 productivity.
514. h spamson with 2.3 productivity.
515. Will Scarlet Ohara with 2.3 productivity.
516. eh blinkin with 2.3 productivity.
517. Diamond Joe with 2.3 productivity.
518. Diamond with 2.28 productivity.
519. Peramort with 2.26 productivity.
520. Poker Corp with 2.24 productivity.
521. Deathtoll32 with 2.24 productivity.
522. your2slow with 2.23 productivity.
523. Mongoose Corp with 2.2 productivity.
524. fatwa with 2.18 productivity.
525. Duckiee with 2.18 productivity.
526. nami125 with 2.16 productivity.
527. face dreamer with 2.16 productivity.
528. HBK with 2.16 productivity.
529. spider monkey with 2.16 productivity.
530. chicken faginas with 2.16 productivity.
531. lonely b with 2.12 productivity.
532. fecal gray matter with 2.12 productivity.
533. kentucky joe with 2.12 productivity.
534. Bank of Hawaii with 2.12 productivity.
535. Southern Central Holdings with 2.1 productivity.
536. Dugonia Industries-US with 2.1 productivity.
537. smokin jerome with 2.08 productivity.
538. magic dust! with 2.08 productivity.
539. glerm of slumo with 2.08 productivity.
540. 19thTornadoMan with 2.07 productivity.
541. Kamos with 2.07 productivity.
542. boobbuster with 2.06 productivity.
543. emblem with 2.06 productivity.
544. bakaeigo with 2.04 productivity.
545. vueyang1 with 2.04 productivity.
546. pasare with 2.04 productivity.
547. SoulGroup with 2.04 productivity.
548. Constantine Opal with 2.04 productivity.
549. Dean Sausage with 2.04 productivity.
550. bow of david with 2.04 productivity.
551. martin33 with 2.02 productivity.
552. Freelancers Journal with 2.02 productivity.
553. Robot Bob_ with 2.02 productivity.
554. Dark_Tide with 2.02 productivity.
555. Natalie neatball with 2.02 productivity.
556. Toboe with 2.02 productivity.
557. lops with 2.02 productivity.
558. anaruk with 2.02 productivity.
559. LargeRichard with 2.02 productivity.
560. prairie dog Price with 1.98 productivity.
561. Patriotic Bank with 1.98 productivity.
562. Democratic Party with 1.98 productivity.
563. Metropolitan Corp. - USA with 1.96 productivity.
564. b4d4550 with 1.96 productivity.
565. warriah! with 1.96 productivity.
566. SacredCrimson with 1.96 productivity.
567. nugat cat with 1.94 productivity.
568. lobsterzman with 1.94 productivity.
569. Mister Zellers with 1.94 productivity.
570. Lemay the retard with 1.94 productivity.
571. Justin Credible with 1.9 productivity.
572. mrchudson with 1.9 productivity.
573. SoulTraining with 1.9 productivity.
574. gonzoct with 1.9 productivity.
575. SubcontinentalX with 1.9 productivity.
576. MrHorrible with 1.9 productivity.
577. Bank of New York with 1.9 productivity.
578. count toglorp with 1.9 productivity.
579. stepwinder with 1.9 productivity.
580. ChefParker with 1.88 productivity.
581. contempt with 1.87 productivity.
582. mamones with 1.86 productivity.
583. GMRghost with 1.85 productivity.
584. Acada with 1.84 productivity.
585. sota jones with 1.84 productivity.
586. red febtober with 1.84 productivity.
587. Kenaday! with 1.84 productivity.
588. Anus and Andy with 1.84 productivity.
589. martin mittens with 1.84 productivity.
590. shark3006 with 1.84 productivity.
591. San with 1.8 productivity.
592. LiLManhatten with 1.8 productivity.
593. KuckooForCocoa with 1.8 productivity.
594. velotta43 with 1.8 productivity.
595. NEJI with 1.8 productivity.
596. Giantsbran1227 with 1.8 productivity.
597. Esci with 1.8 productivity.
598. MelTien with 1.8 productivity.
599. Jack Sterson with 1.78 productivity.
600. Payrolls with 1.78 productivity.
601. Julius Enigmanimus with 1.76 productivity.
602. Donovan Rhodes with 1.76 productivity.
603. Ragnar D’Anconia with 1.76 productivity.
604. Araym with 1.73 productivity.
605. mike the legend with 1.72 productivity.
606. Darrion with 1.7 productivity.
607. muzeta with 1.7 productivity.
608. al.parvu with 1.7 productivity.
609. DictatorHobbes with 1.7 productivity.
610. hw toadson with 1.7 productivity.
611. glop ben with 1.7 productivity.
612. ultra mark with 1.7 productivity.
613. Saint Angeles with 1.7 productivity.
614. AppealDenied with 1.7 productivity.
615. QueenJesse with 1.7 productivity.
616. nuclear comedy with 1.7 productivity.
617. bla martini with 1.7 productivity.
618. minipiza with 1.7 productivity.
619. PriSCo with 1.7 productivity.
620. James Andersson with 1.7 productivity.
621. Durock with 1.7 productivity.
622. Vem with 1.7 productivity.
623. Jeremy Coleman with 1.7 productivity.
624. mlakerk with 1.68 productivity.
625. DoD Medic with 1.68 productivity.
626. Oslosen with 1.68 productivity.
627. xin with 1.68 productivity.
628. Lord Tinsdale with 1.65 productivity.
629. ojek with 1.64 productivity.
630. martian short with 1.64 productivity.
631. war hamper with 1.64 productivity.
632. znu with 1.64 productivity.
633. International Lottery with 1.62 productivity.
634. HexMex with 1.6 productivity.
635. bringon kong with 1.6 productivity.
636. plumjam with 1.6 productivity.
637. Gambit83 with 1.6 productivity.
638. Micheal Clayton with 1.6 productivity.
639. Amare Cuore with 1.6 productivity.
640. dessyh with 1.6 productivity.
641. thatgunskid with 1.6 productivity.
642. Blademaster with 1.6 productivity.
643. jaison with 1.6 productivity.
644. final with 1.6 productivity.
645. jfang with 1.6 productivity.
646. amin_aliyar_1 with 1.6 productivity.
647. CCharlie with 1.6 productivity.
648. FTD with 1.6 productivity.
649. The all Seeing Eye with 1.6 productivity.
650. sniperliker with 1.6 productivity.
651. bahnammer with 1.6 productivity.
652. cukmai with 1.6 productivity.
653. raywinston with 1.6 productivity.
654. Cody Kilbourne with 1.58 productivity.
655. Currency Exchange with 1.58 productivity.
656. darsono with 1.58 productivity.
657. dinostar with 1.58 productivity.
658. callofduty with 1.58 productivity.
659. Dr Eam the Ater with 1.56 productivity.
660. El diablo magic with 1.56 productivity.
661. caros moocho with 1.56 productivity.
662. Billybobgeorgebob with 1.54 productivity.
663. Matt H with 1.54 productivity.
664. Fire Beard with 1.52 productivity.
665. dragonballxxx with 1.5 productivity.
666. Black|Ant with 1.5 productivity.
667. Ncohen with 1.5 productivity.
668. fartmonkey1029 with 1.48 productivity.
669. calculatron with 1.48 productivity.
670. naked screaming carter with 1.48 productivity.
671. Mitchellman with 1.46 productivity.
672. lenny carles with 1.44 productivity.
673. Galen with 1.43 productivity.
674. crabby hoth with 1.42 productivity.
675. crust o bread with 1.42 productivity.
676. Jonne Core with 1.4 productivity.
677. Jaci with 1.4 productivity.
678. Vourn with 1.39 productivity.
679. Oscar Bhindi with 1.38 productivity.
680. memacho! with 1.32 productivity.
681. busher with 1.3 productivity.
682. zuukou with 1.3 productivity.
683. Nathaniel Cohen with 1.3 productivity.
684. MarshallOD with 1.3 productivity.
685. Ryan009 with 1.3 productivity.
686. Gander with 1.3 productivity.
687. Tarede with 1.3 productivity.
688. Gilford with 1.3 productivity.
689. Monetz with 1.3 productivity.
690. Raeter with 1.3 productivity.
691. Innuendoo with 1.3 productivity.
692. Nelligan with 1.3 productivity.
693. funk with 1.3 productivity.
694. fucker with 1.3 productivity.
695. honey with 1.3 productivity.
696. US Unemployment Office with 1.3 productivity.
697. jersey Cottonballs with 1.3 productivity.
698. Rexholm with 1.28 productivity.
699. q7×6 with 1.27 productivity.
700. Wife of Graytap with 1.22 productivity.
701. buggs_moran with 1.2 productivity.
702. 0×822 with 1.2 productivity.
703. 0×821 with 1.2 productivity.
704. Liz_Pink with 1.2 productivity.
705. Broah43 with 1.2 productivity.
706. Trumpet with 1.2 productivity.
707. m cor dallas with 1.2 productivity.
708. thonier with 1.18 productivity.
709. borisky with 1.18 productivity.
710. Matrix Twin Gary with 1.1 productivity.
711. HBKiller with 1.1 productivity.
712. Falatete with 1.1 productivity.
713. ecorp with 1.1 productivity.
714. Valeria Ivanka with 1.1 productivity.
715. twfrank with 1.1 productivity.
716. butterfly saint with 1.1 productivity.
717. hamerval with 1.1 productivity.
718. Eastfox with 1.1 productivity.
719. TaranWanderer with 1.1 productivity.
720. agarcia with 1.1 productivity.
721. Foreign Intelligence Agency with 1.08 productivity.
722. ceaser lion with 1.08 productivity.
723. runny utatime with 1.08 productivity.
724. Rediculatron with 1.06 productivity.
725. Lord Nibbler with 1.06 productivity.
726. Captain Yesterday with 1.06 productivity.
727. spArx with 1.06 productivity.
728. sasuke kun10 with 1.02 productivity.
729. TNAfan121 with 1 productivity.
730. Artemis Entreri with 1 productivity.
731. CJ Arrow with 1 productivity.
732. gary chandelir with 1 productivity.
733. Gridlock777 with 1 productivity.
734. chainsaw charlie with 1 productivity.
735. fords pet rock with 1 productivity.
736. selut nate with 1 productivity.
737. cobler wooman with 1 productivity.
738. deathbysnusnu with 1 productivity.
739. slimbabies with 1 productivity.
740. sanrein.col with 1 productivity.
741. Magician with 1 productivity.
742. v!nsAne with 1 productivity.
743. theitgirl with 1 productivity.
744. uooju with 1 productivity.
745. Alkhira with 1 productivity.
746. [F]ox with 1 productivity.
747. Mikevvv with 1 productivity.
748. Paki Spy 2 with 1 productivity.
749. Heinst Clamish with 1 productivity.
750. Cross Crown with 1 productivity.
eRepublik invitations
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